CCP Please stop penalising us for money we gave you

fair point.

I know how plex works, I only pointed out there are many who have multiple accounts subbed that don’t pay any of “their” money to do so.

Name calling only shows you didn’t think your original post through.
Pretty sure it is your fault you posted inaccurate information and got called on it, not mine.

Thousands of accounts a subbed every month without the “owner” of the account paying “money”.

That’s because that little detail wasn’t relevant to the discussion at hand, but I can understand why someone like you would think it is. :slight_smile:

OP had only talked about paying Euros, so presumably they were only subscribing their accounts with gametime and not PLEX. But if you want to come in and be all “well actually” and bring up an unrelated point, more power to you, I guess?

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Of course it was… The OP could spend time making isk to buy plex and therefore not have to spend his or her own money to have all accounts subbed.

Your post implied otherwise

Ya, just to be clear, I was talking about paying real money.
The point I was trying to make is that, I’ve spent this money and now cant’ use the accounts unless I spend more money

The point is, Eve offers an alternative to spending money - If you aren’t prepared to take advantage of this then your accounts stay Alpha unless you spend real money.
It really is as simple as that.

it does, but less people are choosing this…so ccp needs to rethink it imo

So how much should CCP take out of their earnings so older players with skilled up accounts can play for free?

I have 15 accounts, all over 100 mil SP – How many of those should CCP let me play for free?

Well, I have only 3 accounts…all over 100 mill SP… I only play one so I guess it’s up to you. And at this stage I think CCP know how to make money other ways cause if they were relying on us, they’d be in big trouble

As a software engineer when I hear about free software I am always asking where the free grocery store is.


Please don’t get me started on that lol. I farm and most produce now is grown at break even if you exclude the subsidies. Supermarkets are the ones screwing you :slight_smile:

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So you want CCP to let you play 2 of your 3 accounts for free - Because you spent money on them however long ago?

Doesn’t sound like good business practice to me.
As for CCP making money in other ways - That is just really funny, most of CCP’s other money making efforts over the years have been total disasters that cost their core game [EVE].
Eve IS the way CCP make their money, subs and plexing are a huge part of what keeps CCP afloat.

If you can’t play enough to plex your accounts or can’t afford to sub them, maybe you should rethink how you play the game and not expect handouts from CCP.

Yup, farmers can no longer afford to live in the same economy their products are sold. Soon the big corps will own all the land and we will all be serfs.

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Sgt Ocker…thats exactly what’s happening…plex too expensive cause nobody is playing. So NOBODY IS PLAYING…I’M not trying to argue, I just hope CCP will see this and try to get more players back.

Actually if nobody was playing plex would be cheaper.

Supply and demand is what drives the price of plex.
High demand, high price.

BO and following changes did a lot of damage to the player base, many of those who left will not return.

Many players have over the years lost confidence in CCP as a company and recent changes to the game don’t do anything to encourage those not active to return.

CCP is banking their future on new players, whether this pay out for them is yet to be seen. My feeling is - It won’t.

Anyway, I’m off, time to play a game that isn’t balanced toward the mega groups.


I disagree on the plex point… the problem with plex is that it’s the older players who have been playing longer and are fanatically dedicated are the ones paying for it probably

I think you’re confusing 2 different types of games here, one of which EVE is not.

You have never actually bought EVE. What you have done over the years is pay a subscription to a game that you downloaded for free. That’s the EVE version.

What you are saying is that you paid for it and should be able to continue playing it. That is called Buy-to-Play, and is what a game like Guild Wars 2 is. No subscription.

There isn’t a single subscription based mmo out there that allows you to play the full game if you discontinue that subscription.


Yes Vera, I agree. But I also think for a game to evolve, as EVE has over the years; that everybody needs to realise that it’s not the same game we played 10 years ago

Of course it’s not, but that still doesn’t change my statement :wink:

Touchee :laughing: And I think that’s a problem for CCP…they think it is