CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

What you have described does not look like “solo around willy nilly…”. Lots of intel, scouting, precautions, etc… At this point it looks more like exploration than standard “0.0 ratting” what you are trying to describe as “too safe”.

And one more detail.
Just think about your own words “operate in area when it’s most quiet”. It means that there is no players around. In this case nothing can make it dangerous to be there anyway. Removing local channel will make almost no changes if there is nobody around to hunt you unless bad luck.

So yeah, not derailing your story but you got results backwards. What you really telling is that it is possible to use carrier for making money in hostile area if you do it properly and spend a lot of effort for scouting, intel gathering and all this stuff. And nothing related to "0.0-sec is too safe’ or not.

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hm? Isn’t EvE Online a sandbox? :thinking:


Appreciate your reply dude :slight_smile:

My point is that i was solo, and it wasn’t suicide. I think it should be essentially suicide to use a capital ship solo in dangerous space. I was trying to make a comparison between ratting in nul as part of a group / alliance and ratting in nul solo. It’s my opinion that the intel people use to stay safe in nul should come from people, rather than a magic list of everyone is system. I was able to function without a support network in a capital ship, therefor i consider nul too easy. Not 100% safe or whatever, just not as dangerous as i personally think it should / could be.

Yes i realise it would cause massive changes in nul strategy, which would be a difficult change for those already used to the way things are.

No i do not believe for a single second that nul would be empty if this happens. I think a new paradigm would become the norm and people would just have to take more care / fly more defendable or affordable ships.

Lastly, the same people who say “without local everyone would die to hot-drops” are the same ones saying “i don’t just dock up when i see a neut in local”. If they don’t dock when they see a neut, no local should be fine. If they do dock when a neut enters system, local chat is i believe making things stagnant.

Is there such a big problem with only fielding ships you or your group can defend?


The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

The argument I’ve been making is exactly the opposite of this.

Removing local (especially if you’re removing it and putting some sort of intel structure for sov holders to use in it’s place) will cause less hot drops. It will hurt hunters.

  1. Most of null is empty. There are few parts of it that have many systems populated for hunters to not need to know if targets are in system… really just Providence. The rest has lots of uninhabited systems where there might just be a cloaked scout alt or nobody at all in system.

  2. With currently available tools for a hunter, the time needed to FIND a target to attempt to drop on will increase significantly… to the point that it might mean less combat than we have now despite making it easier to attack a target once you find them.

  3. There are lots of losses in high sec… even though high sec is super safe. The reason is people get complacent. They are less complacent in null and low-sec so despite the danger being higher the losses many times aren’t. WH’s are the least safe and players are the most cautious there. Removing null will increase the caution of ratters. The biggest flaw people have when thinking about this is that players will behave just as they do with null if null is taken away. People keep saying that you only die in null if you’re lazy… but the fact is you’re less likely to be lazy without local. Taking away lazy or unobservant targets is not a benefit to hunters.

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First of all I have seen these people operate in terms of hot drops, they flood your systems with cloaky AFK campers, they will just do the same with no local but now they will be so much more effective. Many of the ones I came across had deep safes, which mean that they can just log in and will not be picked up on D-scan. All they will do is appear drop a cyno and bang dead!

Selectively getting safe is based on knowing who it is, what they are likely to be in and whether they have the ability to drop you or kill you, for example I had a interceptor come in on my site when I was in a VNI three times as if to frighten me, I knew that he had no support, no ability to blow up my ship and so he was wasting his time, after the third time I told him that he was wasting his time and he left our space, was I supposed to warp out?

Quite often I warp out get back to the Fort and jump into PvP ships to go and kill the people who have come into our space, this is so successful in our main TZ that people are doing it less and less, because they die.

You are not doing this at all, you are saying it is stagnant based on your feelings and most definitely not on your experience, I am saying it is not stagnant based on my experience. So who will CCP listen to? Hint it will not be you, in fact neither because the devs don’t read this in the main due to people trolling and creating slanging matches based on bait posts and the like.

Neither of us you fool. That’s why your butt-hurt is so funny. We’re just discussing semantics and you think this thread is going to decide the fate of Nul.

I mean, it’s not just me is it. Absolutely loads of people both in nul and out of nul think it’s gotten stagnant, to the point where it’s a famous meme almost now. You get it with any system of min/maxing, where eventually everyone has it locked down so tight it’s nothing more than a meta-game. Nul is more and more like this with every passing year and it’s to be expected.

