Can I log in after midnight my time to get the last days reward for the event?


“You can claim all rewards offered as long as you log in at least 16 times across the event, and they don’t need to be consecutive logins.”

The event is that you have to log during the 2nd to the 20th, for 16 times, resetting after downtime and ending on the 20th.

So, did you? Did you log in once during each downtime, for 16 times, before the may 20th downtime?

If so, then yes, there is something glitched and you have an actual issue.

The first legit issue, infact, in this entire thread.

Yeah, logic, reason and actually thinking about it. Lets ignore all that, because you failed to understand what “Between” and “Within” and “A day” is!

What do you mean by an “EVE day”? A normal Day begins at 0:00 AM and 11:59 PM. CCP even said so, by saying that the event begins on downtime on the 2nd of may.

If “EVE day” as you put it, starts at 11:15 AM UTC, then why did CCP need to say “At daily downtime today” on the 2nd of may? Wouldnt that be unnecessary? After all, we all know that “Eve day” begins at 11:15 AM.

Wait, we dont, and CCP doesnt either. Thats why they specifically states that it begins on downtime.

So yeah, I have no idea what you mean by “Eve day”. Please explain, and feel free to use examples of days being reffered to as “Eve day” or being used with the context of “Eve day” where people instnatly assume that the day begins at downtime.

Yeah, the reward was the most important. And you failed to get it because you didnt log in enough times.

Too bad for you.

And yeah, its still the 20th somewhere, even if its the 21st in EVE UTC time. Its called Timezones.

I hope CCP decides to do the right thing here, and not cater to the really, really, really entitled guys who miscalculated and failed and missed out on the best gift of all.

The gift of love.

Wait, no.

Oh I thought I was talking to CCP. Thanks for clearing that up; who are you? It’s still the 20th bottom line. Please re-read my post.

You thoguht that every other person on this thread was a CCP employee, except yourself?

Im Solonius Rex.

I did. You never questioned why the event began on downtime on the 2nd, and not at 00:00 AM on the 2nd? Maybe you should start questioning things more, instead of accepting the status quo. Become a renegade.

Like me. Im a hardcore maverick renegade.

Ok Mr. renegade. Please show me where it specifies timezone? I’ll wait.

Did you not know what a timezone was? Did you always think that the time indicated in the EVE video game, was the same time for you in your local area?

But in any case:

We’re delighted to announce that the celebration around EVE’s sixteenth anniversary has kicked off with daily downtime today and will run through until May 20th!

Does Denver have a daily downtime in your city?

So you can’t.

I did. What did you think a daily downtime was? Were you confusing it with Denvers daily downtime?

Damn it, I lost all my last day rewards! I appreciate CCP for initially starting this giveaway, and I really enjoyed it. BUT the unambiguous rules if the contest made ne believe that redeeming on the 20th is still okay, even after DT. Yes, an EVE day goes from DT to DT, technically speaking at least, but in the post for the giveaway, this being a giveaway of in-game commodities sold, technically, for money (a subscription), I find the use of so called “EVE days” completely unacceptable in this situation, and I think CCP must respond to that. There have been countless posts here, on reddit, and probably other forums of people getting screwed over by this and frustrated. I extremely urge anyone facing this situation to submit a support ticket to CCP, but please, be polite and respectful to the staff, after all, this is a game, we are all civilised beings here, there is no need for being disruptive, this will only worsen the situation.

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@Solonius Rex

I am not sure what your deal is, why are you so driven to deny other people that have legitimate claims? There are obviously a ton of people that were confused, there is an entire flame reddit thread going with the same issue. This is not 10, 20 or even 100 people just whining. By your logic they must all be wrong…every single one of them. At some point there is probably some merit to these statements…

A word of advise, always assume the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. Are you thinking through the first, second and third order effects of this? What was intended as an event to drive more customer satisfaction and RETENTION is now alienating part of the hard core customer base (really any base new/old in this situation). So it is achieving the opposite of the intended effect. In most companies the person responsible for this, if not rectified satisfactorily would be fired.

