Caldari civilian efforts

I do not take issue with you. I just show you your place and that others will know that your words are not a matter of a fact and that as a liar you can’t be trusted.

Perhaps if a certain “Caldari Officer” was not using this “neutral civilian and State aligned facility” to stage military assets within the system for attacks on Gallente forces throughout the region this attack would never have happened.

Perhaps if these so called “neutral civilians” had reached out to GMVA and WANGS diplomats with a diplomatic request to grant a reprieve, there would be no need for further violence.

But we all know that this structure isn’t “neutral” nor is it “civilian.” Hell, it isn’t even “State aligned.” Templis Dragonaurs are renegades and terrorists who have no true loyalty to the Caldari State.

This Azbel was openly gunned by a Templis CALSF pilot, and it has been observed on multiple occasions by GMVA covert operatives allowing docking access to Templis CALSF terrorists. If there is a battle in defense of the hull timer, it will be forces led by Templis CALSF that come to its defense, along with whatever other pirates they decide to ally themselves with.

Such conviction—worthless while none of it shows in your conduct. Does coquetting with your own echo take the sting out of the consistency of your failures?


We don’t negotiate with pirates and terrorists.
Those who will reach out to enemy diplomats are considered collaborators, which can be considered either criminal offense or a highly amoral act.

Organizing defense of civilian facilities by State Military pilots is a common practice when the said civilian facilities are attacked by enemies or pirates. Or, as in this case, by pirating enemies.

Also, only a complete idiot would consider our alliance terrorist, as we do not conduct terror operations.

You did attack a State industrial facility that is not registered for the war. Yes, it is indeed State aligned, and in this regard not neutral. On the other hand, it is not a valid participant of the war, it’s a civilian target, and thus can be considred a neutral for the CEWMPA conflict.

With your excuse of non-existing “terrorists” you attack civilian targets. You are a pirate and a security threat for New Eden. With the behavior like that you can point on any random State facility, cry foul “terrorists” and attack that. You have no credibility. You’re just a thug.

Spaceborne Capsuleer infrastucture is very hard to justify as ‘civilian’ regardless of how you want to spin it.

Is it neutral or is it State aligned? You contradict yourself because, in your heart of hearts, you know this is a blatant lie. Not a soul in the State falls for your propaganda because of how absurd it is. So absurd indeed that even your fellow militia members refuse your cry for help.

You lie to your fellow soldier, crying out about an attack on a civilian structure. Do you actually think so little of your comrades that you assume they would not help you defend a military installation? Do you fear that, by talking down to your fellow militia members and treating them like children, you have isolated yourself? Does that motivate your lies?

You and your Templis Dragonaurs affiliates threaten the State more than we do simply with your vicious, caustic attitude. Sensible State aligned capsuleers will leave your structure to burn so that a leader who treats them with respect might be able to replace your failed efforts.

See you in about 26 hours.


I have clarified it just two minutes ago. How many times do I need to repeat that?
State aligned, neutral in regards to the official war. Illegal wartarget. Civilian. Though Gallente don’t have strict understanding of the concept it seems. They are known for genociding colonists with their death squads. That’s why the Federation must be destroyed and their atrocities must be stopped.

Funny you put it like that. You seemed content to come to the aid of CRIME . NET against an ‘illegal wartarget’ structure two years ago during the Eugales conflict.

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We can, and we will continue to do so whenever “neutral” facilities provide safe haven to Templis Dragonaur aligned terrorists. Continue to wail and gnash your teeth. Rend your garments and weep. We will burn out every hole you crawl in to hide.

If you care so much for civilian lives, then operate like the “Caldari Officer” you claim to be and only stage your assets in military facilities anchored under a valid CEWPA participant organization.

This structure was gunned by a Templis CALSF capsuleer and on the day of the armor timer. That in and of itself makes it hostile towards the Federation and I don’t know a soul who would disagree with me. Beyond this, it is owned by the “Templis Strategic Division” corporation. I understand you think all Gallenteans are stupid, and maybe I am, but I’m not so stupid I can’t see through an obvious circumvention of CONCORD’s Emergency Powers act to provide a safe haven structure for capsuleers aiding and directly affiliated with the Templis Dragonaurs terrorist group.

That is what Sansha’s Nation does. I don’t think I need to remind you that your friends in Templis Dragonaurs have recently aided Vimoksha Chorus.


Mr. en Welle, Templis Dragonaurs are not a splinter of Sansha’s Nation, but several cells have been noted to be operating in concert with a Sansha’s Nation splinter the Vimoksha Chorus. I have no love for either but I also find misinformation equally disdainful.

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I have edited my statement accordingly; I misread while doing my research on the matter. Thank you for pointing it out.

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Except I don’t have friends in Dragonaurs, especially after my last statement about them. Moreover, maybe you didn’t know or didn’t notice by some awkward reason, that I am actually half Achura.
Well, there is, actually, not an awkward reason for you not noticing that and making these outlandish claims, that you have clarified yourself earlier:

Seems so.

Majority of gallente propaganda, if not all of it, is based on misinformation.

For example, again, calling me a terrorist is not really a lawful accusation, since they never really accused me in any direct illegal act (some special snowflakes did - bringing up even more outlandish claims), but straightforward misinformation just to put a label on their enemies, that they don’t like. Even if this label is absolutely and openly incorrect, they still put it.


Hippity Hoppity your Azbel goes Poppity

No Quarter


No contest from Templis either, it seems.

Do not believe the Templis propaganda, this Azbel housed many dangerous individuals. Dangerous not just to the Federation but, as I mentioned before, even to the State. To the capsuleers in other State affiliated organizations, you may not know it but you have done your State a service by allowing this structure to be destroyed.

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This is why we do not give quarter to the squids. All Caldari are war criminals and should be treated as so.

As the task force commander of the fleet that just took out this wretched space station I tell you now, you will receive no quarter, no reprieve, no diplomacy other than that which is fired from the barrel of a weapon. Your space stations and cities will burn, your fleets will be tossed aside and your people jettisoned to the cold, dark, black. You live and die at our pleasure. Blissfully going about your daily tasks so long as it pleases us to let you do so. We have been distracted as of late, but we are no longer distracted, and are looking at you. Make peace with whatever god you sacrifice to and prepare for your journey.


You don’t really endear yourselves much do you.

I can’t agree with that. Kimmy may be bat ■■■■ crazy, and willing to go to whatever lengths her cognitive dissonance can justify to accomplish her goals (which seems to lack an upper limit at this moment), but the majority of Caldari are actually good people.