CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

Why do you care about ISK generation though. It has zero impact on your gameplay.

I don’t care about it except for when it is used as a bad reason for local removal in null sec because it is not going to achieve what those people think it will.


So why were you quoting CCP as gospel on the economy if they don’t understand how their game works. You’re talking so much rubbish it’s unbelievable.

Jeez man. Did you struggle in school or something.

Designing the game isn’t the same thing as seeing the effects of designs. It’s totally possible (and clearly evident) that CCP are able to assess the impact of the changes they make, but they keep making the wrong changes.

It’s no surprise really that they keep making the wrong changes either. We see here on the forum regularly, older players returning to the game and feeling like so much has changed, they are unsure of how the game is played anymore. So with the game designers, working on EVE is not the same as playing EVE, so it’s probably expected that they don’t really understand how the game is played after they’ve been at CCP for a while. Their reliance on the CSM as a source of information is also lacking.

Go have a prosac or something. You seem totally lost here.

You can’t claim to understand something and then make a wrong decision. Making a wrong decision is evidence that you don’t understand what you are doing. So you can’t claim they understand the problem with the economy yet make the wrong decisions on how to fix it, that makes no sense at all.

I wish that was true. Logically, I know how money works for example, yet I still spend more than I earn at times.

However, even having made those wrong spending choices, I still very clearly understand the effect it has in the long run.

Can’t escape how obvious the effects are at times, even if making the wrong choice to begin with.

So there’s no need to compare apples (game design decisions) with oranges (effects of those decisions). It’s perfectly possible to measure the second, even when when making mistakes in the first.

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But you’ve just admitted that’s a wrong decision, you didn’t think it was the right one and were then surprised to find it wasn’t.

I’m sure the game designers don’t deliberately set out to make wrong decisions either. I’d be surprised if anyone did that on a regular basis.

Still clear to see the effects in hindsight though and/or to let motivations in one area drive a decision that you know is wrong for something else, but decide the trade off is ok, or you’ll fix it later.

The World isn’t binary.

Game designers have a lot of time to discuss their decisions. If they make a mistake it’s because they didn’t completely understand the problem. The only time you can understand the problem completely and make a ‘wrong’ decision is when there is a random element. Even then however you are making a correct decision based off of probability so it’s not just a straight up wrong decision.

Like you aren’t understanding what you write about? Your sentence is the perfect example for “not understanding the problem”.

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Taking the quote from CCP Larrikin above in relation to the most recent fighter nerf.

Do you remember the furore in the community over the weekend after the change was announced on the Friday. CCP (as they have done a few times), back-tracked pretty quickly. They made a wrong decision and luckily, that was made known to them pretty quickly. Other times it isn’t so quick.

Luckily though, back on topic, they’ve said quite openly that they won’t blanket nerf local in isolation. For them to remove local, they would also have to nerf cloaks. CCP Fozzie has indicated (in a reddit thread), that there may be localised changed (which I assume refers to the observatory arrays affecting local and cloaked ships when they are introduced), but no blanket local nerf.

That seems like a good desision, but policies are always subject to change.

Null sec is not solo hunter space, it’s SOV space. Solo hunters have plenty of options already, they need catering to the least of all players.

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The rage about the carrier nerf was overblown tho.

I agree. I think it was made worse by it being on the back of CCP’s recent approach of “buff till everyone wants to fly it, then nerf it back after people have invested in the skills”.

Perfectly good revenue raising approach, but not so great for players and that was the feeling coming through in some of the discussion.

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except it wont work, the watchlist changed to buddy list because of people adding their enemy on both sides, now cant see when the other is on, so the pvpers refuse to go hunting because they thing they are hunting ghost due to their targets being offline, and the targets stay offline for the war because they think they are being hunted.

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