Can I log in after midnight my time to get the last days reward for the event?

yea great so i missed it by what, a few hours ? this timer is grandiously stupid as when i claimed my reward yesterday on 2 PM it said i still had a whole day for the event to stop, so i figured id be able to claim the final reward too, but apparently people cant have nice things.

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I logged on on saturday and it said two days. I logged on on sunday and it said 18 hours O.o

Sadly I was asleep when you posted this. That would have been about 6 am my time which I would have woken up for. I don’t get why we don’t get the full day. Today is the 20th. The event said may 20th yet it ends at 11am? It makes no sense.

CCP needs to learn and follow the example of other companies and create unambiguous rules for their product. Hairdryer companies are forced to put warning stickers on their product not to use in bathtubs, while metal ladder companies have to add warnings against using near power lines and to make sure the ladders are on firm foundation. It appears that EVE needs something along these lines to have 0% player confusion.
Idiot-proof EVE!

for those less perceptive: /s

Sure it makes sense, the event started at DT the first day and it ends at DT on the day following the last day (was yesterday, Sunday) so the event has ended as it should. It’s no different than if it were from midnight on day 1 until last day at midnight, in EVE the time is just shifted forward about 11 hours.

It was supposed to be a happy time… This is gonna get ugly.

When did it start? Was it after d/t on 2nd May or 1st May?

Because the event ran 2-20 may - so if it started after d/t on the 2nd, it should end at d/t on the 21st - otherwise it doesn’t follow a logical sequence:

May 2 - starts d/t May 2, finishes d/t May 3
May 3 - starts d/t May 3, finishes d/t May 4
May 4 - starts d/t May 4, finishes d/t May 5
May 5 - starts d/t May 5, finishes d/t May 6
May 6 - starts d/t May 6, finishes d/t May 7
May 7 - starts d/t May 7, finishes d/t May 8
May 8 - starts d/t May 8, finishes d/t May 9
etc, until
May 20 - starts d/t May 20, finishes d/t May 21


Stupidity cannot be cured, nor is it an illness, some people just don’t think before they do things. Those warnings only exist because of companies not wanting to be sued, and that the history of such law suits (primarily in US, as far as I know).

A “day” in EVE has always been from DT to DT.

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Psssst, I’m agreeing with both you and CCP. :roll_eyes:

So is this the official opinion of CCP? That I’m stupid.

None of this semantic ■■■■ matters in the face of the fact that CCP is a company and they have an upset customer on their hands. I’m a working adult. It’s not my fault I didn’t read the fine print so don’t act like I’m either stupid or irresponsible or in the wrong in any way because I misinterpreted unclear marketing.

No, I did not mention you nor was I referring to anyone specific. Only that US has a history of individuals using equipment for something outside of it’s intended use and as a result got hurt or lost something precious to them, and then they sue the Company behind the equipment making “wild” claims that there should have been warnings for such things.

Yes, it is. If you don’t want to screw yourself over then you should always read the fine print. Same goes for any and all EULAs. You only need to read and understand it once and you basically know what all of them say, there may be minor differences but the majority is the same no matter which company or product it is.


Can you answer my question:

When did it start? Was it after d/t on 2nd May or 1st May?

Because the event ran 2-20 may - so if it started after d/t on the 2nd, it should end at d/t on the 21st - otherwise it doesn’t follow a logical sequence:

May 2 - starts d/t May 2, finishes d/t May 3
May 3 - starts d/t May 3, finishes d/t May 4
May 4 - starts d/t May 4, finishes d/t May 5
May 5 - starts d/t May 5, finishes d/t May 6
May 6 - starts d/t May 6, finishes d/t May 7
May 7 - starts d/t May 7, finishes d/t May 8
May 8 - starts d/t May 8, finishes d/t May 9
etc, until
May 20 - starts d/t May 20, finishes d/t May 21

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I wonder how CCP would feel about one of their ISD’s calling people stupid on the forums?

they don’t give a damn - more to the point, they’ll probably just laugh at you and join in

it wouldn’t be the first time

This event was posted, and followed the usual progression, of previous EVE events. It’s from DT to DT, and saying ‘between May 2nd and May 20’ actually means “From downtime in the morning, UTC, of May 2nd (which is 11:00UTC) until downtime on the morning, 11:00 UTC on May 20”.

The problem is that CCP knows what they mean (DT to DT, and UTC, and DT is 11:00, and ‘between’ means ‘including the endpoints’) and most vets should know… but that does not imply the communication is clear, or that less experienced players would know what it means.

We assume you know the usual way we do things around here” is not a good way to do business when you have 10,000 new people trying it out each week.

You can talk about ‘can’t cure stupid’ all you like, but TBH it is the responsibility of the business who is communicating to their client base who are distributed all over the world to clearly and concisely convey the time restrictions.

“This event runs from the end of maintenance 11:15 UTC May 2nd to the beginning of maintenance 11:00 UTC May 20th” is not that hard to type. It can even be done in your standard text paragraph where you say “between May 2 and May 20” with a little asterisk and a note at the bottom.

If, as suggested before, “this always happens”, then perhaps it’s time CCP stopped accusing its’ players of ‘not reading the small print’ (I checked, it’s not in the small print, CCP just assumes you will know how they do things), and instead put the small print in the announcements, where it can actually be read.

You will still receive complaints after that, of course… but at that point it really is on the player, and not on the publisher.

@CCP_Falcon , @CCP_Dopamine : Just adding this to maybe catch your attention, it wouldn’t hurt to add this to a ‘standard practice’ update to people who post events/times.


None of that matters. The point is I’m a long time customer–almost ten years–and CCP stands to lose nothing by just letting me just have the rewards. Or they stand to lose a customer at least temporarily. So why not just be cool about it and hook up the folks who have 15/16 days?

Obviously having logged in 15/16 of the days shows that we intended to log in all 16 days. It shows we were looking forward to the reward and it shows that it sucks for us, the customers who got busy with work.

So its not about who’s right or wrong. It’s about will the company be cool about it or not?

Yes, a much better way to put it.
Should CC a copy to Falcon and Dopamine; at least tag them in your post.
Guess CCP has suffered another case of “assume” in regards to new/returning players and the use of dt for time measurement.

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Is this for real, coming from an ISD? As a complete noob to this game, this response from an ISD has me in complete disgust.

Just wow, and here I really liked the game, but that’s just over the top…the learning curve is high enough (which I like), but if I am going to invest into a game like this (which is years), I look at the entirety of the game to include its customer service and official communications. This will make a great case study of how to not increase your customer base.

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That might sound nice, but CCP doesn’t do customer service - you either carry on playing (and paying) because EVE is still fun or you quit.

If you’re a long term player (multiple accounts) you may wish to reduce your commitment to a company that doesn’t care, but as I said, if your having fun - carry on camping (gates or whatever floats your boat).

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Apparently not so demanding that it keeps you from posting for twenty four hours straight once it’s too late. If you’ve actually been here for ten years and still manage to be willfully ignorant of how CCP presents the timing of its events, there is no hope for you.

I guess I need to add stupid to the entitled procrastination description I posted earlier.