CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

Wait until I tell you what I think about your comments!

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You really need to work on your chatup lines

where have you noticed? Present your argument. You hide behind your character like a scared tortoise in its shell. Its time you popped out and talked to me face to face. Or don’t and keep telling me to buy permits.

Ever thought of learning how to avoid getting “harassed” (in whichever definition) instead of going full passive aggressive mode and expect others to do the work and remove the “undesirables” (in whichever definition) ?

Keeping a cool head would be a start. Not saying anything but “gf” in local when losing a ship (regardless of teeth gnashing) would be a good continuation…

“I don’t like what you do” does NOT equal harassment.

P.S. Oh, and do pay for mining permits if lacking the brain to move somewhere else.

Come on! What are you waiting for!?? I’ve been waiting for you to have a discussion with me since I got here. All you serve up are roleplay lines, in-game threats, in-game intimidations - you refuse to actually engage - it’s like you’re cloaked watching me from some perch and you’re too scared to make yourself visible!

She has been giving you a good ass whooping.

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Are you gonna buy me coffee?

I have spent a great amount of time fighting Aiko and her lap dogs and I’ll happily kill her on site , but every player has the right to hide behind their character in this game .

You should never ask what you asked

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Anti-ganking modules when?

Actually, yes, I have several alts dedicated to that.


this is, after all, an RP MMO


Where did you learn what an ass whooping was? EVE? This is a real discussion - she hasn’t said anything that was a real argument. You haven’t either. YOu only bring troll urine to this field. I want REAL exchange of ideas and I don’t think you know how to do that!

It’s a PvP game.

I am allowed to PvP you.

You gave consent when you agreed to the EULA.

If you wish to submit, I will accept your surrender now.


She is getting to you huh?

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What do you think I asked? Her real name? I would never do that. I’m not asking her to deanonymify or whatever the word is, i’m asking her to talk to me like a human being and she is refusing. If she continues to refuse, it’s her choice, but I think it shows weakness.

There isn’t much to discuss.

You are like the guy who parachuted into a game of PuBG, and now you are crying because Russian paratroopers are after you.

What did you think was gonna happen?

It’s a PvP game.
It’s your PvP game.
It’s my PvP game.
Player Vs. Player is not a verb. You cannot player versus player another person.
Please paste the EULA so we can debate if I consented to you made-up-verbing me.

I definitely can, which is why you are posting here.

I’ve offered to accept your surrender.

What more can I do?

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Its actually nothing like your scenario at all. too many differences to go into.

Now if you behave, she might give you access to her onlyfans; but first, the mining permits.

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