CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

None of those are or ever have been cash-shop items --What exactly are you trying to say/prove?

It’s meant to move lots of freight at a time.

Is giving the MTU less health supposed to cause more fights? And its 90 seconds for a destroyer with basically no risk.

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You might enjoy the Highsec Whineblog: and the channel ‘Why Was I Ganked?’

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No, of course not. MTUs are often blown away by HighDPS ships before you can even warp to them. Whenever I feel the need to clear up some of them, I use a 1000dps Legion or a Polarized Confessor, there is no way anyone can safe it if he isn’t already on grid.

If CCP would like to use them for “creating PvP”, their “defenses” would have to redesigned completely with a mini-reinforce timer of like 5 minutes that the owner can use to warp to it. At the end of the reinforce timer it gets a 1-minute “defense timer” in which it can be shot but it cannot be scooped, so the owner has to either RR it or he would have to fight back the offender. In both cases he would get a limited engagement with the offender → PvP.

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They have around 50k HP --That’a little excessive, innit --And no, a T1 destroyer probably won’t do it in 90 seconds unless it’s paper-aeroplane gank fit. T3-D and some assault-frigates, maybe.

A decent cruiser – level 4 or 5 ship-skill damage bonuses and T2 high DPS guns and ammo, is around 2 minutes-ish, although I’ll have to time it the next time I do it in the fairly “typical” Void-ammo + 5 Warrior II blaster Thorax I usually use for that.
Void-blaster Proteus does it much quicker, but at around ISK 600mn for the ship and mods, it had bloody well better.

They got way too much HP and that’s that --it shouldn’t be more than around 25k, 30k at the most.

If I want structure grinding, I’ll go join the F1-on-command window lickers in sov-null.

Are CCP building amity with their Capsuleers?

This is not entirely true. I understand that miners are poor and might pay for their game time by endless grinding or spending IRL money, but don’t drag the rest of us into that.

Personally, I pay for my game time by selling ships and loot that I acquired through honorable PvP. Maybe if you spend less time worrying about money and more time actually playing the game, you might enjoy it.


P.S.: Did you try the tea I recommended? It might help you to calm down, miner.

I guess he’s not a real jedi.

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Do you understand the JIT Inventory system?

/ before I confuse you much longer with such a reply.

There is a reason why you gank and this is the same as how a miner will mine.

Those who understand the JIT system will only gank or mine as much as they need.

Doubt. Because if it was true, you wouldn’t be crying to CCP over high sec ganking.

It’s as @Tarryn_Nightstorm posted:

You created this mess. You’re inability to think ahead and ask the question, “what would be the unintended consequences if such and what were pushed through?” In your mad dash to form the game to your image.

You accuse gankers of being a part of the instant gratification crowd, but in reality, it’s you and your kind. And not on a game level. On the mechanics level. And CCP pandered to it. So revel in your creation. You made this possible, and gankers love you for it.

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So all the people who spent 10 euro on a retriever are some kind of mass hallucination?

No they are not

First corporation I was in disbanded because of constant harassment by war declarations. Granted some morons in the corp totally fed their orca to station humpers, it set the tone for an endless cycle of getting war declared, nobody playing or leaving for a NPC corp, moving, repeat. Ended up in Langisi. Some prat in a catalyst decided my hulk was content, survived the attempt but upon finding the utter ineptitude of the space police to stop it from repeating I sold it. Hell, kill rights were touted as a means of extracting vengeance, but how does one extract any form of punishment when their ship costs a fraction of the one lost? Kill right were nearly pointless, now at least act has been dropped, with the temporarily removal of kill rights now into its second or third year now?

If it were not for a last minute offer to move into Null space I would have quit because for all the hours invested in the game it was almost zero effort for someone else to take it away.

Back then PLEX was about 750 each.

Believe what you want to believe, the lopsided wars drove people away. If it were not for Brisc getting CCP to look at the numbers it would probably still be the status quo to this day.

Whilst not as prevalent, Ganking is an equally unbalanced and one sided gameplay with short term, meaningless consequences to the aggressor.

Blackout. No local, no free intel PvP. Hailed as a more pure, more fair game. Talk about unintended consequences.

Blackout stands out as the worst case of pandering in the history of EVE. Plenty of ‘experts’ must have ‘thought ahead’ and damn did that get rammed through so hard. It lasted, what two weeks?

The instant gratification crowd wanted that so bad, problem being is people did not find it at all fun to be their easy mode content. Hell, there was plenty of PvP around, problem being is these tools got upset that the only people still active were living under massive super fleets under the protection of a cyno umbrella.

All these ‘experts’ who wanted Blackout, when it turned into an abject failure. It directly catered to essentially the antithesis of the ‘your kind’ players such as myself you decry. This is a fundamental difference in positions, the players have already shown an intolerance for exceedingly hostile space, where as a ‘safer’ space will harm the game how exactly? Its not like people who gank cannot go into low sec or null and do it.

It is not supported, nor is it condoned. It is actively fought against and whilst progress is slow, there are more restrictions on ganking than a decade ago. Hopefully their numbers will decline to the point where the conversation will no longer need to be had, as it was for the main afk cloaking thread once mobile observatories were introduced.

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Miners in high security space mining veld will be poor unless they can somehow get days to be over 40 hours long…

Back in the day I coded re-order point control for a Just In Time system.

Hm, then why didn’t the player numbers go up after this was fixed?

Maybe it wasn’t the problem in the first place.

Edit: it’s well known CCP lied with their „numbers“ on this topic: How CCP stopped me from playing my game style - #81 by Destiny_Corrupted

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You keep thinking that :wink:

Ice Mining is still good in HighSec


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