Capsuleer Day Clash - EDENCOM Production Facility

A dualbox drekavac with long point, double web, double neutralizer, and the minimum level of tank to hold(RAH+MAR+EANM).
drones are EC-300 and hobs.
I feel like I could swap a web for a second LCB and a ERS for a MAAR for more PVP action but people seem to avoid PVP. My point is still usefull for the vovovo radiva, I can shoot the ikki, point and neutra the radiva, then shoot the damavik, then shoot the radiva. Without point sometimes the radiva warps awayyyyyy

If there are several sites in a system, I split the alts, unless there is already someone in the site, so I go snatch the loot (usually works fine, but sometimes people don’t bother insulting me in local :confused: )

the rodiva is the only ship that warp away. so kill it first or after the damavik.

I’m always assuming people will come and snatch me (I always come and snatch people) so I rather kill the loot holder first(the ikki).

Will make a post about what I think of this event (TLDR : it’s bad).


one more 55min run, 5 sites

I also got in 1 site started by other people but even though I got the boss wreck I did not write the loot

544 database average 109 median 98 =>±52M isk for an hour (97k/db).

Also I got a potent glamourex in my hangar, don’t know when I got it.

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You have to divide your per h income by 2, because you use 2 accounts.

most of the time is moving and waiting for waves. Also scanning.

But yes, the time is not accurate for mono account.

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m8 they warp off if you do not respect kill order damavik-rodiva-vedmak,if you can’t respect the order bring a warp disruptor and point rodiva

thats what i was saying. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

edit: now i got your point

ok so I logged the time to make two sites with two alts each in a different site.

It was 13min from “jumping in system” to “looting the mtu”
For both. it was actually less a bit for both, more like 12min for one and 12:50 for the second but who cares ?
Also I was scanning ^^

So only T1 or Navy/Faction Battlecruisers, or can Command Ships enter?

try to activate it. It tells literally what is allowed : attack and combat BC. so no T2

another run.

9 sites completed without external intervention, 2 sites snatched from someone else. More than half were made with only one toon in the site, so here I think we should divide by two since I was dual boxing

Loot only from the 9 that I did alone

total 55+47+140+55+122+130+93+93+98 = 833 db, average 93 median 93
=> 9M/site

=> per toon, removing the snatched, 29M/h just in db.

not a single accelerator dropped in the last 20 or so sites ? Were they removed ?

Got two basics from one production and one research, The two sites I found in my Drek’s home (one there one in a WH). Didn’t look for more sites.

Was testing how low I could go on tank, basically now have only RAH, MAR and one EANM fitted. Rest damage in lows. Tank was holding without fleet boosts at about the 60% mark in the final wave. Unfortunately the tracking enhancer I swapped for the DMC didn’t seem to have an effect. Any ideas what else to fit except a fourth radiaten sink?

I went ERS.
double web is good enough to not need any more tracking mod.

The only case were I was midly at risk is when I got 2 starving vedmaks and two starving damaviks just before the vovos, I reached like 20% cap. But I just shut the rep down until the vovos started hit me, and I finished at 25% cap and 50% armor.

so safer approach would be a cap module in the lows.

I have good Success with this fit.
Im killing them fast, and tank is holding stable :slight_smile:

[Hurricane, Dagger]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Damage Control II
Reactive Armor Hardener
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer

Stasis Webifier II
Tracking Computer II
Cap Recharger II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
Armor Command Burst I

Medium Anti-Explosive Pump II
Medium Anti-Thermal Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Warrior II x7

Hail M x3804

This fit on the other hand can do the site but you have to overheat your guns and tank in the last wave.

[Cyclone, Simulated Cyclone Fitting]
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Damage Control II

Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Large Shield Booster II
Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II

Shield Command Burst I
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Warhead Rigor Catalyst I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

Warrior II x10

Nova Javelin Heavy Assault Missile x1670
Inferno Javelin Heavy Assault Missile x30


Another event, which like “the hunt” is tough for new (and Alpha) clones.

I recommend a tank of >300 EHP/s if you have good (>500) DPS.

I have cleared 10 sites in a Dual Rep Hurricane. 120m SP so all skills V. Some minor faction bling for the tank, but overall cost is under 400m.

