CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

I’ll even help gank that orca

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I disagree. Simply because of the soe arc and the career agents. We have multiple alphas staged in the systems for the soe arc just to run it and share the faction standings. Plus the career agents give out faction standings.

I don’t think so.

Our movement would officially request to change the topic of this threat for something more accurate. #SaveMike

Hsec players have failed it’s Eve online players.


Spin, baby.

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They would quit from sheer boredom

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Sure, it’s always worth reporting bots. But again, they’re not enjoying absolute safety by virtue of hanging around in a rookie system. Particularly in large Orca-boosted multibox mining fleets. If they’re not genuine rookies, they’re fair game ANYWHERE.

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Rather than keeping us away from new player systems we should be encouraged to go there , some of the activities we take part in can look great and would amaze new players

A large gank fleet hitting someone at a gate can be a sight to behold weather you are for or against it .

A player station should be setup at the gate and black flag should be asked to take it down . Maybe a small defence fleet try to save it for once.

Trigs should show up but only attack player who try to clear them out and new player should have weak trigs to kill .

Seeing these things as a new player now and then would stimulate players imaginations.
Not into fake game play but these new players are the future of eve . Maybe CCP could have events in starter system like they do their twitch fleets every week.

But you getting my meaning let’s show new player what eve can offer not isolate them more and more.

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Githany, Githany…you do have a dark side, I knew it !!!

The only problem with your proposal is that really new players are not likely to understand any of what would be going on either visually or procedurally. They would be completely lost by the process of getting hit by a ganking fleet at a gate immediately after they start playing the game. They have to have someplace where they can at least learn how to fly their ship first. They have to make some ISK first to buy some ships.

Although I do agree new players need to understand quickly that New Eden is a “dangerous” place. The question is how soon. I guess that is basically how this thread ultimately got started.


This is a proven induction technique, pioneered by @Aiko_Danuja herself. It is called Baptism by Fire.

If they are new they will be safe , CCP need to send a freighter into the starter system for the gankers to kill that’s what I mean. The number of people that ask me what’s happening in places like Uedama , when a large gank hits at the gate , and they aren’t new .

I just really mean make stuff happen in starter system so new players can see Eve’s potential.

CCP could make all confiscated ships from banned players appear there flashing red so free to kill

You realize new players are free to leave the starter system, right?

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I think I bought this up because someone said they stay to long that’s all

Isn’t that the “responsibility” of corporations, to show players what they can do and get into?
Isn’t that CCP’s responsibility as well?
I have never played a game, online or otherwise, where the devs count on players to help other players play their game. Now, new players have responsibility to learn the game but how to learn when you don’t know what to learn?
I am learning fairly easily because I’ve always been a self-learner but not all new players are.

To be honest, it is pretty straight forward.

As a neewbie, Zaera learned that shooting other newbies gets you concorded. Fang also learned that it is fun

In general it is, but it isn’t straight forward in the details.
Easy examples:

  • Most of the items in the game have very little information in their Information Window.
  • I found out I could turn my ship with the arrow buttons on my keyboard by accident. I leaned forward to grab something and a part of my body hit the keyboard.
  • I only found out about Bookmarks by reading the forum.
  • Didn’t know I could log out in space for days and it be no problem. Again, known by reading the forum.
    And there are dozens upon dozens of such exemples and they are not listed in the game. A new player will not know all that for weeks at least.
    EvE isn’t “hard” because it is a hard game, it is only complicated and throws new players for a loop that isn’t easy to analyze and isn’t obvious from the get-go because CCP makes sure it isn’t.
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That’s right. It was my right breast :smiling_face:

What? No!

That has to change.

Noobs should be forced to stay inside the starter system until they have 200 hours of gameplay. That ensures that they will be protected from mean gankers during their delicate developmental stages and have acquired the skills on how to pvp, without ever actually pvping because that would be too traumatizing for them. Regardless after the mandatory 200 noob hours they are kicked out into a random low sec system.