CCP is not your nanny: a message of communal responsibility

Jesus man! What happened to you

They crucified him.


OK boomer

Some things need a “hall monitor” though. The problem is that the demarcation of player managed and hall monitor seems so wildly variable in the population.

No, I wouldn’t. If someone is being a hateful piece of trash, in a videogame, that is a villain. He is your enemy. Kicking villains out of the videogame, for doing what villains do, in order to get rid of your villain, is cheating.

The fact you are bringing your own IRL issues to the videogame does not make you some kind of righteous protector of your fellow gamer. It makes you the little brother who yells for mom when stuff isn’t going your way. The fact you would do that, combined with the way you’re using profanity, talking about Hitler, and rape, and stuff, also makes you look insecure, like the only time you feel powerful is when you can press a Report button, but we don’t need to get into that.

I was today years old when I finally got this joke



I was reading it just now and didn’t get it until your comment made it click.

Also, @Kenneth_Endashi, that’s not how this works. That’s in fact not how any of this works. There’s room to argue that you’re the insecure person who is afraid of getting reported. There’s room to argue that you’re an internet tough guy. There’s room to argue that you’re a Nazi, because you’d not report Nazis.

When a Nazi brings real life into the game, then that Nazi deserves to get his ass handed to him. It’s as easy as that. Looking through this thread, there’s also room to argue that you’re having a hard time dealing with good arguments.


I am addressing every argument. Disagreement is fair.

I would like to point out that I am not talking about nazis. Someone else brought it up. I feel that it lowers the conversation or reduces it by calling into question the most egregious situations to undermine my more general points not having to do with extremism.

So yes please leave the nazi stuff out of this because I am not here to discuss that stuff. You guys brought it up. You really want to talk about nazis huh? Maybe you’re the nazis?

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Being bad guys in a video game and someone joining a public channel spamming “Hitler did nothing wrong” are 2 very different things. CODE telling people to buy a permit is 100% acceptable as that is them being bad guys and role playing in the game.

People making real life death threats also is not ok either, but me saying im going to hunt you down and blow up your ship is ok.

You opened up this can of worms basiccly saying anything goes however even the “bad guys” in this game have some morals especially when it comes to RL.


Maybe I did. But also there is nuance. I see their point but it is not constructive since we are all in agreement nazi stuff has no place here and neither do doxings or death threats.

We can have a great big circlejerk around those points of agreement but naziism is not what I am specifically discussing. And it is exhausting to even have to make this point, and especially frustrating because I can see those guys smiling, like they really got me - who brought up nazi stuff in my conversation about better communication. Like they don’t know they’re derailing it. Missing my point intentionally and calling me a nazi doesn’t make you right. At this point it doesn’t even make you clever. It just makes you a nuisance, really. They know I’m not here to defend nazis. But they want to bring the conversation down to a level they can understand.

But hey at least instead of reporting them for calling me a nazi I am addressing it directly which is the point I’m trying to make.

That said, I won’t respond anymore to this juvenile talk about nazis and white power and hunting people in real life.

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It really is akin to someone disagreeing with veganism and someone remarking “Oh so you enjoy eating babies”.

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Not on these forums, bucko

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Holy ■■■■ LOL

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No it is.

As somebody that always played/plays the villain you can still be respectful to those you play with. If you are racist in game damn right it is going to get reported. If you spew hateful remarks personal attacks you need to get reported.

This game has an age rating of Teen. While EVE has a large adult community there are also many kids that play the game. So if you wants to spew hatred think for a moment how that might sounds outside of EVE. Aside from that, as mentioned before… being the villain does not mean you need to be racist, toxic or personally attack people. That is not what being the EVE villain means.

If you were an adult you would not have not posted what you did. And if you are… at least pretend you are one. (See what I did there, while not ban worthy, that was a personal attack on your ability to think and function like an adult… if you are one. If not… I get it now)


They are right at home on the Internet. Yelling at them and correcting them only makes that issue worse for everybody. Tolerance for trolls comes from a place of understanding. These people are hurting. Ignore them -_-

Post reported.

Sounds like a request for a blank check for any manner of bad behavior, some of which is likely questionable at best. I’ll continue to report what seems like it should be reported and let a GM sort it out.

Being a tattle-tell is another example of classic carebear behavior…

Still not accusing you!

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Riding my dick is a classic example of being a troll. Kindly hop off. Thanks.