even if they added that, its still not enough for what playing with your clone should be. i say this every time that WiS is brought upon the table.
if EVE had been built around clones instead of only spaceship piloting, then it would have made sense. having an inmortal character that can pass its conscience to a foot soldier clone for planetary environments to a clone for light space/atmospheric craft piloting or one for large spaceships which cannot land on planets would be cool.
but EVE as it was built cannot support that. it would require building the game all over again to support it and make sure all the possible gameplay has actual value at all cathegories.
i didnt get to play DUST514 and i dont have the resources to play Valkyrie. but its evident that neither of them would get close to the vision at all, because they are fundamentally an FPS fast paced combat style of game compared to EVE which also covers several other aspects apart of blowing ■■■■ among each other.
WiS for EVE would end being something similar to station interaction for X: Rebirth. its barely a thing in the gameplay, oh yeah you can talk with other people in person instead of being two ships trading comms, but that’s all.
in order to fullfill the fantasy of the 1 characer over 3 different aspects the game would have to be something like an amalgam between Shores of Hazeron, Planetside, Mortal Online and Entropia, why:
1. game would have to build and spread the content around planets/moons and space:
this means that in order to give value to infantry clones they have to be as important as capsule clones and to that extent, planets and moons have to have a participation and importance in the great game. this means making planets more important in terms of resources at the point that corps and alliances shouldnt be just fighting a “capture the flag” game in space, they should be actually going about demolishing the enemy orbitals, then take over their planets by destroying the planetside infrastructure like command centers, and evrything to build their own.
in addition this would mean possible additional content for planetary clones like exploration or mining in the case that planetary industry is managed just from space. but that takes alot of possible interaction on planets like setting trade routes between different corp bases and stuff like that. its not “Simcity in Space” but it would allow for some territorial interaction at planet lvl between all parties.
2. professions and roles are distributed in a single skill tree for everything:
instead of having a different list of skills for each clone, there could be just be 1 clone that can learn any of those in a proper progression. for example, in the same way that one cannot learn to pilot a battleship without starting from a frigate, there could be the case where you cannot be a capsule pilot without having at least dominated light craft (fighter and the like) before. in that regard, starting on a planet and build up yourself to become a spacefaring inmortal would be a proper progression.
people could still have 3 characters that specialize on each thing but all of them would have to start equally and build up the required skills. this would also mean that getting to the heavy stuff like capitals would be harder to achieve (even with injectors, i think).
3. Apparel is still there but its part of an equiment system:
of course you want your character to look good but that planet you’re being sent to fight over needs a special suit, go get your Navy or T2 Powersuit or something. i like the idea that the same fitting window could cover not only spaceships but also light craft, vehicles and most important, player equipment, not just clothing, i mean thigns like having a special power suit you could adapt for the situation, rigs included.
the only difficulity i see is the server trying to figure out how to list that player in a T2 rigged powersuit manning a T2 rigged tank but well, that’s something for the programmers.
4. player assets and item usage at the different gameplay levels:
in EVE most of those consumer goods are static, players dont use them (because aparently, capsuleers dont need to eat) of course that pack of cigarettes looks cool on a killmail but yeah, no use.
one thing that would give use to that is making clones require some of those goods, it doesnt have to be stuff like cigarettes or dairy products or anything like that (allthought it would be cool).
i talk more about boosters, medical equipment, cap boosters for powersuits or vehicles, packs of fuel, special mining equipment or stuff that you have to carry for certain operations. perhaps even personal drones during deployment in planets.