CCP Stop me from throwing Money at DU, give us WIS!

It all depends on what becomes of it. Still, just a cursory look at it says it’s aiming to be more CCP’s vision for EVE than EVE is. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued.

Sure, I love EVE, would I have hung around for 10+ years if I didn’t? I’m just disappointed because it feels like CCP doesn’t love EVE and its rich world as much as I do. And I am aware how saying that sounds, but I remember a CCP that engaged with its playerbase more and treated the background story as an important part of the game, where today it’s on below minimum resources.

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I can imagine people playing it and telling themselves its EVE 2. Even writing stories with that theme. But I dont think creators will fork out money to bring such kickstart to their world as to write chronicles or making those fluff items, expanding on lore and world building, building a setting, history timeline.

It will be left to players and setting will be alll around the place. Narrative wil be as much as you are able to care about it. Like in my case in Landmark when I imagined its actually a dwarven airship I build, even when there were no dwarves in the game.

A lot of these Kickstarter-based EVE “knockoffs” or “replacements” seem to have the reckless ambition and grand ideas that made CCP so successful in the first place, but lack the actual infrastructure already built and perfected by EVE. If I were CCP, who apparently are in a period of less-than-ambitious imagination, I’d be looking at maybe recruiting some of these people if their projects fail simply due to lack of technology or corporate structure.

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A civlization is more than its hardware. DU is completely souless. What can you DO in it? Build stuff? Why build it? To use it? How? And why use it? It’s just a toolbox for builders, but Minecraft is a million times more than any of these clones will be.

All in all the enjoyment of building your egodick in space only lasts that long, and then there’s always someone more determined, more creative, more insane, that will build an awesomer egodick.

I think that these games share a small niche that is composed of 95% Minecraft and 5% for silly competitors. And thus they’re bound to fail.

Bullsh*t. CCP didn’t had the infrastructure nor anything when they started. But they started in 2000 when MMOs were a new thing and social Internet didn’t existed. EVE Online is a social construct, and is irrepeatable. We’re not in 2003 and MMOs are becoming a thing of the past.

This EVE is the only EVE we will ever have. Once it’s done, it will be done forever.

I don’t know what’s the future of gaming, or online gaming, but they’ve grown as old as those who embraced them as young and now still stick to them as middle age. Saying that a new game is the new EVE is like saying “Hey, this is the new “I am 23 again!””. Bullsh*t.

The only way WIS would have worked is to allow for it to be as free and open as the spaceship content. This would mean you could get ganked in a station and lose all your stuff there, and it’s going to feel like an actual robbery to some players. I don’t see this as much fun. At least with spaceships is there some abstraction between what players do to each other. And if it wasn’t implemented in way where it gets under the players’ skin, then it wouldn’t be used much either, but only serve as a fancy wardrobe for dressing up and left in the corner after a few months.

Speaking about dicks, This is what people will actually do, like penis spaceships. That is understandable. :eggplant:

Janitors is an accurate analogy. I wonder who gets to turn the lights out?

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Anybody remember the old Traveller pen-and-paper RPG? Not Walking in Stations, space marines Fighting in Stations! Ah well, no harm in fantasizing and dreaming…

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It really is interesting how Eve is the ONLY True Space MMO, and others are still building their Space MMOs. Eve’s programmers are to be commended for being forward thinking nearly 20 years ago, wish they’d done more in the mean time really.

they are doing great stuff and going futher , but now not in ccp

Bring back WIS! Make Planets Walkable! Shuttles from stations to planets! Etc.

Maybe it’s so great because it doesn’t do all those things you are so hyped about from those other games. Feature creep doesn’t just automatically create interesting gameplay.

Right on, we saw how many features Eve developers add into the game during last few years and all that effort do not improve gameplay in Eve Online.

You’re right, she does not. I do, however.

You should give those plex to me. I plan on staying with eve at least some time longer, I’ll see. Might see you in DU…depends on how they go…looking pretty good so far…

I would like some better physics.
Collision, the ability to fly behind objects to block scans and block damage.
Some collision damage.
Systems targeting would be epic. Target engines or weapons.

I would like a new engine or walking in stations and planets, I admire Eve for doing so well but at some point we need a big change.


I agree, I sometimes think CCP Devs must be sipping alcoholic beverages while sunbaking on some Icelandic beach, reassuring each other that
“what’s the point of it all, we’ll just let Eve peter out slowly, cos its too much work for massive changes, WE GOT PLENTY OF TIME BEFORE DUAL UNIVERSE AND STAR CITIZEN GO LIVE, LET’S SIT IT OUT TILL THEN, AFTER THAT, WE CAN JUST JUMP SHIP TO CIG AND NOVAQUARK!!” :beers::beer::beers:


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