Ccp response needed. whats being done to lower plex prices

Don’t you say this is why …? :open_mouth:

i’d love to take the blame, and it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. :grin:

Gotta love the sense of entitlement people have. I, too, hope the ISK price of PLEX continues to rise. 5,000,000 has a nice ring to it…


You verbally abuse people and then say you want to have a drink with them?


Im sure everyone he talks to would like a pint and a chat with him :slight_smile:

Lol, don’t get me wrong I like salvos. I think he needs to find a way to be humble and be honest if he doesn’t understand something. I’ll never fault anyone for wanting to further their understanding.

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Understanding is a three edged sword.


People have been beating this particular dead horse since 2009, it has been beaten so much all that remains is a few tufts of hair, some red smears and a scattering of bone dust.


Why CCP?

Players want to plex their accounts and are driving up the price…

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The solution to the problem, as publicized by many in this thread is that:

  • More individuals need to purchase PLEX

As more capsuleers pay by means other than buying PLEX and selling it to the market, the price of plex rises. You cannot fully expect an economy to support people buying something with ingame currency only and not selling?

As has been explained, every PLEX has been bought from CCP prior.



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Assuming makes an ass out of u and some guy named ming.

I feel sorry for ming. Wherever he is.

Bought, yes. Paid for, no, in the case of Buddy PLEX.
Event PLEX also was not paid for.

Its possible those are sourced from confiscated PLEX, but we cant confirm that.

You are right.
All that matters, is how much PLEX is being bought from CCP and how much is being sunk. Everything boils down to that.

We can assume two things to be true:
-1) The higher the value of PLEX in isk, the less PLEX players need to buy of it to reach their isk goals.
-2) The higher the value of PLEX in isk, the higher the incentive for someone to buy PLEX for re-sale from CCP.

We dont know how those two are balancing out at this moment.
My view, however, is that less PLEX is being bought, or atleast not enough to significantly offset the increase in PLEX price ingame.

The test for this, is that people bought PLEX even when it was worth a fraction of what it is know. But back then, they had to buy more of it to reach their isk goals, than now. I havent seen evidence that a significant amount of new PLEX purchasers have appeared.

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Salvos you’re 100% correct Plex has never been paid for ever. A white unicorn came along and waved its magical horn and suddenly lots of Plex appeared on the market.


Read it again.
I said Buddy PLEX and event PLEX has not been paid for.
Its right there in the text.

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Yes, whatever you are saying is correct, unicorns are great aren’t they, they make the impossible possible.

Not bothered to try and explain to you that all Plex in the game was purchased from CCP. This is the only way Plex can possibly be in the game.

It really isn’t a hard concept to grasp. If event and buddy Plex were not purchased from CCP please explain to us how they came to be in the game?

Be aware everyone except you agrees on this.


Lets say you Buddy one of my alts, and I sub it.
You receive a PLEX for that.

How much did you pay for that PLEX in cash?
How much did I pay for that PLEX in cash?
How much cash did CCP receive for that PLEX?
All I paid for, was a sub, at the cost of a sub.

Can you prove that Buddy PLEX is sourced from confiscated PLEX?

OK, even if the buddy Plex was generated either through CCP doing it or it could have been used from confiscated Plex. Who knows.

The fact is it was still purchased. If I never found you as a buddy and if you didn’t sub then there would be no Plex to claim. It could be that my buddy Plex and your sub were generated at a reduced price. Either way CCP being paid RL cash is what generated the buddy Plex.


You didnt answer my simple questions.
They are not rhetorical.

If I sub the account you Buddied:
-How much did you pay for that PLEX you got?
-How much did I pay for that PLEX you got?
-Who paid CCP for that PLEX, and how much?

Simple questions. Answer them.

Right so you’ve never heard of anyone getting a commission for finding customers for a business?

Effort was put into getting your alt to play eve, money was exchanged and a Plex was made/allocated to me.