CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

Looks like the new isd guys will have work to do soon

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You talk about having a “reasonable” debate.

Once again, this is a PvP game.

That’s a fact.

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This guy is completely off his rocker.

„I’m the only real human being here, everyone else who disagrees with me is merely roleplaying.“

There’s no bridge long enough to cross this gulf of understanding.

Where did you learn you could player vs. player another person?

And before anyone else thinks they are a genius and says i’m dumb for not knowing what PvP means, try to notice the difference between use of PvP as a type of gameplay and her use of the word to be an action she is taking against me.


Are you drunk?

Do you know what roleplaying means? It means being a character in a game. Asking for a permit is a roleplay because she doesn’t ask me for a permit in real life, she does ingame.

So you started this behavior, of “PVPing” other people, in a system in game, right?

I told him earlier he was like the guy that logs into a public Anarchy Minecraft server and complains about the cheating, item duping, and lack of rules on the server and the player behavior.

He got really defensive at that comment.

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Yes, I invented it and taught others to follow in my footsteps.

I call it minerbumping.

Actually I don’t know what public anarchy server is and i don’t play minecraft so if i got defensive it was because you referred to me in third person instead of talking to me.

You appear smart enough that you wouldn’t ask a question of such resounding ignorance if you were merely a modest participant in the roleplaying community in Eve Online.

I guess you’re not which is why you did.

I’m tired. You know I know you’re playing with me. I don’t want to play with you anymore, miss princess. I never did. I will happily respond to other people who wish to talk about this problem.

That’s irrelevant to me.

If you try to mine my moon again, we will play again.


@Shadmor_Fatbutt, you are the latest in a very long line of folks complaining about what they perceive as bad behaviour from fellow EVE players.

Because this perception is not shared by some (perhaps, most?) of those responding to you, you are unlikely to succeed in achieving anything more than the provision of opportunities for ridicule and censure.

This may make you feel justified in your stated position, but I would question whether you are genuinely interested in discussion and debate or, rather, you are simply allowing your undoubtedly strong feelings and opinions to take the place of persuasive reason - a task for which they are quite unsuited.

Being a victim or even perceiving yourself as a victim in EVE does not confer upon you the status of immunity - as you will quickly discover (if you’ve not done so already).

Dry your tears, Shadmor, put away the handkerchief and seek to regain the noble and stoic composure for which I’m sure you are widely - and fondly - known.

Or, of course, do the other thing.

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You falsely attributed a quote to me that i never made. . You suggested that I thought that people who disagreed with me were roleplaying.
You spoke about me in third person.
You said i was “off my rocker”
The fact that i’m even trying to respectfully engage with you after that comment would baffle 90% of other forum dwellers.

So the reason I asked if you knew what roleplaying was was because I thought I had been clear that when one person discusses a scenario in-character and another person is discussing just as a player, it prevents both people from having a common frame of reference. I really wasn’t sure if you knew what roleplaying meant.
I do not participte in EVE roleplay.

Shadmor, why do you feel that you should be exempt from PvP?

Maybe ore should just go straight to your hangar, without undocking?

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Yes, it is everyones responsibility to fix his problems. No one elses. If you have a problem with Gankers, fix it. By learning. Not by complaining how unfair the world is. Because thousands of players ARE mining every day and they aren’t ganked. The amount of people ganked in this game is so miniscule and the strategies to avoid being ganked so easy to learn, what you experience is always a problem of the stubborn and the lazy.

It is as the bakery provides it. Eat it or leave it. There are plenty of other games out there where you can have your undisturbed buildup-simulator with no PewPew.

People screaming “VICTIM BLAMING!!!” are usually crybaby snowflakes who don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. You want to mine in a system where other people claim rulership. Obviously you are too weak to withstand, so either move or keep being defeated. Know your place in the hierarchy, those without guns are simply down below and can’t decide which resources to take. They have to move and search for places without some “evil dictator”, well or a weaker one who they can fight.

Niveau only looks like arrogance from below.

I am by far more qualified than you are for sure, because I am following this game and this community for almost two decades now. The handfull of trolls and griefers aren’t even making a dent in it’s polish. And I know what you are calling “a problem” just is the result of your lack of knowledge, lack of fighting spirit, lack of persistence, lack of determination. You lack everything one needs to be successful in this game, so either get your **** together and overcome your deficits or go somewhere else. Your whine smells awful.

There isn’t as system that is your system unless you claim it by force. Which you obviously fail to. I can mine all day long if I want. If I would bother for your crappy highsec moon rubbish I could even mine in systems you can’t. Because I have learned how to do that instead of complaining.

I am judging you by your actions, not by your problems. And your actions seem not to solve your problems but to result in complaints abount an unfair environment. The same environment thousands of others successfully live in each day. An environment 10x softer and warmer than what most people had that came before you. Grow some skin, Every loss is a lesson, every assault a challenge, every new threat a chance to learn new things. Embrace the difficulty or go vanish in insignificance.

EVE isn’t your cheesecake. If it tastes salty, its from your own tears, so stop crying.


You may feel like you are being respectful, and towards me.

My experience has mostly been skimming walls of text that on the whole make me and my playstyle feel unwelcome and disrespected, and then when I do chime up with the historical angle, get told it doesn’t matter, only the here and now needs to be shouted about.

That’s why I talk about there being no bridge to cross. You want to have civil words be spoken at you so you can do the same back, but you don’t want to actually listen to any of it. At least, that’s how your communication in both rhetoric and substance comes across to readers. If you don’t like it, it’s not the readers fault, you are not communicating the ideas in your head effectively.

Sasha go read what i’ve said about 'the very long line" argument.
My perception is not shared by most on this forum. But It was shared by the writer of this thread and several others who liked my comments. I disagree that CCP “totally failed” its high-sec players, but I do believe they have failed, and I believe many players have failed in common human decency to eachother in this game, more than other games.
This DOES support my argument that consent should be built in more to PvP in Eve. We wouldn’t be having this discussion if we both agreed that the same rules applied.
I admittedly do have strong feelings and opinions, but I have not let them take the place of persuasive reason. Show me where they have.
Being a victim does not confer anybody immunity. We have to look out for eachother. Why are you here on the forum? What is YOUR goal in being here, right now?
I actually want to help make EVE a better place, because I liked it. For months. Despite a culture of predator prey victim blaming. Are you here to look for people who are having a bad time and tell them to leave in the most patronizing way you can think to do that?
I’m not crying, but if I was, would you talk to me that way? Is that how you want to talk to a fellow gamer?

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