  • 1st order effect, CCP loses customers due to their inaction based on this real (or to your point perceived) injustice.

  • 2nd order effect, you have less people that YOU, as a player, will get to play with in an MMO.

  • 3rd order effect the game that you, so much love, disappears before its time is up (I am not saying immediate demise I am saying you take a small chunk of its life expectancy away.).

SO I question…what is YOUR goal here, Is it is to weaken Eve Online’s Bottom Line and therefore the longevity of the game…if so you are doing a good job.

Google this: 10 Tactics for Turning “Grumpy” Customers into Your Biggest Fans

From my little time here (days), I am amazed at the product (Eve Online) and the depth and breadth of this game. There simply is no other SANDBOX game like it on the market… I wish I would have started playing in 2003. It’s like they have pure gold…I hate to see such a good product being marketed and dimished with crappy customer service/support. BTW, you can fix this easily and still have a hardcore, pvp centric SANDBOX game … and no I am not some carebear; and yes you can have my 17 days worth of stuff (point is I have nothing to lose and am not invested…yet I am probably part of their target audience for the “event”).

I submitted a ticket we’ll see what happens. I submitted a previous ticket due to a system malfunction and it was addressed. I am hoping this is an indication that CCP will do the right thing in this case as well.

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Except enabling a ‘whine/make up complaints to get free stuff’ culture like so many restaurants suffer.

You have all completely misunderstood what he’s describing. He’s not calling the op stupid, he’s saying there are stupid people who do stupid things, blame others for it and try to get compensation.

An example is how some plastic shower caps are labelled ‘not suitable for human consumption’ because some dip ■■■■ tried to eat one and sue the company that made it.

ISD sakimura was telling Buoytender_Bob (who was suggesting such a label) that these labels don’t necessarily exist to inform or change peoples behaviour, they are there to prevent law suit.

Since op won’t be suing ccp. Such labels may not be useful. God knows most people don’t read all relevant info.

On the topic, it was clear to me this event would end 20th at downtime…like every other dailies event.

I claimed my prize on the 16th why would one wait another 4 days knowing 1,000,000 sp hung in the balance. I hated loggin in every day but god damn i did it.

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Remember, that this happened 5 months ago. We had a daily login event, 5 months ago. 13 days of EVE, christmas event.

Where were the loads of players complaining that CCP mislead players into thinking that the event would last for one day longer than it stated on the calendar? Where were the players complaining how they didnt get the items because they thought the 28th of december meant downtime on the 29th?

Why wasnt it a problem then?

Oh thats right. Because the rewards were so much better this time around!

Of course. People will complain a lot more when the rewards are better, because they feel entitled!

Meanwhile, the rest of us, actually planned for it. The rest of us, hoped for the best, but planned for the worst.

Should we get a bonus? After all, we were smart. We planned ahead. Would we prefer to have an extra day, as well? Sure! Who wouldnt. But whether we knew it was ending on the 20th or the 21st, we didnt take the risk.

And thats what it boils down to. You had more days, than the amount of gifts, to redeem them.

If it was razor tight, if the amount of days were the same as the number of gifts, I would have more sympathy. Hell, I probably wouldve missed the last day, as I think i missed atleast 2 days. Just simply forgot. So I wrote down “REDEEM EVE ONLINE” on a piece of paper, and stuck it onto the keyboard of my computer, so i wouldnt forget. And now i have my million skill points.

  1. CCP said it was going through from May 2nd to May 20th.

Now, the flag number 1 should be going off in your head: It says 20th. not 21st, but 20th. The event must end on the 20th. Sure, theres a chance it will end on the 21st, but most likely not, since it clearly says, 20th

  1. CCP said it would start on downtime on May 2nd. Not at Midnight, but downtime.

Flag number 2: Why Downtime? Why not at midnight on the 2nd? There must be a reason. The event started on downtime, so it might, just might, end on downtime too

What happens when you combine Flag number 1 and Flag number 2? Whats the best, safest option to take? Which option is the riskiest?


