CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

How about today? Not some nebulous future maybe, but today. Go fight them back and prove that they are actually your moons.

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I cannot. The people who currently mine/protect them are more established, have more resources, and are likely more skilled.

I suppose I could get my own group of people together, we could work on the project, and maybe, we could eventually take something of our own to be proud of. Somehow, that sounds better than running another mission.

But isn’t it easier to come to the forums to complain?

Additionally, it’s much easier to say what you want, than it is to get someone else to agree and take action. I think we have the same point to make here, but I’m not satisfied with making a point.

My goal is to make impact.

I’m confused, are you guys saying that someone stole your moons?


You can steal moons in EVE? What the heck? Does CCP know about that? Who is gonna replace them? Will they reimburse the moons?

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BUY YOUR OWN MOON! Oh, wait, this not Entropia.

Clever boy.

I trust your mining license is up to date.

You will if you misbehave when your ship goes SPLAT

That’s the whole idea. Hilmar is even on record as stating that Eve is all about co-operation and is supposed to be hard for individuals alone.

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And what part of this idea(ology) do I not seem to support or understand?

There is a false dichotomy here. It’s not gankers vs. miners. The argument is just polarized because it’s easier to attack and hope for the best than it is to establish a reasonable foundation for discussion.

Gankers and miners alike have a vested interested in setting expectations for new players if they want people to shoot at or buy their minerals. And personally, I believe that is already firmly in place in the current system.

I don’t think anything should change. That has been my position the entire time. My reasons for posting are simply to try and understand those who firmly disagree with ganking.

At this point, I simply think those who are complaining are taking the best route available to them. The skill/resources required to compete on-grid are just not there, and so they resort to the forums. The human predilection to solve an easier problem, rather than the one presented to them.

Tl;dr: Calling someone a miner is akin to “get gud”, and “mad cause bad”. I have no issues with this, as I agree with the mentality.

Im curious what your proffesion is in this game, or how you play it. You dont seem like a ganker and you dont seem like a miner or someone who lives in high sec. So why should your opinion matter in this case? Genuinely curious

I would also like to point out that the forums are heavily moderated and constructive anti ganking points of views and suggestions get removed :slight_smile:

You really shouldn’t discuss moderation if you wish your comments to be available to the rest of us. You should know this by now.

Anti-ganking OPs often take on the character of a rant. This is because their authors are not necessarily strong writers, but rather, they are of strong opinions. This sometimes means that a more balanced view of a topic is unlikely to become available to them. Indignation and emotional volatility do not aid calm discussion.

Gankers, on the other hand, initiate provocative discussions without ranting. Mostly. We are able to employ sarcasm, humour, insight and nuance to make the fairly simple point that ganking miners, haulers and mission-runners is a perfectly reasonable activity within the rules which currently govern activities in Highsec.

@Githany_Red doesn’t rant and rave about ‘evil gankers’ (well, not seriously), neither does she spam the forums with embarrassingly ill-prepared suggestions for fairy-tale modules and tortuously garbled pseudo-technological game mechanics.

Yet, she is at least as vocal a staple of the anti-gankers as are you. The difference between Githany and you is that she has garnered some respect from the generality of the anti-ganking gang (‘crowd’ would be overstating it), and you have not. You might profit from considering why that is so.


Why should your opinion matter?


Ganking is one tiny part of eve and high sec life. It only exists in HS as everywhere else your fair game.

In regards to the OP, lets come at it from another angle. What do HS players want? How is CCP not giving it them?

Lets start with the first bit? What do we want?

Well some want more safety sure, others more danger. New missions is a common request. Capitals another, level 5 missions?

HS is many many people, some alts some not, some solo some multibox, some have 5 mins a day others a few hours. The key here is we are disparate and in many cases fleeting. Good luck answering that and if you do CCP would probably offer you a job.

The second bit, what are CCP not giving us?

Please elaborate what it is we are being failed by other than ourselves by having no real cohesion yet paradoxically that anonymity being part of the attraction.

Just wanted to add, looking at Eve by security isn’t going to provide you with a good lens to see through, Eve very much needs to be looked at holistically with all areas of space working with the others. Its often not easy to see how something in HS could effect Null or LS but it does, and vice versa. Non of this is isolated other than what an individual decides is the case.

Hisec is comprised of characters from all walks of life. So to say hisec players were flunked by ccp, that would be ccp shutting the servers. This thread can be closed


Not your thread sweetie

You want to know what I get out of this.

My corpmates are carebares, but we know each other too well for me to grill them to ask them why. I thought if I could figure out some real reasons in this thread of why players might feel that way, maybe I could find a way to convince them not to be lame and to run more interesting content than space rocks.

Truthfully though, sometimes IRL friends don’t make the best corpmates, and so this was a bit of a cope. They are playing their game.

And I will go play mine.

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Dr Zaera can cure your friends of their carebear affliction, for the modest fee of 1 billion isk each, payable in advance.

In this regard they are not worth the isk.

Great at parties though, if you ever need a +1.

The bidding starts at 100 isk per corpie. No lowballs, I know what I’ve got.

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100 isk each?

Now who else says that

If this is the post with names included then it explains a few things about certain posters in the forums and who they are along with the alleged 200+ alts they have.

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