under my wallet can we plz reduce the size of the 3 giant bottens isk/plex/LP so we only have it at the size of one line in sted of the two it is now because they are way to big.
same goes for the bottens to the left why does they have to take op so much space make them smaller and set them on one row in sted of this ■■■■
and why is it that the new overview tap the info in there is not window size responsive it was a nice addetion to the wallet but it looks so crap because it not responsive to the window size so it it doesnt use the space you have so you just get a big empty window
so i should resize my window every time i go in to overview because they didnt do their job and made a responsive design when i go back in to market transaction i will have to resize it again to look at all my transaction thats what my problem with it is
and to scoots choco second post he is right i used more then i earned in the last 30days thats why
New wallet is garbage. Incoherent. Go back to original ffs or give the option. We need 3 data points from a wallet… ISK in, ISK out and pending market transactions. Whoever came up with this and over-complicated it should be fired for incompetence.
The overview is exactly that, an overview, you shouldn’t need to stare at it for long periods of time. Quite frankly you shouldn’t need to have your wallet window that large in the first place unless you are taking a look at market transactions as a point of reference.
I am not exactly sure how “responsive” you want the overview to be, you can scale it up to fill the void space in the window but that will look 5 times bigger then the other elements in the window and actually look more like garbage then empty window space. Even if you center it within the element it is in, it still would look disjointed compared to the others.
I know it’s difficult to summon up the ability to do, but try to suppress your OCD tendency because it most likely isn’t going to change. No matter what features or functions CCP adds, there will always be a few dozen or so people that can’t stand it and want it changed, welcome to EVE.