I actually had to laugh at this.

This is what we hear from people who get ganked, all the time. And yes, there are hundreds of people who complain about ganking, and all of them, claim that CCPs inaction of removing ganking, will lead to player decline, they threaten to quit, and they say that EVE will fail because of it.

But atleast the people who get ganked, actually lost something. And I can understand the feeling behind that. Its painful to lose something, especially if youve worked hard to get it.

You guys, you guys are complaining about how you didnt receive something. You didnt lose anything.

The thing is, this was a Gift. A gift from CCP, to all players who met the requirements, as a thank you for playing EVE.

And instead of saying “Hey, thanks for the gift, CCP. I didnt make it in time to get all 16, but its still, much appreciated that you gave anything to begin with. I will put the other Skillpoints I got to good use!”

Instead of all that, you act like this:

Im sorry, but how are you guys any different. How are you guys acting any less entitled.

Ill say this. Thanks CCP, for the gifts. The Skillpoints, including the million skill points, will go to good use.



You don’t read do you.

When I joined Eve Online, I had exactly SIXTEEN days to complete 16 days. When my timer started it said 16 DAYS LEFT in the Campaign, and I logged in every day. Yet, somehow I only got to day 15.

I payed good money in real life for Omega with the understanding that the count down timer was correct. Is that so much to ask? A good mentor told me ones to vote with your feet, and that’s what I intend on doing pending the ticket. You may want to look at Reddit and go flame the 100s of people there with the same complaint.

Have a good one.

You didnt read either. I was responding to the specific section that I quoted from you. Why do you think my response was split in two, and that I was quoting two different parts of your comment? I see those deductive reasoning skills still need polishing.

But I’d be happy to respond to your other problem.

Sure. You subbed on the 5th, didnt know about the downtime mechanic of eve, mistakenly assumed it would go on till the 21st or whatever, and didnt get the last reward.

Except that CCP did mention that the event BEGINS on downtime of May 2nd. Again, you missed that. And it should be a red flag. Unless your city has a downtime, maybe you shouldve looked into what it was?

You’re saying its CCPs fault that you didnt understand a game mechanic? That you subbed with barely enough time left, instead of the beginning of the event?

You’re the type of person that leaves shopping for presents at the very last minute, then get angry that Amazon was out of stock?

And that’s fine. You’re free to leave. No one is forcing you to stay and play this horrible, boring game that you seemed to only sub because you wanted the gifts.

But next time, maybe if you’d actually tried the game out before committing to pay, you would understand game mechanics.

And CCP knows this. Which is why they stated that, you dont need to be subbed from the beginning to get ALL of the omega gifts.

Your poor impulse control, lack of reading comprehension skills, lack of research, and entitlement seems to have worked poorly for you here.

Maybe you should work on those skills. I guarantee you will enjoy life more.

Every morning or evening of the event I logged in and got my reward for the previous day. On the last day, arguably the most important day, I logged in on the Mac client to get my 1M skillpoints and the whole screen was gone. I basically got 14/16 or 15/16 and on some crazy technicality I still don’t understand the most important reward was gone. Obviously this feels terrible, that was a month worth of game time that was trivially withheld even though I was encouraged to do something every day and somehow it became The Wrong Thing To Do based on The Fineprint on the very last day. I don’t get how anyone could think that this is normal. It’s unbelievably shitty to dangle a carrot that large and then say “haha gotcha!” Anyways, I unsubscribed my Omega. The game is so broken in so many ways and this just takes the cake.

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My prize literally disappeared on the day I was supposed to login and claim it. This doesn’t make any sense.

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Impossible considering the event started on the 2nd