CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

What do you mean by counter, on its own it is no real counter at all.

You have gone with the Teckos Pech retort of 10 x VNI’s, yes this would be tough for the normal sized BLOP’s gang if they were not properly fitted and were too cheap to have high grades, however there are many alliances that would just drop that and clean it up no sweat.

Carebear is used as an insult in Eve to define those who do not play the game as others think they should. And as your example shows it is pretty meaningless with such a wide range of use.

I answered your question, I am normally in fleet and normally on comms up to the point where there is no value in it due to lack of players. I also actively participate in home defence and hunting in our pocket.

So let me ask you do you define defending your space as being unable to catch and kill BLOP’s dropping in your space, this could also apply to people dropping dread bombs on Rorquals so would you say that the Goons are not defending their space on that basis and should go to hisec?