All i can say is wow what a change
First notice was hi sec is a player ghost town
Mostly filled with newer players (Which are few ) an alpha gankers played by very experienced alts they travel in packs now scan your expecive ship down while your in mission hopping to kill you while your in aggro.but not they bring enough firepower to get the job done! Before they can be killed by the always to late police patrol!
Late to save your expensive ship that is
Ganker do not care how many times there killed with there alpha account most make there living on there real account
So running missions in any expensive ship is out even in hi sec
And with fewer players in hi sec with expensive ships puts a hugh target on your back for gankers to scan you down with a throw away frig comback with a hafe dozen of there friends in cheap frigs an cruisers an your billion isk ship is going boom on the next u tube video on how i killed a billion isk ship in hi sec with my alpha account.
No they did not kill my ship but i got away by luck twice in an hour
In the old days you would run into gankers maybe twice a month usally at gates or out side of stations trying to con you into fleeting up with them or they would join your corp for a day an attack you while missioning
But now with the player count so low in high sec your a sitting duck an if they no you missions in a area they can always check on you latter
So missions running in hi sec is not a good return on your investment in eve
I have a lot of respect for many of the players in eve some of you a so smart in real life im amazed your all not millionaires in real life
I watched a guy take an alpha clone an make more isk than i ever made in eve per hour with 30 mill skill points in a worm hole flying a carrier!
I wish i could spend 5 hours a day in eve or at least 2
But real life demands keeps me limited to about an hour a day so being a valuable player for a low sec or worm hole corp would be tough
Casual players like myself who cant really make enough isk to plex but do make enough to fly expensive ships they cant really fly anymore not even in hi sec were the players that keep the game going paid accounts
Making paid accounts really a joke
An the prices of paid accounts makes me rethink eve i believe i can survive letting my pritty expensive ships just sit in the hanger or just sell them
I could supply an apha toon a life time of t1 ships an fits
An another beef with eve the missions are exactly the same as ten years ago no new missions in ten years or has it been twenty years
My burning question the anyone at ccp is what happens when all thats left is plex toons an alpha toons an you priced out all of the casual players
Because who cares about being able to fly ships or earn more skills when you cant fly the ships out of the hangers to run missions that are tweny years old
When alpha toons are scoring more isk per hour in a throw away fig
Dont get me wrong i love eve but i really dont think its worth paying for anymore unless you can plex your account
So yes im starting an alpha account to get good with it an its limited skill set
So i can play eve an if i get poped by ganker or rat oh well whats 10 20 30 evan 50mill in eve the price of one hi value ship sold on contract would cover that ten twenty times over
Welcome back! You may have missed that CCP removed the ability of Alpha accounts to go ‘safety red’ in High sec, as well as some other limitations on ganking. This means they’re unable to use Alpha accounts for ganking, although they may still be used as scouts or loot scoopers.
The ways to avoid ganking are still the same: mark all the Ganker corps and alliances as Terrible standing, keep an eye on Local player list to see when they appear, use D-Scan, don’t hang around within 4 jumps or so of trade hubs, etc.
As for paying for Omega status, yes it’s gotten more expensive, especially if you got month to month or short terms. It’s clear though that a big part of the reason they jacked prices up by 30% was so they could start offering sales of 30, 40, even 50% (instead of the old 10% and 15% sales).
So if you do decide you want some Omega time, one way to get it a bit cheaper is to buy Plex when the Plex is on sale, and then hang onto that until there is a sale in the NES store of Omega time for Plex. That seems to offer the most bang for your buck these days, if somewhat inconvenient.
I took a break in 2019 & came back a few months ago.
The game has changed ofc, but, you just gotta find a new groove.
EvE is not dying by any means from I can see.
As for the gankers, yeah, they’re a thing & all you can do is be aware of your surroundings and fit a proper tank but even the best tank won’t stop a blob.
It might hold off a smaller gank squad until concord shows up - Might!
All in all just play the game and take the rough with the smooth, this is EvE, this is the way.