Oh god I just got out from under 20k of credit card debt but I was being facetious with the house/car thing. Tho can I use your omega account?
I am afraid its forbidden under the CCP law.
Sharing a car isnt tho. At least not where I am.
Sorry to break it to you, but i think that is how subscription games work.
Even WoW is still a subscription game. and a few others that are kinda of that way as well.
If you want to play something that isnt, go play Elite Dangerous or Star Trek Online.
lol pays to train extra accounts, can’t believe you still have to pay to use them. hahahaha
You know what, I agree.
All accounts that have been playing EVE for more than 20 years and have never taken a break from paying their monthly subscriptions should be allowed to multi box as alpha.
You know, I say the same thing to the police that come to my house every day.
There’s always gonna be drug abuse, I think there needs to be a middle ground for people who got it legally, but got hooked and started taking it illegally through theft or forgery.
I have mortgage payments. EA blizzard Activision, please send me free games.
This was a really funny read. 10/10 would make fun of again.
I’m sure if the OP provided CCP with 400k usd, he would be given a lifetime subscription for one of his accounts. That way he can pay once, and continue this game for ever.
Yeah, and people paid taxes last year, cant believe you have to pay them again this year too. Hahaha.
it’s funny for sure, like i’ve insured my cars for the last 35 years, surely now i’m entitled to free insurance on my cars after paying as much as i have over the years.
This is outrageous! It’s unfair!
joking aside, do we really need to explain why you must pay for things to an adult?
this stinks of OP paid to train accounts to a certain level then realised you can’t launch multiple alphas, so to the forums
No hard feelings OP, but this be the rules, Caveat emptor. an all that.
I think that’s the actual key point here. What is an adult? Is it someone who has reached a certain age, or is it someone who has reached a certain point of maturity and understanding of the world? If we take the latter, then many people, including the OP, are absolutely not adults. There’s also plenty of indication that they will never reach said adulthood, because for that to happen they’d need to be questioning themselves, which, as far as I know, they don’t do at all.
Don’t see how that is fair for the people that are still paying for the accounts and playing. I know many people who run 12 accounts play for day a week and can re-sub every month. So I don’t see why, there needs the be a exemption, for people who don’t or cant pay for all their account anymore and they should get a special treatment. But the people that can should have to keep on paying for their accounts. It would just create a unfair just, where the entire community could just sub once and never have again and live in “omega” status for free.
well to keep it simple, CCP charge a sub to play on omega, OP want’s to see that change and here we are trying to explain why it’s not a good idea and why it will not happen anytime soon.
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