You can say what you want about what i am and am not doing. You really have no clue since i do whatever i want day to day. You on the other hand, by your own admission spend your time flying your carrier surrounded by blues and pressing various F keys when you’re told to. It’s no wonder you want things to stay exactly as they are rather than be under any pressure :smiley:

Either way, you and your shadow can just keep calling everyone else trolls it’s what we expect now.

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Which is what I said CCP will not be reading this thread at all, slipping into insults yet again because your posting is based on feelings and a non-representative experience…

I said in previous posts above which you obviously failed to read while debating the best way to call me a fool obviously, that there is an arms race going on in 0.0 and that will explode at some point, people who have no clue will go on about how stagnant it is and it does not help when real content gets ended with rubbish mechanics and poor GM’ing, i.e. the fall of CO2.

Well you don’t operate in sov nullsec, feelings, you have feelings!!! Carrier! Where on earth do you get the idea that I fly my carrier and press F keys, seriously in a carrier pressing F has no affect, do you know anything about carriers, seriously that is dumb.

Last kill you have is 7th July 2017, hmmmmm, you are like Linus and Sonya, not even playing the game let alone playing it in the area you are talking about and have a feeling that local should not exist in nullsec, ahhh how cute and how sad!

Since when is the killboard relevant to a discussion about carrier ratting?

That’s such a weak argument, but I guess that’s what you are :sweat_smile:

This discussion is about local in nullsec and if he is not playing the game, and is not in nullsec, which appears to be the case, it is like saying that your experience of MTU baiting of mission runners in hisec makes you an authority on nullsec!

Hmmm, as you are likely not to see that I better make it clear that it does not, lol

So according to your logic, if someone fails to kill or die on the kb for an amount of time he isn’t playing the game? Lmao

Someone can be very active and not die due to paying attention. And that same person can have no kills due to not caring

Your argument just died, like the last one where I “seal clubbed a poor poor gila that had no help” (in a 280 dps onyx :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:)

Neither Linus, Sonya or Keno are actually playing the game while you are a terror of MTU’s in hisec. :rofl:

Yet all of you think you know more than people who operate in nullsec, yeah right…

this is game of alts

people post on alts all the time

Rip #3 or 4 (in this thread alone :kissing_heart: )

Yes, a multiplayer sandbox.

Hm. I see this usage of term multiplayer for the first time. :thinking:

Usually people mention it with the meaning “others can kill you”.

Actually i’m not sure if EvE Online was built over your interpretation of this word. Else we would not have soloable lvl4s, PI (which is totally solo activity with no meaningful way to interfere) and many other corners of the sandbox.

But overall i would like to see 0.0-sec impossible to solo. But it’s not made this way.

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I agree it’s not made that way either. I push for things like no local in null because I’d love to see HS be the only part of space that’s easy enough to solo.

Just where I’d personally like to see the game go.

So you want to see the game go to hisec…

That you do not understand the Empire game in nullsec is your issue! I was told on good authority that there will be OA’s to give local at some point for nullsec and if you want to remove local you can shoot it, however it will kill roaming as another actually intelligent poster has indicated.

There are a lot of activities in 0.0 that are done as a group, defending space for a start, Rorqual mining is another, another will be moon goo mining, also lower level mining fleets, people who rat are in fleet and ready to call for help, and we have people who act as scouts and others who do gate or bubble camps or bait attackers. That there is mainly ratting which is solo as in you do it mainly as a player is not an issue, also it made it so people would sneak into 0.0 to go run sites and stuff, which then gets to another point exploration is a solo activity.

You should be able to do most things solo if you wish, however it makes it more risky and more difficult, I used to operate solo in nullsec, using NPC 0.0 as a base, I would go into other peoples unused space and use it in T3C’s. Anything else could not get past the gate camps…

Fair comment.

I don’t use this char much for PvP because it’s been living in nulsec where PvP is boring. However, can you just tell us where that kill you’re speaking of took place?

Was it nulsec Drac?

Not any more, shortly after those worthless kills i got by being an F1 jockey like you i decided to leave nulsec and do something more interesting.

F1, F2 and F3 fire the various weapons of your fighters when you’re flying a carrier Drac. You’re welcome by the way, though i would have assumed you already knew that.

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