Are you really trying to say map statistics is the reason players PVP? LOL.
Still free intel.
What’s your point? You can still pinpoint the hotspots precisely.
Doesn’t matter what statistic they look at, the point is the information is there.
PVE pilots are not equipped to fight, you should have a disadvantage.
You have plenty of options to catch PVE pilots currently. You should not be allowed to catch a pilot who is playing properly, removing local would mean that no matter how many measures I took to stay alive, I would still die because you just fly to me with a cloak on and there is nothing I can do to escape. If you belong to a large entity I can’t outescalate you either.
That is NOT fair.
Maybe you should stop being bad and fight players thst are in PVP ships, I know you don’t want to though because you aren’t good enough, that’s why you have to hunt AFK PVE ships because it’s the only thing you have the skills to kill XD
This is wrong. This is what people default to when they don’t understand the opposition to their idea, the accusation that “you are just afraid of change”.
We’re afraid of stupid change. The idea that a place with gates and cynos will somehow be better if you turn of the one thing that makes gates and cynos bearable is stupid.
Liike I said before, I do still hope that CCP does ditch local in null , because as I’ve said before, debate is useless, the only thing that really works is experience. People would have to experience how bad a no local Null sec would be to understand why the idea is terrible. But I also know that once that happened, no one who supported ‘no local’ would be able to admit what a disaster it would be.
Free intel available also to people in that system. Removing Local from Player Sov doesnt remove Map data from anyone.
So? Whats your point?
If it doesnt matter what statistic they look at, then it doesnt matter that the Map intel is there, does it. Either on the part of hunters, or PvE locals. They too can look at the rate of gate transit on their borders.
Lolwat? This is about intel. Not about whether you are fit to fight.
If hunters dont have an advantage over targets in EVE, there is no point to hunting.
A cloaked player is currently reported in Local. Is that fair to the cloaked player? No.
Having said that, I do agree that cloaked ships should be visible on d-scan, in all of EVE.
Role rated ships with d-scan immunity being exempt.
That was the impllication of your statement you idiot. Don’t try and pretend that’s not what you said.
What a stupid counter-argument. I can’t gain an advantage by using map statistics on the system I’m sat in ratting. Maybe you could think of some super specific scenario but that doesn’t make that retarded point valid.
The point is you can still use it to your advantage, you aren’t very good at thinking are you.
How does that help me in my own SOV ffs? It gives me no indication of what is going on because that could be ally ships or not. I get zero information from that.
Who cares if you think hunting PVE players is pointless. Go and fight some real PVP.
What would be the point in cloaks if they show up on D-scan and local didn’t exist. No point, thats what. Stop trying to game design, you are absolutely terrible at it.
Hmm. Insults. No its not what I said. Its what you contrived of what I said.
Again, an insult. You get the same map data as everyone else. Up to you whether you know how to take advantage of that, or not. PS:You can.
3rd insult. Everyone can use Map data to their advantage, equally.
You get as much info as everyone else. No more, no less.
Lolwat. Do you think hunting PvE ships is pointless then? Seems so. Am I supposed ro hunt PvE ships in a PvE fit ship or something? You arent making any sense.
The point of a cloak would be to remain un-attackable unless someone comes close enough to de-cloak you. It would also mean you can detect a cloaked ship, even without Local, even if you cant aggress them. Thats to YOUR advantage. Hilarious how you dont see that.
No you can’t say things that have clear implications and then pretend that’s not what you meant. Maybe you should actually think about what you’re writing if you don’t want to imply retarded things.
Not even going to bother reading the rest because it’s probably more denial rubbish.
lol this forum is a cess pit for people like you. You can’t ever admit you are wrong ever, you just argue until everyone else gives up with you and then think you somehow win.
Thats a false implication.
Ive admitted to being wrong several times here on these boards.
That’s a documented fact.
All of us make mistakes eventually.
No one is right all the time.
How about you?
Are you done .“implying” now?
Brb. Checking your background.
“State War Academy 2017.09.14 21:28 to 2017.09.15 12:37 (1 Day)”
“Unity Ventures 2017.09.15 12:37 to this day (72 Days)”
“Unity is an active, experienced corp. We live in Providence, nullsec and follow Not Red Don’t Shoot (NRDS) which fits in well with our corp philosophy of not ganking but respecting others.”
Why do you always get what I say wrong (rhetorical question btw, I know why)? Please link the post where I said you can’t predict the outcome of change.
I don’t need to lose my job and be forced to take a job digging ditches along the side of the road in 100 degree Texas heat to know that would suck. And I don’t need to have to actually see null with no local (but that still has gates and allows cynos) to know that it would suck.
If you look at my other character (Cassius Rex) you will see that my last 2 kills are with my Machariel against Pandemic Horde guys who came at me while I was in anomalies. Had it not been for local, they’d would have both been on me before I could have reacted, and even my pvp fit ratting Mach that has a cyno (to call in jump capable members of the home defense fleet I was in) wouldn’t have saved me from the gangs both PH guys had coming in hot behind them.
Local meant I had a chance to prepare (which I did by burning away from the beacon, giving me distance that let my big auto cannons hit the PH guys as they rushed in to tackle me). Without it all I would have had was 3 seconds of warning you get when they showed up on d-scan.
I simply would not play in that kind of environment, in the same way that most EVE players don’t play in Wormholes. I’d be in low sec FW missioning and/or blitzing level 5 missions with carriers.
And I know for a fact that lost of people would abandon null with me, because we did it when CCP screwed up the anoms in 2011.
We wouldn’t. Still I’m willing to lose it (my space-life in null sec), willing to let CCP make this change you want, because that’s the only way you’re going to know you are wrong, even if we both know that when it happens you won’t be able to admit it.
I dont get it wrong, nor anymore rhetorically than as you constantly/repetitively express it.
You use the argument as an attack, but refuse to admit that you yourself are also subject to it.
You claim we can’t predict the results of chance, well, then neither can you.
Yet you premise almost all of your resistance to any proposal of change/solution with exactly this same argument as if it was yours alone to use, and one which you yourself are immune to critique on.
There is you stating that you can predict the result of change.
In that statement you claim your prediction is truer than that of another, ergo: that others cannot predict the outcome they foresee from the same change, which contradicts yours (whereas in your mind YOU can predict the outcome, but they cant.)
Others predict it “wont suck”. You predict it “will suck”.
It can be only one or the other.
Who are you to say your prediction of the result is more accurate than theirs?
Or that they can’t predict the results better than you?
The answer to your question is : Whatever you want. That’s what you spend your money on. If you want to spend it on carriers to fly while unprotected that’s fine, while local exists.