CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

Ah, the logical fallacy of appeal to oneself as an authority. With a bit of ad hominem thrown in. Yes…thank you for giving me lesson 537 in how not to argue logically.

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“Common human decency” as a concept is not shared across cultures.

EVE is played around the globe, and the concept of “common human decency” is dependent upon which culture you’re born and raised in, which culture you reside in, and which culture you personally envision for yourself, and no doubt myriad other factors influencing each individual’s concept of “common human decency”.

EVE, I believe drives home that point, more than most, imo. As adaptation to language differences, attitude differences, and just personal concepts of “drive” demonstrate.

Just my 2 cents.



One of the most interesting things about these forums has always been the significant prevalence of people who are Definitely For Sure Very Much Smarter Than You, but are bizarrely incapable of leveraging their massive intellect to succeed in-game.

Brains the size of a galaxy, but camped into a station by a couple of catalysts and unable to think of a single thing to do about it.


Our movement would like to point out that there is new proof available where it looks like High-Sovernity players have failed themselves. #SaveMike

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See, that’s the true cosmological purpose of ganking…


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Unfortunately, blocking me doesn’t stop me from erasing you.

Yikes…been playing since 2009 and haven’t figured out exactly how a post like this would be received by this community? I can see why you haven’t figured out yet that you need to watch local and dscan like a hawk.

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Do people know that when you shoot people in low sec, nullsec, WH space and Trig space that there is no CONCORD there?

Sorry had to join in stating the obvious…

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You finally noticed?

It’s not hard to avoid people in game , I have had the pleasure of knowing Zaera for quite a while and never seen her in space once .

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Even mining in null-sec is much safer than high-sec.

I would agree with that.

I think that in High sec there should be at least one system to were there would be no ganking in each region for newbies (-1 yr) to gain some foot hold/experience to enjoy then after an allotted time they have to move on to other systems. just saying the more that are interested in the game will stay and end up spending money on newer, bigger, ships, ships equipment etc. than to be so easily discouraged and chased away by whippy bully’s that pick only on the newbies.

Your suggestion would make them quit from sheer boredom.

Ganking in new player areas is already not allowed

Don’t talk daft, thats where newbies attempt their 1st ganks.

And then ofcourse the newbies get ganked by concord.

Ganking new players in rookie systems certainly isn’t allowed. But these systems afford ZERO protection for year-old Orca pilots who clearly already knows at least some of the basics of the game. And that’s a good thing.

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Year old players shouldn’t be allowed into the starter systems.

In fact, after 2 weeks of age, all players in the noob starter system should be randomly moved to a low sec system. Along with all of their assets of they don’t move themselves out.

Don’t forget to report all of those folks as bots.

As botting is against the TOS, and their bot set up with 30 covetors and an orca for support to clear out the newbie mining areas in absolute safety steals the mining experience away from newbies with their mission-granted ventures.


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