CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

It does not involve attacking, harming, or threatening you as my fellow player, so yes, it is peaceful.

I meant everyone else than you. Also miner isn’t really calling names… It’s a profession if you will.

Anyways i was trying to point out things about ganking (See above) but you didn’t answer :frowning: Kind of dismissal tbh.

I got distracted by other posts. Sorry.

But the minerals you mine and then put on the market directly result in the lessening of value of the minerals I mine? You are devaluing my work and diminishing my enjoyment of the game, to which I never consented.

This is true. Eve tries to simulates real life with the economy and all. As seen in my screenshot from ChatGPT the reasons why you need a mining permit in real-life are very much the same why mining in Eve is considered controversial.

Just to raise thoughts: Theres been so many suggestions for making high security space combat free zone. Completely. Just… This frustrates me. How much is that really thought about? Then there was this one player saying alphas should not have account log in restrictions :rofl: Have we completely lost our minds here.

And ofcourse , miners as prey need predators as without them , would ravage the asteroid belts unchecked wreaking havoc.

Why we just don’t remove market, ISK and skillpoints from the game and make every ship and item available to everyone from all stations. Then there would be no reason to mine ever again! Unlimited accounts no limit for multiboxing!

Do you see where i’m going with this?
You simply can’t have gank free mining. Ever. Or well you could but… You know.

Okay, i was here to talk about how being bullied in-game sucks, and how bullying is different than pvp, but if you’d like to share what makes ganging up on uninterested players such meaningful gameplay for you personally, I will listen.

Definitely can be hard. And require tons of skill. I don’t want to go into many real-world analogies of other activities that require a lot of skill but are destructive and antisocial. There are many other forms of gameplay in EVE that test your skill, other forms of PvP even. I’ve seen faction warfare groups go at eachother and congratulate eachother on good fights - that’s consensual - that’s skill applied socially.

That who specifically is better at playing the game? I wasn’t trying to argue here that anyone is ‘better’ than other players at playing the game - that’s far too complicated a judgement for me to make - someone might be great at PvP and PvE, others great at maximizing industry profit, others good at hiding from predators, others just super fun to hang around - I’m DEFINITELY not the best in any of those areas - though maybe I’m good at taking punches and not quitting, because I sure as hell have taken a lot here (and racking up quite a few in game)

So what are you trying to convince me of here? I don’t want to put any more words in your mouth, so just tell me.

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That would make the latest generation of EVE player very happy as want everything for free with no effort whatseoever

It is puzzling why you play a PvP game.

How about gatecamps, should they require your consent to gangbang you when you jump into their system?

And let’s not go back to the “It’s not the point, what the post was about was the fact that it’s unfair” No it isn’t. Gankers are just better players, more cleaver, more organized, more everything. Miners unite and fight back! That would be so awesome to see in Eve. Miners fighting back with never seen tactics and whatnot i truely mean that.

Eve has always been a game that challenges you to finding ways and creating the most absurd things for achieving various goals.

Are you here on the forums to specifically raise concerns about mining being part of Eve? If so, that is fine, but perhaps it deserves its own separate post. This one is about the quality of gameplay for players who like mining and don’t like being targeted by other players in highsec in the manner in which it currently stands.

Hmmh. What i don’t understand is why it’s always the miners? That’s why mining/miners have the reputation.

I don’t see manufacturers here complaining about their quality of gameplay, i don’t see market traders here, there aren’t no explorers here…

You can. You can add other threats to the mix for miners or reduce the amount you can mine per rock or both. I’m not saying that all rocks should be risk free - but its a community - so if what you do really messes with the experience of what someone else is wanting to do, it ceases to be a game and it becomes harrassment. We can talk about solutions but i’m only going to be happy with ones that clarify consent.

And if you’re now thinking or writing about pvp… I swear i will lose my mind. If you havent done Jita trading don’t even talk about pvp lol that ■■■■ is the worst most ruthless pvp there is.

That’s not true at all. This thread is about CCP failing its high-sec players.

I’m a high-sec player who likes shooting other ships, and doesn’t like having their income threatened by players who pump resources into the economy at a high rate, which causes me to take operational losses.

I’m just as entitled to voice my viewpoint in this thread as, say, a miner who wants to not be subject to player aggression in high-sec asteroid belts.

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I can’t dispute that gankers are better players by your own personal definition, but that’s all it is, your own personal definition. CCP presents the new player experience as 4 separate career paths, each as legitimate as the one next to it. I no more expect you as a soldier of fortune to get out a venture and mine veldspar for 1 hour than you should expect me to put down my venture and get in a cruiser in order to play the game unmolested.

If you know what the game is “really” about more than CCP…then I guess you’re just right and I’m wrong and CCP is wrong and all miners are horrible players who deserve to be taken advantage of and log on every day just to be killed like the prey that they are in the name of feeding the real players.

No. I don’t buy that, and we can both have fun playing, and maybe even (gasp) cooperate - which I believe CCP ALSO intended when they designed an economy that affects players with all gameplay preferences.

Let’s say mining was 90% more safe.

Now explain to us how your gameplay, suddenly after a patch that somehow made mining 90% safer, isn’t harrasment against the market and manufacturing players?

Thank you for the compliment on my writing, Shadmor.

In EVE, respect and peace are not guaranteed; they’re earned or created by players themselves. The game’s moral compass is largely directed towards ensuring its ongoing vibrancy and challenge for those deeply invested in its world. Expectations of emergent gameplay solutions to personal grievances might not align with the broader ethos of EVE, where players are the architects of their own experiences.

In a universe as morally complex and player-driven as New Eden, protests and appeals for change resonate most when they align with the game’s fundamental principles of risk, reward, and resilience. This environment thrives on the interactions and tensions between players, each pursuing their unique vision of enjoyment and success.

Attempting to alter this dynamic through appeals to a shared moral standard may not yield the desired outcomes, as the game’s structure inherently supports and encourages a broad spectrum of behaviors, including those that disrupt the peace of others. The challenge, and indeed the beauty, of EVE lies in navigating this landscape, finding or forging your path amidst the anarchy.

In essence, while the community and CCP provide the sandbox, it’s up to each player to build their castles or tear them down. The game’s essence is in the freedom it offers, not in the provision of safety or certainty. Adapting to this reality, rather than expecting the game to adapt to individual preferences for peaceful existence, might be a more fruitful approach.

Ayeeeee!!! Getting there. It’s a massive multiplayer sandbox pvp game. There are anti-gank corporations. How about trying to play multiplayer and maybe suggest paying them protection money?

Now see here. It’s totally up to the miner to be the prey and be killed. Or! They can add the predator as a contact so when the predator jumps in the solar system, the miner can take the approriate precautions and with the help of ships build in directional scanner and little practice be totally safe! :slight_smile:

First of all, I’m not arguing for it to be 90% safer. I actually think it should have risk - my own PERSONAL preference. But lets for the sake of argument that I did want it 90 percent safer. And lets say that whatever game changes CCP made also made market and manufacturing enthusiasts upset.

I’d say maybe they didn’t make the right adjustments. Harassment is a very specific engagement between individuals - it does not apply to game decisions that favor one type of player over another. CCP is not harassing me by allowing ganking. Mirriam Webster:

: to annoy persistently
was harassing his younger brother
: to create an unpleasant or [hostile] situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
example: was being harassed by her classmates
example: claims that the police were unfairly harassing him

I’m referring specifically to definition 2.

I need to take a break and eat. I’m not ignoring anyone.