Capsuleer Day Clash - EDENCOM Production Facility

Because they are too slow to kill the starvings. People just prefer to be “on the safe side” and then die slowly, while using non capstable fit would allow them to kill rats much faster, so to save cap.
(Actually my fit is capstable without neut and point. It does not hold the last wave DPS, nor the neutra of the last wave, but as long as you kill them fast it’s not an issue)

It’s the same for burners, for L4s. cap stability is actually making your gameplay harder ; also it makes people go on boring gameplay where they make more mistakes. I’ve been saying for years now : cap stability is a bad idea. if you want capstability, just remove all your modules !

Ok so another 5 sites done in a new fit.

Been running a gank fit Hurricane, tank 250 EHP/s and DPS >700. It’s hairy, but doable. Not cap stable. Need top skills to survive possible double neut Vedmaks. I run it with double webs so small stuff melts.

So a safer approach is a double rep Myrmidon that can still pump out 500DPS or the classic Drake.

Very few, if any, sites in Metropolis and Heimatar. Much more in Sinq Laision, EveryShore, Forge etc. Must be random or just bad luck.

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at least this event taught me that mutation are fine … but they are rigged (or I am very unlucky)

out of 218 mutations, 0 with mult >1.235 and cpu< 30, 6 with mult>1.235 and CPU>30 (tab #2, chart #1)

(I actually believe I am very unlucky)

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60 min, did 4 full sites, remained 10min in one that did not make the rats appear (-.-), scanned like 10 systems, snatched 1 site and explained to the two noobs inside that no, the site is not their until the loot is in station, explained how to use BM to noobs, how to get to NS through WH to one who go ganked … (yeah I explain everything otherwise tipia will claim “but you are using two alts” . I just give an idea of the time)

102 db/site avg, so 40M/h.

Are the data for the loots. Raws are on tab 1, with added columns for price and site(not used)
I think the value is the first one in the loot table( vlookup) so not really interesting, besides the db. I should have a thrid tab that holds the name to id and then the prices from the market but whatever.

total I looted TWO accelerators in the sites I wrote (remember I snatched a few more)

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