It can get tough with double neut spawns in the final wave, they do a lot of DPS and can drain you fast.

So the basics:

  • 350 tank and 450 gank is minimum to be safe
  • be cap stable and fit a large battery
  • make sure you can hit smaller ships within 3-6km orbiting your
  • kill the right targets, you might wanna get rid of Ghosting first or Starving, depends on your fit. I start with starving if there are more than one.
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Two of them does the trick. because you get ~50% neut reflection of them. Double web for tracking on gunships. Then you can go max DPS, and tank is less important.

You have the tracking in my table :

name id EM EHP TH EHP KI EHP EX EHP OMNI EHP orbit Range tracking evasion Tur Th DPS Tur Ex DPS Tur Max Th DPS Tur Max Ex DPS Miss Em DPS Miss Ki DPS Neut Strength Neut Optimal Neut Falloff warp scrambler
EHP EHP EHP EHP EHP m rad/s HP/s HP/s HP/s HP/s HP/s HP/s GJ/s m m m
Liminal Jarognik Damavik 54661 5530 4910 5676 5047 5202 4000 45 15 8 22 12 6 6 0 0 0 0
Anchoring Jarognik Damavik 54665 5530 4910 5676 5047 5202 4000 54 12 7 18 10 0 0 0 0 0 11400
Voivode Jarognik Damavik 54674 7481 6510 7619 6707 6957 4000 45 31 17 47 25 19 19 0 0 0 11400
Starving Jarognik Damavik 54677 5530 4910 5676 5047 5202 4000 48 12 7 18 10 0 0 10 6000 4000 0
Tangling Jarognik Damavik 54680 5530 4910 5676 5047 5202 4000 54 12 7 18 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liminal Jarognik Kikimora 54663 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 32 18 49 27 11 11 0 0 0 0
Anchoring Jarognik Kikimora 54666 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 26 14 39 22 0 0 0 0 0 11400
Blinding Jarognik Kikimora 54668 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 26 14 39 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ghosting Jarognik Kikimora 54669 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 26 14 39 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Voivode Jarognik Kikimora 54673 8775 7645 8958 7901 8173 6000 16 40 22 61 34 22 22 0 0 0 11400
Starving Jarognik Kikimora 54678 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 26 14 39 22 0 0 15 6000 4000 0
Tangling Jarognik Kikimora 54689 7330 6538 7590 6794 6936 6000 16 26 14 39 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liminal Jarognik Vedmak 54662 27795 24466 28602 25522 26114 7000 13 27 24 40 35 21 21 0 0 0 0
Anchoring Jarognik Vedmak 54670 27795 24466 28602 25522 26114 7000 13 21 19 32 28 0 0 0 0 0 11400
Voivode Jarognik Vedmak 54672 30330 26047 30909 26937 27987 7000 13 40 36 60 53 42 42 22 10000 5000 15000
Renewing Jarognik Rodiva 54675 21590 18858 22098 19550 20156 10000 8 8 8 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
Voivode Jarognik Rodiva 54676 23629 20131 23954 20688 21664 10000 8 13 13 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
Starving Jarognik Vedmak 54679 27795 24466 28602 25522 26114 7000 13 21 19 32 28 0 0 22 10000 5000 0
Tangling Jarognik Vedmak 54681 27795 24466 28602 25522 26114 7000 13 21 19 32 28 0 0 0 0 0 0
Voivode Jarognik Drekavac 54664 41160 35955 42451 37710 38516 7000 7 51 40 76 61 47 47 28 10000 5000 15000

as you can see you need 54 tracking to deal 40% of your DPS to the frigates. If you have double taht value you will deal 75% of your DPS, so I consider 100 tracking to be required, or 40 if you have a web 60%, or 20 with two webs.

I tested and two is definitely not required. One thukker does the trick, also saves a lot of PWR.

45 min run, did 4 sites completely, 1 snatch, one ded4 on the road,
loot of the 4 sites

avg 106 db/site

BTW is someone want I have all the loots for each site copied with the date, the type of site (all are production), the sec of the system.

OK, was just wondering why all the people with only one were reporting issues with cap. I never had with 2 republic fleet cap batteries. But the event is almost over anyway.