I am not center of the universe, money is center of the universe
and CCP hf now loosing money, because of PVP-ers who drove out normal subscribers …
And where’s the proof of that?
Last I recall, pvp was the main reason people stayed hooked
Confirmed carebear, demanding CCP change the game to suit them and fawk everybody else that is fine with the way things are; instead of learning how to use what’s already there to achieve the same goal. Feckin’ selfish if you ask me.
Go forth and scurry back to whatever gaming shithole you crawled away from.
People have been quitting Eve due to PvP since beta, this is old news dearie.
Eve is a game of survival of the fittest, apparently you’re unfit.
I don’t shoot people in the face, yet I and many like me manage just fine.
STOP making us look bad.
It will be one big ADOPT OR DIE
but for PVP-ers
You should go back to whatever ■■■■-tier mmorpg you came from
How ironic is this situation: Eve is a game of survival of the fittest, but Eve alone is not capable of surviving today’s market
Says who?
It’s already outlived many more popular MMO’s and part of the reason for that is its limited appeal.
Eve changing to cater for the masses, in a time when the mainstream MMO market itself is in decline is tantamount to suicide IMHO.
Being niche meant that people stayed for a decade or more, those long term subscribers are in decline due to natural attrition, amongst other things; natural attrition being things like their career, their family, their other hobbies etc etc.
The point is that as Eve has gravitated towards the boundary between populist and niche gaming those players haven’t been replaced, instead we get transients and people like you who want to devalue something that we have years invested in, just to satisfy their own egos.
We like our game, if you don’t that’s fine, move on.
Even you do not believe in everything you wrote here
highsec pvp is dead in that it almost entirely revolves around using specific tactics unlike years ago when it was viable to hunt down people; its basically relegated to pipe or hub camping in most circumstances, killing nubs and/or citadels that arent likely to be defended.
The last highsec dec i was in i couldnt get a fight, not even with a crusader v a garmur… when he did eventually attempt to go for me i warped off because i had eyes on his scythe.
That is basically what hs pvp is in a nutshell.
not worth my time and effort, not when i can roam solo in low and null and still get kills.
That’s inaccurate.
This is the center of the universe:
And money is both an invention and a temporary communicative tool used by a group of vertebrates who are still struggling to find their way from bare survival towards striving as an entire group and as this process is far from being completed, they use said tool in a pretty clouded process to determine who should be part of the striving and who should die.
CCP needs money to pay a bills, not your silly words …
Get out of my head, 'tis dark and full of terrors; also you’re likely to be eaten by a Grue.
This reminds me of a child who plays wow and wants everything out there to be the exact same.
My analysis is that HS PvP is largely fine, except for three issues:
Perma-bumping as a method to make time for a suicide gank to arrive. There should be a limit on how long this can be done.
The proliferation of “mass wardeccing”. This has largely killed “meaningful wars” in HS. Ironically, this is a result of removing Watchlist.
NPC Corps as safety and the ease of moving into and out of them to avoid wars.
Max timer on bumping in HS.
Inversely scaling wardec cost based on size of two involved corps in Omega members. Quantity of wardecs linked to number of Omega members.
All NPC Corps are perma-warred against diametrically opposed NPC Corp. You can join any NPC Corp you have good standing with. Joining NPC Corp sets a 1week lockout from joining another NPC Corp or joining/creating a player corp.
I think the gross aggregate of the above will result in more PvP in HS, as well as more meaningful PvP.
3 will have the most profound effect.
It means anyone can join an NPC Corp and actively, legally, hunt for targets of opportunity from opposing NPC Corp in HS/LS.
You don’t even do pvp Salvos, why are you posting in a thread about pvp?
OP should go to low-sec and get his arse kicked there and stop crying
24 rows are no “wall of text”…what are you? retarded?
What if you have to read a book? will your head explode?
And there should be LESS,or better NO pvp in high…
Just leave the normal players that don’t want pvp alone…
Quotes something said no less than 4 months ago…
Your argument (whatever it was) is invalid