CCP you did it wrong!

Most of us are here because achieving and declaring ultimate victory would be boring and/or sunk-cost fallacy.

I wasn’t asking about “most of us”, I meant you specifically. You seem stronger in your dislike of this game than anyone else who has weighed in.

Sunk cost fallacy? Sounds like you need to take your own advice and unsubscribe, uninstall and forget about the game.


Relax, EVE is not a game where you are a hero, you dont have to win anything or be better than anyone else, that is why people are here. Is just a game without precisely described endgame. I think people who are here to win anything will sooner unsubscribe than those who are here just for laughs and trolling.

I always win at EvE. :thumbsup:

–Winning Gadget


Somebody said something about winning?


Yea, they did it very wrong from the get go. Should have been more like every other decent MMO out there. Just perma ban all multiboxing, botting, hacking, etc. straight and outright. Ban the account, ban any related payment methods and ban the IP address to boot.

This would have been a so much better game.

Kinda too late now though, I suppose now all we can do is just stick around until some good competition arrives.