CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

I don’t understand? I was trying to write a warning but apparently i don’t have opinion forums permit.
There wasn’t any names iirc. Or maybe the hateful slaver queens name. #SaveMike

I saw your post in the other thread with the posts from conversations with names included.

Oh yes. And? #SaveMike

And nothing, but a couple of the names are regular posters in here, it’s nice to know this information, heck maybe a lot of the supposedly new names cropping up who claim they’re new are the same person, especially as they seem to know a lot about the game for someone new.

And so the wheel turns…

Wheel of time fan eh?

Well the books are way better than the crap tv series they put out.

I think this should be legislated. Violent, anti-social behavior in video games and rap music is strongly linked to misbehavior in real life.

Probably explains why @Ax_l_Thorne is a 12 year old girl that plays Eve Online from a federal prison.


I hear she blew up a dev’s pixelated space ship, they gave her multiple life sentences without any chance of parole.

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It already is.

It’s as Io said. I’m a 12 year old girl, serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences for blowing up pixilated spaceships in a fictional space setting videogame. It was all the emotional turmoil I inflicted on my fellow gamers. Who knew that I had the power to control their emotions and make them feel angry, and scared and sad? If I had known I had the power to control that, I would have just made them turn over their bank accounts to me and make them feel elated and joyful doing so.

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You destroyed REAL miner’s lives.

Think about that while you ROT.


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Consent is critical when you play with others - and it isn’t always explicitly obtained by “do you consent to x” language between players - it sometimes comes in the form of pursuit of a shared declared goal, or after finishing a class, training, or orientation that prepares specifically for one purpose, then you both work towards that purpose. But as soon as the game changes, new consent needs to be established for it to be an actual game. Do you wish consent wasn’t necessary? It happens to be in order to play together. You have the consent of your corp mates in many situations whether you think about it or not.

When you called it my problem, you were trying to assign responsibility for the solution? Okay - if that’s the case, you equally believe that it is also thousands of players for whom this is also “their responsibility to fix”. Do hundreds of players like hunting miners? yes. Is that a problem? For me, yes. For them? No. Is it their problem to solve? Absolutely. “each and every one” doesn’t want to learn and doesn’t want to listen, to use your language.

Okay, I like where this is going. I like cake.

I agree. Unless lots of people like cheesecake flavored with the tears of children.
Then maybe it’s time to sacrifice your culinary preferences for ones that don’t involve making kids cry.
In the interest of, you know, playing nicely. But I know you’d argue that the cheesecake isn’t flavored with the tears of children. It’s flavored with salt. That I’m just tasting my own tears when I eat a piece of the cheesecake. That’s just crazy talk. Nobody cries when they eat cheesecake.

What i experience is not simply Player vs. Player. Before I go any further, tell me what you THINK I experience.

victim blaming without even knowing what harrassment i’m referring to, and not puting any responsibility on attackers or policing. Because you don’t want to feel responsible for other people having a bad time when you play your way?

So Arrogant. You are #5633 in a long line of apologists for nonconsensual antisocial so-called gameplay that happens to exist in an otherwise awesome game. You have to make a DIFFICULT decision, to change the way you’ve been thinking about this for 20 years, or take the easy way out and keep talking in your echo chamber.

You are not qualified to make a statement saying that the entire eve community isn’t toxic. The subject of this thread is bringing up toxicity, I’m bringing up toxicity. Just because you don’t want to believe there is toxicity doesn’t mean it isn’t prevalent here. I never said that there weren’t helpful players and mentors. My corp has many. Toxicity isn’t something that a person either IS or ISN"T in his/her entirety, it is a way of being sometimes. Otherwise good people can do toxic things. I have, you have, we all have.

Come to my system. I’ll show you how to avoid ganking, I mean, I’ll show you how to stay docked. That’s right, mining isn’t allowed in our system because another player has decided that preventing mining entirely is compelling gameplay. They’ve created an objective of the game to prevent mining through shooting or bumping 24/7. Not occasionally, persistently. This is compelling gameplay for them. They don’t care about anyone elses’ gameplay experience than their own, which is okay, but part of their experience is to ruin the experience of others. Not to win, or conquer, but to ruin Mining is a part of EVE - and if you don’t want to do it, that’s FINE. If I stop you from doing what you love doing, pew pewing, not because I’m defending myself, but because I just don’t want pew pews in my system, you are gonna be PISSED.

