CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

I never been to lowsec.

So, what is keeping you in HIsec? Illogical.

You do realise that most gankers are F1 monkeys. Hit that Retriever, the FC says so…

Shh…don’t give away trade secrets.

Have you undocked since losing that Tayra 3 years ago ?

They’ll keep arguing until the thread gets closed, or until you or a Mod gets bored.

Cost of destroyers: 100 million isk
Value of your mining crystals: 300,000 isk

Please provide a citation to the source material that led to that conclusion. I would love to read it myself.

Behold, the instant gratification focused demographic in its native habitat, to whom filaments and skill injectors are like cheese and crackers.

Calm down grandpa


Mine is 10k. The account before this one is also 10k. As is the one before that.

You need to get out more, make friends, talk to girls, touch some grass.

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Lets not go to extremes. In reality most of those hours are just the launcher sitting there minting dodgecoin for CCP. Those who know how that number works know it is meaningless, those who do not know how it works, seem to think it holds value.

What the Hell are you crying about, O/P?

You’ve already got what your ilk has always wanted:

CCP has all-but-explicitly turned off pretty much all other forms of highsec PvP/emergent game-play --most explicitly and notably small-corp/solo wardecs, and pre-2013-style aggro-baiting (I miss pre-2012 ninja salvaging, dammit :frowning: ) – because you shitters (and your nullsec RMT-overlords + their openly corrupt pet dev’s, mustn’t forget those) wouldn’t stop crying for the better part of 20 ■■■■■■■ years, and well…here we are.

Because of you, there’s nothing PvP-orientated left do do in hisec but ganking that isn’t a royal pain in the arse to try and get/set up, aside from blowing up MTUs or whatever (seriously OK, those have waaaaaay too damned much HP :confused: ).

If, after mining barge buffs 10 - 12 years ago that increased some of their EHP to damned near battleship levels, you’re still getting ganked, then it’s 100% because you are a fool who refuses to learn from your setbacks/losses.

And what I’ve seen of you and/or your corp. on zkill tells me that yes, you are a fool.

You got what you wanted –Now shut up and enjoy it like you’re supposed to.

And if not, then feel free to send all your ISK to this character, and contract to the same all your stuff in the NPC station in the 0.1/+ security system of your choice.

■■■■■■■ carebear.


They sell ships in the cash-shop now? Aside from the fact that they don’t and never have, I mean.

(Because the instant that happens is when EVE really will die, and 100% deservedly so. Even post-Seagull CCP isn’t that stupid. I think/hope/pray.)

It’s losing, by the way.

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Oh really?