CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

Git gud and super rat lol

You’re saying you carrier ratted for a month solo in null with no intel other than local and never got caught because of skill?

Anyone who flies a carrier knows that is an absolute BS claim. All the skill in the world doesn’t get you out of warp and aligned any faster.

Maybe he didn’t mention horde of alts put into every surrounding system to watch locals? :innocent:

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I could quite easily do so, however there are a few reasons why I do not…, risk is definitely one of them!

Ohhh is that why you don’t try saving ships in highsec? You’re a risk-averse bear :joy:

Explains a lot

So says someone skulking in hisec…

I risk billions each day, but I don’t die because I’m aware of what’s around.
And I don’t afk when I do stuff (that tends to make people die no matter what space they’re in)

You risk billions, lmao, you war dec people who have no PvP skill, SP or knowledge, yeah risk, right… And baiting Vendetta does not count because they are even more risk averse and predictable and easy to avoid, though I did find your posting on VMG fun.

Oh look
Ignorance and supposition showed up.

Keep talking pal, you know nada about what I do :joy:

I could say the same about your reply to my Super comment, ignorance and supposition in one arrogant and ignorant package, assuming that I AFK and I am a risk averse bear, keep talking pal, you know nada about what I do!

You said yourself you were risk averse

I’m not pulling that :poop:out of the sock lmao
TIL Dracvlad is also a parrot when he has no arguments left :parrot:

I said risk, you added averse, they are not the same thing mate!

This entire game revolves around minimising risk because losing stuff matters, so trying to insult players by calling them risk averse is pretty retarded.


Losing isk is part of the game
Being risk averse means you’re keeping from playing in ways that could make even more isk

I live with my balls in the fire pit, if I lose something I can live with it since :pixels:

It is even funnier when it is an alliance level decision, oh dear, he is so funny, but not in the way he imagines.

Just looked at his killboard, those MTU’s were very risky, and that Yacht too, and then a number of ships without any points at all, wow Dom I am super unimpressed… It gets even better, mainly PvE fits until at last a Gila with a point which he killed in an Onyx, yeah Dom, I can feel the risk averse in you, start losing and you warp out…

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I lost a 4bill carrier and was over it within 5 minutes. Now I fly a carrier and my total exposure is 800mill. I don’t care about losing expensive stuff but what is the point flying them, and that definitely doesn’t make me more risk averse. It doesn’t make anything more exciting or fun to fly around in a super expensive ship. It’s more fun flying a cheap capital that I can whelp whenever I feel like it.

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Lol that Gila took 30+ minutes during a war with VMG.
I won’t mention the 6 guys from his alliance who also came to try and save him.

But hey,

I didn’t risk anything there

Nah no alts aside from a single scout / cyno alt in a cloaky nulified prot actually. I planned my routes / stops by noting info from the map over time and tried to only operate during the areas most quiet times. Some nights i’d spend the entire night moving around just to find a suitable spot, moving on if anything seemed sketchy. As i mentioned i know i’ll get caught sooner or later.

That’s a pair of silly statements. Yes, quite obviously skill has a role to play in ANYONE’s survivability outside of a station, and yes i think skill had a role to play in my survival. Skills like being able to read and judge map data, knowing about various alliance / corp timezones, always having an out cyno ready at a seconds notice, carrying refits in case of unforseen circumstance, knowing when to just leave it for the night rather than push my luck all had a collective hand in my survival so i’m again not really sure what you’re getting at (apart from Whaaaaa! nulsec is haaaard!!).

As i have repeatedly stated i know i’m not unstoppable, but your refusal to accept that my fairly simple tactics can be successful only shows your own abject lack of minerals :blush:


Headshot :stableparrot:

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LOL, personally I thought it so weak I was not even bothered to reply, but I will now seeing as you jumped in again, VMG tend to operate in and around Jita, they do at times go to Amarr but only the odd one or two, they are easy to avoid, so much for his VMG statement.

It is possible that there was 6 guys, but Dom is not exactly a bastion of honesty.

Going back to Dom’s killboard, he seems to be specialising in MTU killing to get a mission runner to attack him, this is very low risk PvP because in the vast majority of cases the mission runner does not have a point. What Dom defined as living with his balls in a fire pit is hardly that, more like hanging his balls over a fire pit with no fire.

But if you want to call that a headshot then feel free, made me laugh…