That is more to do with an out of control legal system that loves to create and develop ambiguity on even the most basic meaning of words, along with the concept of punitive damages and contingency fees and where the lawyers push the concept that you the individual are never at fault. Some of these issues are affecting European countries too.
And it’s a very sad development that we’re seeing EU heading in that direction too…
It has been like that for some time.
So you logged in every day from may 2nd, 24 hours apart, and the screen just went blank when you tried to redeem the final day?
If that’s actually how it went down, then that’s a bug, you should petition. CCP will definitely resolve it for you.
If thats what actually happened, of course.
Came home from work yesterday, log in, event is no longer available… Was on the last box… Great way to disgruntle your player base… Will never try to participate in an event like this again!
Add one more to the annoyed. Was on last day for two accounts.
Or maybe hope for the best but plan for the worst!
Join the club. Next time. By planning ahead.
everyday i could login in the morning and claim my rewards for the previous day. except for the very last reward (1m SP), where the box disappeared entirely. this is ridiculous.
Yes. Maybe next time start at the beginning of the event.
that’s ridiculous. who has the ridiculous inclination to convert time to eve time, then back again and figure out the optimal time to login for a daily reward? i logged in once per day like i was supposed to, and the only time it didn’t work was on the last day. the fact that you want people shafted for such a stupid technicality is ridiculous
it’s clear to me how this happened. because every time zone plays eve, there was a ~X hour window to claim the previous day’s reward. so some people’s daily schedules favored claiming the previous day’s reward during that window, and they had no idea they were doing something wrong because the rewards were flowing on a daily basis. that window for whatever reason did not extend to the very last reward. you think this is fair? its stupid. you arguing here for why this was a good thing is stupid. get a life.
It’s simple; just boot up EVE and look at the clock then compare that to you PCs clock, then you can see how many hours of difference there is, now you can plan ahead knowing what the “eve-time” is.
CET = EVE + 1-2 Hours
USTZs = EVE - 6-9 hours
Australia = EVE + 10-12 hours?
If you intend to play eve for any length of time it would be prudent.
Everything from eve events to forming fleets typically uses eve time because it’s the same for everyone in game.
It is official! CCP responded on Reddit ( another issue) that if you failed to log in per their stated original conditions, you will NOT get the SP reward.
Would link, but too busy enjoying my skill points.
If you had logged on time every day at the start, on May 2nd, you would have all the gifts by now.
The event lasted for 18 days. 16 gifts. Even if, somehow, you missed the first day, you would still have all the gifts.
Lol well I deactivated. Enjoy your dumb game where nothing makes any sense. I have better things to do
Lol so you joined a dumb, boring game just so you could get free gifts? Your priorities for playing and paying for video games is all messed up.
And no, judging by what criteria you choose to play video games, i highly doubt that you have better things to do.
ok nerd. keep defending your spaceship company from the mean subscribers
Oh my. Are those tears of anger?
At the end of the day you have one less person to play with and I don’t have to spend a single penny on a game full of backwards idiots like you who spend your time being nerd hall monitors
Good for us.
Yeah, if only those guys at CCP didnt follow the rules! Thats like, totally fair! How completely backwards for a company to be fair!
If only they made exceptions on a whim, and made it unfair!