But that’s different, you say. EVE is ABOUT pew pewing. It’s NOTHING without PEW PEWING.

Exactly. I’d be stopping you from doing what eve is all about to you. What does that make me? A dictator. SO stop defending those who do it to me.

I might. It’s sad though, because like you say, it IS one of the greatest concepts ever. I’m not blind to that. You’re just assuming SO MUCH about what difficulties I’m facing - and if you are assuming, how can you know if they are something I should embrace or if they are things that you should also be criticizing?

No. I’m here to offer my support to the OP and to this cause because I believe in it. I can embrace certain aspects of the game without loving all of them.

Eve isn’t a company I’ve joined, so stop talking to me like i’m your new intern. This is a game we are all playing, so maybe start talking about it like entertainment. Success in a gaming community comes down to sportsmanship and interpersonal respect, its what I do when I log on. Paranoia is a delusional belief that people are out to get you personally - I have a tiny bit of that right now given that some forum posters who didn’t like what I had to say posted zkillboard stuff of me on these forums, identified where I live in-game, and have made it clear they don’t want me to play, instead of just debating with me or hearing my concerns and comming together as a community, which is what communities should do. But I know your anger, their anger, isn’t just at me personally, it’s at anyone that might suggest the game they love isn’t fine the way it is.
As long as you don’t put cilantro on my cheesecake I’m game.

Shows how little you actually know about FFXIV. Naughtiest game I’ve ever seen. EVE is childsplay comparatively. FFXIV has consensual naughtiness. You into a specific kink? Debauchery? You’ll find a group with it in FFXIV. It isn’t totally free from toxicity either - there is some of that in a few chats, but overall the gameplay, community, and moderation all value consent. Consent is a continuous and ever-evolving goal and its only built into eve in a couple places. When you have permission, things get NASTY, in a good way. Rules can be created to stifle creativity and freedom, or they can be created to protect it. If you are an anarchist, make sure you are the right kind.

I’ve told you before, once you purchase five (5) mining permits I’ll let you mine my moon. Everybody is allowed to mine, if they obtain their mining permits.


People can like comments even if they aren’t true - am I even needing to say this? Good lord. And your logic is “If losing pieces in chess is not harassment, then neither is losing ships in EVE?” what school of logic did you go to. TIME FOR LOGIC 101.
P: Losing a pawn in a game of chess
Q: Harassment
P does not equal Q
R: Losing a venture to a ganker in EVE in highsec
Does P=R? No. Therefore, one can not prove that R does not equal Q.
Do not go down the logic road with me unless you really want to be schooled.

If you don’t call something harassment it doesn’t make it not harassment. If it meets the definition of harassment, it is harassment, it really is that simple. Doesn’t mean that everything I call harassment is harassment, because i might call something harassment that doesn’t meet the DEFINITION of harassment. I posted the definitions of harassment and then called things harassment that met those definitions. If I call a bird pooping on my head harassment, that would be silly - it’s either intentional without capacity to empathize or an accident. If you repeatedly call a person names who is upset that you just killed them in a game, that is harassment. If you follow a person around in a ship and they’ve asked you to leave them alone, even if it is allowed in the rules, it is harassment. RULES do not decide harassment. If you and I are shooting eachother in our ships and you die, presuming we agreed to the reasons for the beginning of the fight, I am not harassing you. If I go to your spawn point and kill you again, and you expect that to happen as part of our game, I am not harasssing you yet. If you say “okay, that’s enough”, but I keep killing you at your spawn point, I am NOW harassing you.

A VERY important question. Maybe if we have aligned goals with this discussion we can get somewhere. Forums make that wicked hard.

Two things - 1) nobody here afaik wants all risk removed from high-sec, and 2) propping up high-sec wealth is not the responsibility of ganked miners. If high-sec wealth value is dependent on miners being ganked, it deserves to collapse for being a psychotic game design. I know it isn’t dependent just on the kind of antisocial behavior I and OP describe.

Yes, we’ve noticed.

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I really hope everyone sees here how fruitless a discussion can be when some participants troll like this. Even if the poster is roleplaying, they are doing so when I am NOT roleplaying. I’m typing, arguing, complaing, as myself - a player. IF we don’t all communicate as ourselves, we aren’t gonna get anywhere. As an aside, I think your roleplayed comment is illogical, disgusting pseudosocialdarwinism rooted in supremacy rather than a concern for asteroids or environmental stewardship.