CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

Because local has nothing at all to do with owning sov. It’s a completely unrelated mechanic and from the Lore is tied to the presence of gates and capsule transponders (ie. so you can be registered even if you cyno into system, or logon in space).

Asking why sov should have local is like asking why sov should have gates. It has them, because that is totally unrelated to whether space is sov or not.


Oh boys

so many posts and trolls here

I always wonder if people really believe that big guy (coalition/big alliance) disband or suffer huge loss by remove local?

Big Guys have demonstrate that they are much more capable than small guys, and they can and they will come with solution in event of Local Removal. At end, only one that lost is small guys and hunters.

And, since you want more isk sink/.mineral sink

real solution is give big guys a reason to fight. As Nolak explain, Coalition have almost no reason to fight right now with practically unlimited resource. Remove Local don’t address unlimited resource.

remove local won’t change fact that coalition have standing fleet ready to respond any threat, gate camping, and cyno back-up.

I wholeheartedly agree with OP. We should start a petition! Also, Why is there not an emoji for pitchforks!


Yes, but player sov is also intended to have as little systemic security as possible, and as much player dependence as possible.

This is inline with the security/opportunity cascade of HS-LS-NPC Sov-Player Sov.

It would be rational that NPC Sov keeps Local, but Player Sov has to provide its own intel.

The repercussions of that aside, from a design consistency perspective it makes sense that Player Sov should have to provide its own intel.

It does. It has both of those things to the level CCP determine appropriate.

In relation to local, CCP have determined through the Lore, a reason why local exists tied to gates and capsule transponders. Those mechanics have nothing at all to do with whether the space is sov space or not. They have to do with the Lore history of exploration of the small part of the galaxy that the cluster is in and with capsule technology.

Player sov does provide its own intel. To think otherwise is to not understand how alliances and coalitions operate.

Its an arbitrary connection between gates and local.

CCP can decouple them from each other in regards to gates and instead connect Local to sector type under any number of lore explanations.

Lore is a notoriously weak argument and can be, and has been, changed as the game evolves many times.

Doesnt provide Local intel.

Local intel is distinct from player sourced intel.

Ofc if a tree falls in Player Sov and there is no one there to see it in Local, does it make a sound?

But that doesnt change that Local data is AI sourced and not generated by players.

Nothing arbitrary about it.

It was a deliberate game design decision.

Its arbitrary, because you can remove Local without removing gates.

They are not inextricable from each other, nor dependent on each other.

As usual, change the goalposts.

You wrote sov owners should provide their own intel. They do.

Now that isn’t apparently good enough, so restrict it to something else.

Why should they have to provide local?

Other than some dumb carebear thinks they should?

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Players do not source Local intel.
It is sourced by AI, automatically.

Player Sov is player run.
Free AI sourced automatic Local intel runs contrary to the intended purpose of Player Sov where player autonomy and “ownership” is at its peak.

You can drop the attempt to sideline into carebear arguments.
Not relevant or valid.

Edit. Provide their own intel in its ENTIRETY.

Who’s intended purpose?

Yours? Certainly not CCP’s.

Show me where the intended purpose of sov null is outlined by CCP that shows local chat is not intended.

Until then, your just blowing your normal levels of ■■■■■■■■ and assuming that your opinions are CCP’s intent.

So put up the evidence.

Should have written that the first time I guess, but people can only respond to what you actually write because you have a tendency to twist replies to mean things totally different.

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You are conflating the existence of Local with the intended purpose of Player Sov.

Player Sov would continue to exist even without Local. They are not inextricably linked.

Show me where the intended purpose of Player Sov is not the peak of player autonomy and responsibility for their occupied space.

Otherwise drop the strawmen.

That you are resorting to cursing and ad hominem is telling that you don’t have a position to defend and are instead attacking instead of discussing the topic at hand.

Nope. Put up the link to CCP outlining that the intended purpose of sov null is to have no local, or even just a link showing CCP outlining that sov null is intended to have no game provided information.

That is a ridiculous premise.

Nobody has argued that the intended purpose of Sov is NOT to have Local.

The intended purpose of Sov is a sector of space with maximum player autonomy and responsibility.

That Local exists there runs contrary to that intended purpose.

Read before you post. You are conflating.

Edit: In your edit you have now expanded to include “no game provided information”, no doubt in another attempt to strawman out into Map data. Map data is universal and not restricted to sectors. Irrelevant.

And it does, to the extent that CCP design.

Bitching that local is not intended in that is easy to refute. Just look at the game.

Exactly. The ISK faucet of null sec is one of the greatest in the game. EVE is (or was :unamused:) a game all about risk and reward. Where something involves more risk, there is greater reward. In the case of null sec, we see quite the opposite. Null sec, with it’s intel channels, intel bots, and intel programs, is one of the safest places in the entire game! One could say that high sec is the safest place, but that’s a whole different topic.

Null sec has a lot of reward in it, so it should be a place where risk is rampant. But as we can see, it’s not. And that’s a huge problem.

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