CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

Drac is performing his specialty avoidance dance, hush up everyone and watch :crazy_face:

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At which point people just move to using Discord for Intel and literally nothing changes though.

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I used to be against removing local until I lived in a WH. Now I realize that local is like training wheels on a bicycle. Kids will scream and yell and cry to try to get you not to remove the training wheels and they don’t realize how much better off they’ll be without them. Removing local solves the “cloaky camping” problem once and for all, for instance.

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As someone not living in nullsec I’d say removing local is pretty cool, simply because it does not really affect me, and if I don’t like it, I simply don’t go to null.

A german political satirist once said: “It’s funny how those rooting for acts of aggression aren’t usually the ones risking to be conscripted to military service.”

One could argue that removing local from nullsec systems make nullsec more dangerous for everyone, not just its residents. That’s only half true, an invader can mitigate a lot of that danger by using conventional killboard intel, the defenders, however, do not have that option. So for now, I’d say removing local from nullsec is not a good idea. I’d rather propose the introduction of new “pirate” modules, which allow someone entering a system to be undetected by concord surveillance systems for, let’s say 5 seconds. Fitting those modules should force someone to make serious fitting concessions and drastically reduce his combat prowess, that IMO, would be a more fair approach.

Utter rubbish

I swear to you I have no absolute certainty of who is sitting cloaked in my wormhole. There could be people who logged off 3 months ago and logged back in and are sitting cloaked, watching me. Guess what - it doesn’t affect my play style.

So yeah no local = no cloaky camper paranoia.


Of course it affects your playstyle. Say, you hit dscan every now and then, to check if something pops up, why’d you do that? If you had local and would see that no-one’s around then checking dscan is completely pointless. I’m sure it has other influences on your playstyle, too, like rolling unwanted holes before farming etc.


Good for you clap clap, so brave and totally irrelevant, as I am worried at what can cyno in on me and you are not. I won’t suggest changes for WH space and you should do the same for null sec.

Looking at the number of player living in WH, no local also bring risk of much less player total in EVE. The important point is that nobody actually know what would happen if you flip the local switch to off. We can all make guess and shitpost about our own point of view but that’s extremely easy to deal with if our projection don’t pan out. For CCP tho, the issue is vastly different. If they take a decision and it backfire, there is much more at stake for them.I’m pretty sure the statu-quo will stay largely because of the inherent risk of changing such cornerstone of the game.

People ■■■■■ and moan about a lot of things in this game but few ever seem to even be willing to try to see the other side of the coin. What the playerbase will do after a change is made is something that does not seem to go as planed all that often in EVE or at least some part of those move are different than the intent.


The Original Poster has made it abundantly clear that they were after an echo chamber where everyone around them agrees.

CCP have made it ‘perfectly’ clear that the intention of wormhole space was to facilitate this request. Developer blog after developer blog explaining that eve online now has an environment that suits different play styles.

This, as has been said before is a request from a poster who wants kills to be easy without having to actually try, like they do in wormhole space.

Every player seeking a killing experience can either (not an inclusive list):

  • War Declare in High Security
  • High Security ‘Ganking’
  • Low Security Gate Camping / Roams
  • Low Security Faction Warfare
  • Null Security Corporate Warfare
  • Null Security Guerilla Warfare
  • Wormhole Stalking
  • Wormhole Corporate warfare
  • Wormhole Guerilla Warfare

What more does CCP have to do before the community accepts that what’s been created here is a true sandbox where you really can pick your suited environment and how you’d like to engage your targets (With drawbacks, of course).

What more is the community looking for?

What the poster needs to understand is that Eve Online is a game with multiple difficulty levels and different rewards, scan down and wormhole your problem is solved.

Concord exists in high security because the rewards are low and it’s an awfully boring place to live that allows new players and casual alike to play in slightly more safety than us “try-hards” while they fly around in tech one cruisers and we build Nyxs and Avatars.

Risk and Reward.

Wormholes have high reward levels, but are the perfect stalking ground for those looking to kill

Thank you.


I am still waiting for one of these “remove local” people to give me a good answer as to how you would suggest countering a hot drop or blops drop,that doesn’t require kissing the ring and joining one of the mega-alliances so you can out blob them.

