but you can pay for a good role on T2 BPs and you can pay for better roles on turret hits you can pay to increase your roles with ECM you can pay to increase your number of rolls on heat you can pay for better relative roles on hacking
Turrets hits? Hacking? with what? PLEX?
loads of ways to do it with turrets so you have to be joking about that. faction/officer mods, implants, and pills. hacking is more understandable but its the same as above minus pills. you can turn a can that would be impossible to open into one that can be opened.
Im not as assured and confident of that.
Seems there is still a lot of ambiguity on this particular point.
yes ccp knew you were on to them so they just said that was the plan in plain English to through you off.
HE SAID THAT WAS THE PLAN there was no ambiguity.
What are you talking about? In general, defenders of the RNG modules are saying that RNG is already in the game. For example: I killed overseer and RNG mechanism spawned me some loot. Now with RNG modules I’ll just throw some ISK and roll new better module, I can’t do it with overseer loot for better drops. It’s incomparable.
I won’t even comment that. Hacking become active gameplay years ago, there are no chance based mechanism anymore.
don’t lie
no but you could still throw isk at the problem and get better hit rolls
As was pointed out earlier, plasmutids stand to wreck DED and Faction LP module markets.
i love how people are both claiming it will destroy DED and faction markets and others are claiming it will send the prices skyrocketing
and again you can already buy your way to better RNG in eve
It will crash DED/LP module market.
It will skyrocket T2 module market.
that is entirely dependent on the cost of the mutagens. if they are super expensive you will see them used almost exclusively on T2 if they are dirt cheap you will see them used on DED and Faction
LP module prices are set in part by the LP stores.
DED module prices have been consistently dropping for years.
Plasmutid T2 modules stand to supplant the DED/LP market, to a large degree.
Regardless of the cost of plasmutids, T2 is much cheaper than DED/LP module stock to run the mutation on.
Since Player NS is the source of T2 mats, its a trivial matter for them to farm/buy plasmutids to their own T2 stock, thus depriving the market of T2 stock and raising their price.
This is a huge win/win for Player NS.
PS: Seeing as Trig pockets wont (hopefully) generate much isk, nor Sleeper loot (which would fk WHs), that leaves the rewards as plasmutids and Trig ship BPs.
Ergo, it can be expected plasmutids will be in large supply, and thus cheap.
they are also the main source of pirate faction and DED mods…
but no if the cost of plasmid + faction is acceptable for the risk they will be done. and LP mods are set by lp stores but lp is set by the price of the faction mods
not exactly while plasmids may be plentiful 50mn MWD may not be. remember plasmids only work on one type and size of mod
Not entirely accurate, but yes, also that.
Which makes them even better positionef to exploit plasmutids.
LP is set by fixed rewards.
You are confusing the value of LP, with quantity.
that’s not how money works. just because they farmed the mod doesn’t mean they don’t “pay” for it if you go to the market and buy a 150mill mod you get the mod and lose 150 mill. if a guy in null sec finds a mod he could sell for 150mill and keeps it he gets the mod and loses 150mill. that’s what an opportunity cost is
Please elaborate.
i’m not confusing anything
LP is fixed but the value of 1LP is not
… are you another one ragging without doing any actual research
to modify a 50mn MWD you need a 50mn plasmid. you can’t modify a 50mn MWD with a 5mn plasmid or with a large shield booster plasmid