CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

That would be a start that will never happen.

OMG - You evil little girl

People like you are nothing more than cattle to be farmed by your betters.

The sheep gonna farm the wolves?

What a clever and original first post :rofl:


Oh look, another alt.


Well you say that , just been reading about SRS , you know the war Dec group , but I think that needs a new thread starting

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Never heard of them.

Apparently they reduced high sec ganking by 11%?

Now they defending structrures that get blow up against their will?

You promised not to make any new threads!

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OK that might not be a bad idea so long as it doesn’t delay newbs from getting out of the starter systems.


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I found solution for hisec players!

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We adapt, overcome. Most of avoiding hs mining ganks is avoiding looking like a juicy target. Remember, when being chased by a bear, squirt honey on your friend, then kick him in the knee. Seriously, if you want to talk gank avoidance, message me. Any decent hs mining corp is gonna have some grizzled old bittervet that knows the trips and tricks from yesteryear. Yes, you will be ganken at some point while mining. Sometimes you will gankertated enough to rage. But gankers gonna gank, you just gotta learn to get out of the water when you see the shark fins circling you, and avoid the mining locations known for sharks. Good luck man… the Gankerpotumus both gives andt takes away.

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Mining highsec aint worth it. Go to a backwater losec or nullsec with no pop and mine there for actual profit. You can even take the pochven fillament highway there and back. That is if you want to remain a blue pilled miner cuck.

Otherwise if you want big profits with low cost fits and “relatively” low risk: learn to D-scan, take the red pill and go wh gas huffing in a cheap AF venture. You get 10x the profit with only a 10% chance you get lungrot. And if you get ganked your the only one to blame as you didnt spam d-scan enough.

Ngl that looks dope.

High sec now is a ■■■■ sec.
CCP is doing everything to change it to low sec bis.
One of many reasons why that game is dead.

Fantastic ! Highsec has become ridiculously safe. I want shooting people in highsec to be easier…without having to spend over 1bn ISK on a war HQ.

Go to low sec loser. Are you a coward??

How do you even get there??

Don’t waste the honey

Sigh…half my 850 kills are in lowsec or null.

Get what?