In my post I was referring to the players definition of pvp… I know that not all pvp are just locking and shooting each-other even dropping a giant dump in the market (I like to do this all the time) is pvping…
It’s ok. I’m only stating what I know from playing other PvP games and what I believe to be PvP and how it has been perceived by those who I have played with.
The only concern I have is that when one doesn’t accept EVE as a pure PvP game and from the first day on, then one will have problems with the game. I don’t want for anyone to get their hopes up that EVE could be something other than a PvP game.
I’ve played several other PvP games and definitely not as a pacifist. Only in EVE can I also enjoy a different kind of PvP and don’t have to kill 50 players within 7 minutes. As a trader, miner and hauler can I play Dodgeball. I am a moving target and this is not a PvE game.
Do you agree or not with my statement?
Yes and no.
EVE is exclusively PvP, when one considers that one can get killed anywhere by another player and that it therefore has no area where PvP is excluded.
Based on the principal of exclusion can a game, which allows for PvP everywhere not be a game, which has a PvE area.
If EVE had a PvE area, where PvP would not be possible, then one could say that EVE was not exclusively PvP. But because this isn’t the case is it exclusively PvP.
Now one can certainly split hairs over what is and isn’t PvE. One could go as far as arguing that one isn’t shooting at another player, but one is pressing buttons, that it’s the modules that do the shooting and it’s only another player’s ship, which gets hit, and not the player himself. Only is such hair splitting never helpful in a discussion and only tries to deflect from the true nature of it.
EVE is a PvP game and it’s so exclusively.
Good. We agree.
…or drop corp.
My personal track record after playing actively for 7 years was(is):
1 podding (voluntary)
4 wardecs (avoided)
2 losses from baits
8 failed gank attempts by CODE (plus a few more averted before they could shoot and lose their ships)
1 successful gank from mercenary corp
1 loss from suspect flag while jetcan stealing
2 losses on friend duels to remove a bounty
2 PvP kills, IIRC
So yes, I’ve had some PvP, with an average of three incidents per year. I’ve lost a lot more (A LOT, as in, bilions worth of iSK) to NPCs.
So yes, EVE is a “PvP” game. But you can pretty enjoy very little PvP in a humongous stream of PvE, and that’s fine, and that’s about as much PvP as a player like me might endure before GTFO.
You have to remember that not all PVP involves combat.
No. Go away.
Eve is special, unique, extraordinary, rare, super, uber, imba …
ccp is on knees and urgently needs money …
It would no longer be Eve Online. Someone being able to fawk up your day any place, anywhere, anytime (martini style) is one of the cornerstones of Eve.
Hisec is not Safesec, it is merely mechanically safer than anywhere else. IRRC the Devs wouldn’t go for it anyway, they’re kinda proud of their baby.
There is no need to care about this any longer…
As someone said above they are already on their knees and will do EVERYTHING to keep the game alive even throw their beloved sandbox overboard(at least in high) if this is wished.
And it IS whished by the majority…
So what do YOU guess will happen?
Will they let eve die in vain or adept and reconstruct it in a new(the wished) form?
I (for myself) bet my as they will keep eve alive with every meaning necessary.
But…i know there are those voices that pronounce that eve should rather die than change even a jota…because eve has to stay eve(the eve that they are used to) and “another” eve IS no eve anymore.
THEY are just loud and THEY are NOT the majority.
They are talking ■■■■■■■■ like" Eve is a pvp game and if there is no pvp in high eve will die"
NO it will NOT.
It will be another eve(not that in what those guys have created their comfortable neck in the wood(what is the real reason that they are against EVERY change,THEY had to change and they don’t want to)) but it STILL will be EVE online.
So…don’t listen to those people,the only goal they have is to HINDER EVERY PROGRESS because it would be uncomfortable for them…
You are trying to domesticate/pacify EVE, like a woman telling a man to “grow up” and marry her.
No thanks.
That way lies only misery and boredom.
Actual fighting occurs all the time, but it’s true that it often takes painfully long to find a fight. On the other hand, your numbers are completely incorrect. More than 1% of the players at any given time undock and by undocking they already join PvP. Most PvE is part of a PVP framework, as gathering ressources, ISK or other things is always done in direct and inevitable competition with others. Also certainly more than 1% of players atually takes part in ship vs ship fights.
No, it’s not the same. EVE is a game. Losing a ship in-game is completely uncompareable with RL murder. It’s just nonsense and you know it. No one was claiming that “it’s in the nature of people” to play EVE competetively. It’s just the core of the game, like in chess. Of course you can play a game of chess for a while without taking any aggressive action, but even that is limited and it’s certainly not the intent of the game. It is your personal choice to play EVE without fighting, just as it could be your own choice to buy a meal in a restaurant and not eat it. Don’t expect everyone else to do the same.
There is no such thing as a guaranteed ability to play without PVP. If you’re being a free kill or not, depends entirely on your own actions. Organize with friends and fight back. Simple as that.
It’s the only way and it has been like that for ages. Yet, EVE still exists.
Shut your crap mouth you freaking hater. Stop harrassing this game.
But why? I mean, seriously, is it certain types of PVP you don’t like or do you generally don’t appreciate adenalin?
Lol, no. Keep on dreaming. You are the one who can adapt - or not. The game company that is running a succesful 15 year old MMO based on PVP doesn’t need your petty advice.
You are not the market. Learn to accept it.
EVE is not dying ffs. And yes, CCP themselves stated very clearly that they’d rather shut down the servers than turn EVE into another meaningless game of boredom.
Getting rid of PVP in a game that is based on PVP is not progress, it’s just giving in to people who can’t overcome their own anxieties. If you don’t enjoy competition, play a Single Player game.
How do you know this?
The majority is often silent, it’s easy to speak for the silent because they rarely object to what you put in their mouths, even if it tastes of shite.
THEY are just loud and THEY are NOT the majority.
Nor are you.
That’s not me… i have no power here…it will be ccp…because they have to…see it or not…it WILL happen…
And the misery and boredom hits just those who are not able to adept to new times to come…simple as it sounds…
The change is at hand…you not seeing it will not make it non-existent…
People like you, every day for the 15 years that Eve has been live.
You failed to answer the question BTW. How do you know what the majority wish for?
Another one of those posts that rather embrace the death of the game than to change something…THE MARKET counts dude and ONLY the market…
If you are not willing to change as ccp and "rather let the game die(as pronounced YEARS ago before the makret even shifted,so this is an TOTALLY unfitting and unvalid remark) then the game WILL die…
And that’s the bottom line you and those blindfolded people don’t wanna see…the times have changed…and those who are not able to actually DO the change wil perish…
Like it or not THAT’S the bottom line these days…
Gaming culture/preference might well change towards permadeath/PvP/actual loss in the next few years to come, at least for a substantial portion of the market.
EVE has always been a niche, but it does it quite well.