CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

The system you’re describing can’t exist.

Here’s a simple litmus test:

Let’s say you’re a player who’s only interested in PvE. You just want to run missions, or mine, or do hacking sites. The game has a PvP toggle feature, which allows you to become completely immune to attack by other players when activated.

Would there be any instance in which you would choose not to have the PvP toggle in the “safe” position?

Except this doesn’t actually happen. This “vocal” population you’re talking about is a small minority at this point (numbering fewer than 50 unique individuals), and their “begging” amounts to making some desperate, losing arguments whenever new piracy nerfs are announced, which is often.

The reason why CCP is keeping ganking (and other piracy) gameplay intact in some anemic, terminally-enfeebled state has nothing to do with being convinced by the select few still willing to put up with the astronomical costs and restrictions to engage in it. It’s purely a matter of economics for CCP, in terms of both the game and their own financial statements.

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