CCP plans to remove PvP from HS

I think you need to qualify that. It’s disingenuous as stated. Most new players attempt to gank someone once. Just once.

They undock, target, shoot , and get concorded. It’s almost a right of passage. Then they go mine or run missions, or whatever else that doesn’t guarantee ship loss.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Maybe just a misinterpretation but I thought Ramona meant new players are responsible for losing their ships most due to being new and still learning the game compared to the few cases when someone actually ganks them. At least that is how I’ve interpreted that quote.

Ok, so most new players have tried ganking by that standard.

Thats a lot of ganks.

But anyway, why would a new player not start at the bottom? They cant move down, so if they decide to keep ganking the only way is up, or stay the same.

Individuals who make up literal percentages of ganks either dont go for worthless new players or they simply trawl which happens to include them. As for backing it up, either find KBs acceptable (dont blame ya if ya dont), or just explain the illogic of loosing large numbers of Catas well above the value of ventures on said ventures.

Ergo if you are a new player, and you are ganked, odds are its by a new player.

From what I read in the forums, I get the impression that CODE does all the ganking?

Anyway, I’m glad I was a “griefer” before there were were gankers! :laughing:

I’m not disagreeing. I’m just thinking that what we think when we say gank doesn’t really apply to the new player seeing what happens when he shoots at someone in this new game he’s trying out for the first time.

I wasn’t trying to imply that you are deliberately being disingenuous. Just that drawing a parallel between what CODE (for example) does to what a new player does in his first few hours is not a good faith comparison.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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It may very well mean the opposite. If concord´s patience is running out with trigger happy capsuleers the logic choice for a dynamic system would be to reinforce the concord presence in the systems with most destruction.

A 1,0 Uedama would be as memeable than a 0,1 jita.

Ah ok. Thats probably why I didnt mention them.

Irrelevencies are statistically redundant after all. :wink:

fixed this one. :nerd_face:

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But arent 90% of players bots?

But that means… Counts on fingers

We are the only player left?


definitely yes! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They keep messing with this game instead of fixing it.
Is Pearl Abyss aware of the mess they’re making out of this MMO ?


It doesn’t make any sense to remove it!

It could be just balanced out like; EG only 1 ship can target lock another pilots ship and engage combat while Not in dual / war / suspect / criminal / fleet / corp / alliance
(that though would kill ganking orcas, battleships or freighters imo

Removed some off topic posts.

If EVE dies - you guys alway welcome in Elite Dangerous! :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry to go against the grain, but, if PvP is completely removed from High Sec, I, and absolutely a large circle of friends will re sub to EvE.

Some of us have been waiting 10 years + for something like this.

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if you want to play eve without pvp then play on the test server, all you want is there.

If they remove PvP from high sec, all I need is right there on the regular servers. :+1:

Why are you waiting? There are hundreds of games out there that offer you exactly what you want.

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Because its not the same if he isnt ganking a playstyle.

Its just like how its not enough to lose a ship if you try to pvp in HS, the perpetrator must have revenge put upon him too, because you know, feelies.

Oww, come on, fellas, a bit more creativity.
If you truly want to make HS safe for Krabs while not affecting the economy, just set a limit of 7 pilots being able to be in the same system at any time. Yes, including Jita. Better still, make that number dynamic, following the number of active logins. One needs to spread the evil grab culture as thin as possible, ya know ?

I see you haven’t been holding your breath over this. Nor did you discover the “Asteroid field remnant” anomalies, free to mine in any career system that is off-limits to any gankers in a care free way. “That’s not enough”, you say ? “Learn to share”, says I. “You get the wealth, we get the ship and 50% of what’s in it”.