CCP stole my stuff

What right do you have to turn my billions of isk worth of materials into garbage without any real warning? Really, people spent billions of isk on the materials and blueprints of these items. But I turned around and realized that with a single change, it was all trash. What am I going to do now with Neurolink Conduits worth billions of isk? Why didn’t CCP refund us the isk value or equivalent? I was against these Neurolink Conduits when they came into the game, so what happened to people like us? Again, we’ve been made a loss. Again, our precious time has been wasted. Our time was stolen by CCP. Yes, maybe you want to enrich the bot owners who make real money from this game, but at least you can fill your own pockets without trashing what we have, right? but no, we have to lose. Enough is enough. This game is already dead, I can’t spend any more of my time as a toy for disrespectful people like you. there are tons of good games on the market.

PS: don’t ask for my accounts for nothing. I’d rather delete them. Because I hate Eve now. No one should play the game of this disrespectful greedy company.
2nd note: I don’t have to read patch notes every moment to see if everything I have will turn into garbage. I have tons of responsibilities in real life. It’s a game. but unfortunately CCP doesn’t know that it’s a game and when people lose things for no reason it hurts people.

for anyone who read…
farewell… arrivederci… sayanora… tschüss… au revoir…

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I like the part where you mention billions.


bye! o/

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Speaking of which, as billions are such a trivial thing to you, time for you to send a dozen billions to my ISK account. :wink:




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Sounds like the OP needs those billions more than you!

True, never implied I need it. :wink:

I still have no idea what you’re talking about here. But uh, sorry that it happened.

With empathic regards
-James Fuchs


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