CCP rise - we could balance abyssal mods by adjusting stats on base modules

Why sell only oranges if you can sell bananas and apples too?

going to explain how it’s a money grab?

There are already variations in all the parameters they are going to allow RNG to change.

Webs, now have varying ranges and varying strengths, guess what ? Mutated webs will have varying ranges and varying strengths, they will just be (at least the ones that are used will be) stronger, and if everyone is using them… what was the point ??

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You’ll figure it out the moment they put those filaments into the NES and sell them to you for plex.
Or you can go the roundabout way and buy plex for isk to then buy broken mutaplasmid modules. Or skip the plex part and just outright rmt buy them, CCP isn’t going to do anything about it anyway.

Welcome to the future of EVE.

no where near the same level of variation. and i’m not sure if you have played with these yet but getting one that is “just stronger” is extremely hard to do

yeah i keep forgetting how their track record points right to that.

they added officer mods then supers and a dev blog just came out talking about how they are adding T2 BPOs

yes this was there plan make modals that are much harder to track down and by (particularly for newer players who most commonly do this sort of thing)

that wouldn’t really be supporting the “money grab” theory

You’re joking about it now, but will you still once that actually happens? Because, yeah, CCPs track record the past few years points at exactly that happening soon™.

The “granularity” is the only thing that will be different and I don’t think that is enough to justify this whole potential balance ■■■■ fest.


I understand why you defend rng modules.

how about we see if it is a balance ■■■■ fest rather than stopping it on potential. hell look at the bright side this gets in then they are forced to pull it out we’ll probably get a good bit of SP for our trouble

because i’m well aware that being damped to less than 2km lock range or over 100s lock time is generally a lot worse than the chance of breaking lock for 20s?

I definitly understand why.

i mean you defend rng modules as well don’t you?

i won’t defend a so stupid mechanic, sorry, but i know that ECM is the most powerfull and hated E-War.

Player NS Cartel spai telling us to look the other way, till its too late to do anything about it.

that’s not what i asked you

i promise you they will stick to making isk in far more reliable ways. always have and always will. a reliable 20mill an hour always scales better than a chance at 100mill an hr.

also he did say the intent and ultimate balance goal was that these would be farmable by EVERYONE in all areas of space. if they are only being run like that in null you can expect them to be altered

Depends on the chance.

I hope so, and without restrictions or difference in reward across all sectors.

Run any filament you want, anywhere you want, for the same reward.

trust me it’s not going to compete isk wise with multiboxing 5 VNI

That I believe.
Nothing competes with that.

another person that have no idea what he is talking about. You can’t compare current in the game RNG mechanism to paying for module RNG that will be introduced, you’ll roll good stats eventually and from what Rise said they won’t be rare. I can’t pay for good roll on salvage, yet. You can’t compare those two.

that is literally the plan… they have not stated anything to the contrary. in fact they stated that they want everyone to feel like they can run one on a lunch break no matter where they live in game or what their profession is