The same thing happened with me. They told me they could not give an estimate on when this situation would be resolved, which wasn’t very comforting. I don’t know if this is more DDoS bs or some kind of effect from whatever update they were doing today.
My guess is because they were under attack from DDos they might have banned an area of IP’s or something and affected all of us in this cluster.
I’ve been playing 2 hours with zero issues with my VPN, it’s not a long term solution but works interim.
Same problem, Ohio USA.
I am having the exact same issue!!. it was fine yesterday. but today the connection is being severed. I put up a ping log to google this time of DC. and confirmed i lost no packets to google. when i got DC’d… something wonky going on with the server/servers connection…
Where are you telling your VPN to exit from?
Ohio here too
Southeast Michigan here. Same problem, I can connect for maybe 2 minutes before being disconnected. Sometimes not even that long. I’m not using a VPN.
Are you on WOW too, Homelander?
of course
Well, it seems that most of the people who can’t connect in this thread from the USA are on WideOpenWest network. Hrm.
It sounds like our ISP got blacklisted when they made their upgrade
Yes - WOW isp as well in Ohio. Sounds like we all got blacklisted…
Same issue from NW Florida. Started after extended downtime. Ticket in since yesterday. Ask to run diagnostics and attach results. No response in 14 hours since…
Same issue wow ISP her in Michigan
I looked up free VPN. Confirming you can login just fine with one. Mine expires in 6 days though.
Also WOW Ohio lol
They asked me to run another trace this morning. I mentioned the fact that it happened to a bunch of us in similar areas of the US, some using same ISP. At least we know that VPN fixes it. Maybe I’ll go the same route as State Soldier 1 with the free VPN. I could just buy a VPN, but why should we have to pay more to play a game we already pay to play.
Are you in Ohio as well?
Same here, WoW Michigan. Game is unplayable and lost a ship as well. So much for enjoying the celebration events…
I let them know about the regional issue. If its not fixed by tonight or tomorrow morning, I might go the free VPN route that was mentioned earlier. If I hear anything new I will keep you guys posted - please do the same.