do not constitute evidence for botting. Neither do combat logs since they rely on server ticks.
The only thing you can do is send a support ticket for rule violation, with what you think is evidence, and let ccp do what is necessary to investigate.
What is the motive to go to the forums instead of to ccp ? And if you already sent all your alleged evidence to ccp, why go to the forums afterwards ? Only ccp has access to real evidence to determine any rule breaking, not the forums. Let ccp do their part and accept their decisioin
Good question. I was disappointed that CCP had not acted on previous reports and wanted to know if my assumptions were correct. Some great information posted in the thread helped clarify things, so no regrets from me about posting. Also, I think there is value in respectfully debating whether earning billions of ISK on accounts a few days old should be supported or not.
That’s fine and all, but you lashed out about me being mad for what I wrote in response to your original content, and not your edit, which wasn’t even up when I responded. Just so we’re clear on that.
In general, if you want to have reasonable discourse, don’t go for the “u mad bro?” angle.
you shouldnt take it personal its just there is a continuous parade of alts with an agenda posting the same ganking is bad and should be banned threads every few days. its possible you are a genuine poster with a valid query but its hard to tell that when there is so many of the alts of the guy ( maybe guys) with an anti gank agenda.
Well, I agree both are topics for forum discussion. What I have a slight issue with is that they are presented as a “case of cheating”, not so much as questions about game mechanics, client use and isk making.
Perhaps that debate can start in this thread now that you made that clarification
Gank accounts are the most closely-watched accounts in the game because of how publicly-visible they are. I am absolutely confident that rule-breaking for gankers is enforced at a higher rate than rule-breaking for your average ISK-farming botter.
It’s not “earning” billions of ISK. It’s asset reallocation/transfer. It’s no different from a new player being able to earn billions of ISK through trading, scamming, begging, SP-farming, or even selling PLEX. Now if new players can reliably generate massive wealth from PvE, then that’s indicative of a problem, because that would impact the economy in a tangible manner and upset risk/reward balancing, unlike ganking, which can only result in some nearly-imperceptible upward price movement for items.
a few things there, how do you know the account is new and its not a new alt on an old account. an experienced player with knowledge of the game in a new character can make billions of isk, even a brand new character could do that with a little research (well maybe a lot)
how do you plan to differentiate between a new player and a new character on an old players account and the suggestion of limiting earning to character age is very uneve.
I’d sooner argue with a flat earther, but I want to make it clear to any newbros that might be reading this that this is a baseless conspiracy theory being spread by someone who really has no idea what they’re talking about.
And yeah, conspiracy theories aren’t just limited to the real world, as Eve does see it’s fair share. Some are more plausible than others, but plausibility has nothing to do with why people believe and spread them. I mean, there’s a reason why it’s the bitter vets that keep posting them.
Can I have your stuff? I just died to a ganker thanks to this stupid Trick or Treat BS. So, I could really use some help getting back on my feet. Thanks.
As long as the player skill required to implement this strategy is relatively high, I think that’s perfectly fine. If lots of people can do it easily, then I presume that will be unbalanced and a problem for the overall health of the game. I am not interested in trying it out for myself to find out, as the gameplay does not appeal to me.
If it was easy to do and billions of isk flowed into your wallet without effort (as many suggest) then this being eve every min/maxer would be doing it. but as the ones doing this i can usually count on the fingers of one hand with fingers spare its not many . Maybe just maybe i would need two hands of fingers for a really busy weekend, so i suggest ganking is not unbalanced and the threat is overblown.
I agree with all of this except the “threat being overblown” part. The reason is that a small number of players doing this successfully can impact a much larger group of players due to the amounts of ISK involved. For abyssal runners for example, there is already the risk of losing your ship and pod to abyssal NPCs and to disconnects. The additional risk of losing a ship to gankers means that a very infrequent event can have a very large impact of risk/benefit ratio of running abyssal sites.
None of this is an argument to remove ganking. I have been ganked and I have had a couple of attempted ganks against me fail. Surviving an attempted gank feels great.