Captain's quarters in our stations

CCP doesnt really have a good record for constantly improving and adding to released features. Sometimes they do reworks, but after few years. Happened with FW, crime timers, Industry, not happened with PI, CQ, missions. The last craze is Agency, and events, so your normal stuff in every MMO under the sun. From the games I played LoTRO have it, AoC have it, all these games had it before CCP had it.

After all, I think they watch what is utilized and how much work would be needed to improve stuff.
Low effort, easy to do stuff and already tested by others would be first to do.


I suppose CCP could set up an option in the login client to log into the generic captains quarters, with no connection to the game proper except the avatar.

But it wouldnt be useful for anything except taking screenshots…
Not worth the effort.


It would not turn into a gambling game I’m talking about a place where you could go sit down in a virtual booth basically and listen to music and have a conversation with other people

now if you brought him slot machines and stuff like that yes it would turn into a whole nightmare of laws and some states you could not even do that like Florida they’re not allowed to gamble online so there’s another game that I play some of the people cannot even get to the gaming Sims because the state prohibited

so the game automatically blocks them from going there

I got going to go visit them I have to go to where they’re at and I cannot put out certain games that I have in my inventory because it would kick them off their own property

because the state prohibit them from being there you think being in the US we have freedoms we have the freedoms they want us to have we have the same problem as the rest of the world has when it comes to the government controlling us

I will say this I would rather be in the u.s.

Then some places in the Middle East right now because I feel bad for those people in Syria

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hmm why the hell should i walk in the station? drink virtual beer in a virtual bar or go shopping in the market by walking from shop to shop to see how much is stuff there?
i dont get it … thats a waste of time but i can be wrong

i used the captains quater 1 time befor it was removed to see what it was … was really super … could see me … same as i enlage the picture of my char …
i guess not many used it a lot … someone told me stationtraders use it because its nicer to look at your toon then to look at a capsule but i dont belive that because they have 20 windows open … 2 browsers and 10 excels … so they dont see it anyways …

this cleanup of never or not often used stuff gets resources back for other stuff

maybe i am wrong but i think there is no need for such stuff
with the free resources get my a 64 Bit launcher
safe more then 250 fits
such stuff

just my 2 isk


You would be sorely disappointed by the lack of players in WiS bars.

And in Jita bar, you will only meet bots spamming scams.

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You seem to think this:

and this:

are just accidents.

It was dead because it was left to die.

It never went anywhere because it was never taken anywhere.

These were decisions.

You understand it didn’t have to be dead and go nowhere, right?

You also understand that if something is left to die and never taken anywhere, no one will use it, right?

If I make you a cup of coffee but it’s actually just some coffee grains in the bottom of an otherwise empty mug with no water and no sugar and no milk, you’re not going to drink it are you?

Doesn’t say anything about coffee, says everything about what I did with it.

You don’t put some flour in a bowl and call it a cake and then declare ‘nobody likes cake so we are retiring from the cake business’ when nobody eats it.


WiS is never coming back.
CCP tried, and failed.

It would be foolish to throw good money after bad, in attempting it again.

If there really is a desire/demand/market for players to meet in an EVE-style setting, Id recommend making a deal with Habbo or some existing app/service provider to accommodate that.

Cost of creating an EVE style enviroment there, in Habbo style, and with avatar options, should not be expensive, but then again, how is CCP supposed to make money off that.

The WiS concept just doesnt make any money.

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Corrected it for you. :face_with_monocle:


Oh, they tried.



Actually, I think they did a decent job with industry. There were some snags. And a failed experiment (teams), but for the most part, industry is in a good place. I’m curious to see what’s next.

–Manufacturing Gadget


i do, but do you understand they did what they did and now it’s dead?

ok you want to play it like that :rofl: they gave us cake, but nobody was eating it, it was a shite flavoured cake with camel snote iceing with an after taste of rotten sock, it’s no wonder very few took more than one bite :joy::rofl:

I do. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see a future for it and I doubt it will ever become what it could have become. In the absence of time travel lamenting the past isn’t going to change the past.

Well yes, now that was my point :yum:

P.S. I truly hope you never open a cake shop :rofl:

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harry potter fans will eat anything :rofl:


Captain’s quarters and WIS was a nice idea and actually looked promising IMHO. But CCP just doesn’t has the man power to spend on this ‘nice to have’ feature while other core parts of the game are still in dire need of work. Maintaining the captain’s quarters was simply not worth it esp. since the devs realized that if they wanted to implement WIS somewhere in the future they had to rewrite everything anyways.

Name one element of “Eve gameplay” that would be improved with either the CQ or WIS. Just one thing that they would enable that would make things easier, enable QOL things that we can’t currently have, or even add entirely new gameplay that fits inside of a game like Eve.

I won’t bother waiting, because there’s absolutely nothing that this could ever benefit. The 'tards that want to wander around so they can socialize can install Habbo Hotel and find a server to connect to. That will provide every bit the functionality that an Eve implementation would, at a cost of exactly zero hours of developer time.

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Cage dancers in Captains Closet (and pr0nhub on the screen) so you don’t have to tab out.

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CQ was old code getting in the way. If Nova does well then you may see CCP look at avatar development again, but with a more modern engine.

Its CCP. They dont have much seccesses in games development, lets look at it realistically. I would say CCP have to change for their recent projects to succeed making a lot of money and bringing fun.


Thats the thing.

How would WiS make money?

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