CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

So basically you are just butthurt about solo carrier ratters then. Why shouldn’t solo carrier ratting be in the game, please explain.

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You can ask him
Or his leadership
Or Thomas en Chasteaux
There were ag watching the whole time, doing what they do best… nothing :smiley: @Dracvlad

I recall seeing VMG in Hatakani, only what… 2-3 jumps from where I was?

But hey I’m never honest am I?
I enjoy seeing you all mad because you know I’m right, but then again you like to deflect.
You’re >not mad, on the contrary I’m having a laugh

Etc, etc :joy:
You know, people pay a high price for that high quality salt

Outside of player error, someone solo PVEing can get away 100% of the time in sov null due to local. Given solo should be difficult to impossible in null, this is a problem.

It is not just player error!

Why should it? What is your problem with solo content?


Nice plagiarism from reddit. At least be original if you are going to try and troll.

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What does the second M in MMO stand for?

Subcaps in sov null grouped or solo, caps in fleets, getting caught PvEing in sov null is only due to player error right now


Just because it’s a multiplayer game, that doesn’t require every single activity to require more than 1 person. MMO’s are a type of game where you progress a character over a long period of time, you belong to a community. That in no way implies you have to do things with the community all the time.

If I just want to chill out and play alone for a while, does that mean I have to play another game? because apparently this game isn’t designed for solo activities according to you.

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Go away troll.


You can do that, but prepare to live with the consequences lol

You can’t control what other people will want to do to your shiny toys :joy:

I don’t care if I lose 800mill, I can make it back in 6 hours.

K lol
Doesn’t change the fact that EVE is a MMORPG, best solo experience you can have in on Sisi :joy:

Multiplayer =/= Co-operative.

Multiplayer =/= Non-Cooperative.


Multiplayer =/= solo

The difference is multiplayer doesn’t imply that you can’t play solo. There are plenty of multiplayer games that only contain solo content.

You’re trying to use the argument that because EVE is a multiplayer game, everything must be co-operative, which is a dumb argument. RIP your argument.

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Do list multiplayer games that only contain solo content

I’ll be waiting

And no, my argument is that multiplayer =/= solo
Nothing else. Get your facts straight.

Cut it out you two, this is getting old fast.