Can I log in after midnight my time to get the last days reward for the event?

Find it mildly ironic that a person who labels himself “Dr.” cannot seem to be able to read,understand, and follow the accepted procedure protocol. The same with having “eardrums” in the name and yet unable to listen to persuasive and logical arguments on why his opinion is incorrect.

Well, this is a RPG, so It’s always fine to pretend to be what you are really not.

So bit of a weird follow up to this. I know 99.99% that i hadn’t managed to log in and claim the final rewards, yet when I went to my redeeming system today, lo and behold, all my accounts had the final days 1m sp reward after all.

now I’m not sure how this happened, but if CCP just quietly ninja’d in the last days rewards for people who managed to claim the second last days that would have been super cool. (and if that is the case, doing it quietly is probably the best way to handle it)

Anyone who didn’t start on the first couple of days and believed 16 days left with 16 items to claim would work out.

Maybe you did, and then had a mild stroke, and forgot about it.

Hey, it happens.

Go see your doctor just in case though. For real.

@Solonius_Rex I really don’t appreciate you hijacking this thread just to argue with everyone and spew douche hattery in every direction.

Edit: I’m shutting it down. Just flagged the thread.


If by Douche hattery, you mean actual facts, arguments, and reasoning, then im sorry that I hijacked this thread with facts, arguments, and reaso- I mean, douche hattery.

I mean, it would be one thing if i were just coming in and replying to everyone with 'HAHAHAHA SUCKS TO BE YOU I GOT MY MILLION SKILL POINTS SUCKA CRYMOREPLZ YOUR TEARS FUEL MY SHIPS."

But I responded to everyone, with actual arguments and reasoning.

I get it, it goes counter to your narrative of “woe is me”, but still.

I don’t like you.

Thats too bad. I like you. :frowning:

Ok buddy.

That was a joke, and Bjorn Tyrson wasnt complaining or arguing or anything. Something nice happened to him, and i was just replying as a joke.

And yeah, I legit like you. You dont seem like a bad guy or anything, and I do feel sympathetic to your cause.

It was never about who’s right or wrong. And yes maybe we shouldn’t feel so entitled, but in my case I’ve played for 10 years… So in my opinion the event should have entitled veterans to the reward regardless of some wack rules. The event should have been designed to make sure folks like me get those skillpoints, because it’s supposed to be a celebration. Generosity would have been in the spirit of things. But instead we had an event thats semantic, and now I’m arguing with someone who probably hasn’t played as long as I have about completely pedantic rules.

You’ve posted 28 times in this thread. Why on earth are you so passionate about denying other people you don’t even know of something they should be entitled to regardless of the rules when it doesn’t even effect you one way or the other?

We have too many people on this planet these days obsessed with what is logically or semantically correct rather than what is morally or justifiably right. We need less of that in the world, and more generosity and kindness. Any other mmo they would have said “Oh you missed the last day? You work really hard? Here have the skillpoints, no problem!” because that is in the spirit of things. Not this nastiness and argumentativeness. It’s just not a good look.

First off, it does affect me. Even if we ignore the fact that, as Martin Luther King JR said, injustice anywhere is an affront to justice everywhere, and that the fair, just thing is that we followed the rules and planned ahead, and you guys didnt, giving out a million skillpoints to people does affect me.

It affects me because a lot of them are going to extract, and sell them, and therefore inject more ISK into our economy.

It affects me because it will create a precedent where complaining about something, will actually change CCPs mind.

Id prefer to live with neither of those being in this game.

Secondly, why SHOULD they be entitlted to it?

You havent actually made an argument, other than “Ive been here a long time”, “It would be nice”, and “Its CCPs fault, but not reallly”.

And thats the problem with entitlement. When people want something that they have no good reason to actually deserve, its a problem.

I, logged in daily. I almost didnt make it, I forgot about the event for 2 days. But thankfully, I did. Every day, before I slept, i went on my computer and logged in and redeemed. This is how I earned, and deserved the gifts.

Ive been playing for 6 years. There are some people who played longer, who did receive the prizes.

So why do you deserve the gifts?

Why do you deserve to be treated specially?

Seriously? Youre going to say that this is immoral? In a video game? Where you didnt follow the rules?

But you know what? Youre right, it would be kind. Nay, it would be merciful to give you those points.

But thats the thing about Mercy and kindness. Both of those are a suspension of justice.

In other words, it would be the opposite. It would be, as you put it, immoral, unjust, to give you the points, when you failed to properly follow the rules.

So youve actually got it completely backwards.

Closed at OP’s request.

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