“have bubbles up and maintain hole control” doesn’t work because a cyno will bypass all of that in an instant. “have scouts out watching the pipes” doesn’t work against a cyno because the attacking fleet can be anywhere within jump range, which can easily be in any of 200+ systems. and even if you could somehow manage full dscan coverage of 200+ systems, that still wouldn’t do ■■■■ about a blops drop.


You’re asking them how they would deal with actual reasonable concerns. “No local in null” advocates aren’t reasonable, they are idealistic (ie “null should be this way”) and hopelessly optimistic (“removing local will somehow increase activity and fun everyone”).

You can’t counter emotion with reason, the no local types are going to believe the nonsense they type till the cows come home unless and until they are shown how disastrous it would be (and even then, some would still cling to the idea even after reality proves it false).

I know I wouldn’t play in a null sec that had no local (or an equivalent warning system that lets me have a shot of getting my pve fit ships out of danger) while still having gates and cynos. I’d do the exact same thing we did when CCP screw up null in 2011, off to high sec with the pve alts, only this time I wouldn’t do incursions, I’d reactivate the account with the mission runner on it and blitz burners for 200 mil an hour in near complete safety while denying null sec hunters even the chance of content


Honestly I’m not even sure if I would even do that. Most of my isk comes from industry. And having to rely on Jita prices instead of local miners (not to mention loosing a lot more freighters) would frankly make the margins not even worth it. Sure I could run incursions, but I only need one maybe two active accounts for that.

Right now a hunter at least stands a chance of snagging me or one of my alts if I’m lazy, inattentive, or just a little bit slow that morning.

Did you debunk those points in all the time your NPC corp spends holding sov in null?

So you’re holding onto the point you’ve had all along that it’s too difficult to sit in a standing fleet and be on comms? It takes maybe 1/4 of a second to press push to talk and ask for help if you are dropped. If that’s too difficult to understand I don’t know what to tell you.

No local WILL make it more difficult to PvE in null. That’s part of the point. Bears like yourself who want risk free null will obviously push back.

So you said gf, and then were salty. Oh honey

Wanting some kind of risk in null, which is supposed to be one of the most dangerous parts of space. Crazy. Crazy says Drac! Come on man, there’s nothing wrong with wanting 100% safe ratting in null. At least some of us are honest about what we’re pushing for in game. There’s no shame in being a nullbear.

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In 1/4 of a second you can at most, assuming you talk super fast, tell people you area attacked. You can’t tell them any of the actually important information required to help you like which system you are in, which anomaly/belt, what ship you are in, what the enemy is fielding, how fast you are going down, if you have a cyno for people to jump to you. On top of all those information that need to be provided for relevant help to come in, you also need to hold some kind of control on what is happening so you don’t pile additional mistakes on top of your current situation.


Sorry, four seconds.

Ok good. Obviously you have it all figured out. So we let our standing fleet know. That took 4 seconds. Then what? Could you link this magical pve fit that you believe can survive a dreadbomb until backup arrives?

Because so far your only suggestion has been “be I standing fleet and then
” what should someone do if they cant out escalate the enemy. Just roll over and feed them kills until their wallet is empty then slink back to high sec or join the blobs?


You are just trying to define people as something negative, carebare, nullbear, while pushing your ultra censored point of view that all you need to be is in a standing fleet and on comms, those two actions are only the first step. My own arrangements are based on what I am doing, sometimes I am and sometimes I am not, yesterday I was in the standing fleet ready to counter drop someone, does that answer your inane and pointless question?

Salty, LMAO, I was pointing out just how pointless that was for them, you know attack their morale, after that I was doing ADM’s in twin confessors, it was easy as hell for me. Which means that I can quite easily operate in null sec without local, the question is more like would I want to, which was defined very well by Jenn above.

The entire reason to go to null is the excitement of hunting and being hunted, the real debate is about making it so easy to hunt that even people like you could do it, which is why you are not even playing the game, the last kill you have on your character is 27th September 2016, what a censored, you are not even playing Eve, so who is the biggest bear here, you! And if I was a POS module you would scare me to hell and back, lol

Sonya crying to get this hidden, wow talk about a thin skin

I’m not sure what to say sir, the sodium test seems to be coming up positive :parrotmustache: