CCPlease respond on your own forum

Since on reddit you only see content, others want you to see and you can be easily censored. I see nothing wrong with choosing reddit over official forum. Especially when company isn’t doing moderation so there is no risk of accusing ccp for silencing unwanted opinions.

But the amount of shills on Reddit means anything that challenges CCP gets immediately downvoted to oblivion. Which is why they only post there and not on these forums.

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Dunno, I think you’re being optimistic. To me it seems as if those posters are just miserable folks who will use any and all excuses to try and voice their misery and conspiracy nonsense.

Whenever I see some flat-earth silliness or someone with hilarious conspiracies I don’t go “perhaps if people or the government would just explain it to them one more time, then surely they’d stop”. No, I just block them for the wastes of oxygen that they are and if a forum has way too many of those I just stop bothering altogether. Just like how CCP stopped bothering.

EVE forumites seem to be needy children who can’t control their emotions and who just can’t behave in a normal manner. Again, you reap what you sow. Defending that type of behaviour means you’re affirming CCP’s choice to stay the F away.

I suppose there’s a first time for everything.

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Nah, @Ramona_McCandless is right. CCP doesn’t communicate at all so the playerbase is left to draw their own conclusions.

If CCP could dispel these “conspiracies” the community would bury every post that brought it up. So either they’re not conspiracies or CCP is too lazy to care. Either way it’s a bad look.

Honestly though it’s pretty clear at this point. These are not conspiracies. Too many similar sus activities going on with other large gaming companies for this to just be laziness. This is clear corruption at best and worst case scenario CCP is actually catering to botters and RMT (while claiming to fight it i.e. fraud).

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Made a fairly controversial post on reddit. It actually points out the biggest problem with this game. It’s gotten quite a bit of posts but as you can see, it will never receive enough upvotes to get any sort of attention BECAUSE it’s controversial.

Reddit is merely a shilling echo chamber.

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That awkward moment when not just ISD on EVE:O forums close your threads as rant and this same specific thread on the forums was community flagged and removed almost immediately after you posted it (nope I haven’t even had the chance to flag it even if I decided to) but also the r/Eve mods flag your same post as rant and the reddit community downvotes it to oblivion as well.


As was expected. I’m literally just proving my point. It’s actually neutral voted. Meaning I have equal upvotes and downvotes but this just shows why CCP uses reddit because anything controversial inevitably gets buried.

PS. I flagged it as a rant

Literally nothing illegal there

Right, can’t be fraud if Blizzard and GGG are doing it too.

sam sobie cecepem, cecepem, cecepem…

Please do explain how its fraud, there are no laws preventing them from monetising their game, RMT bans are done in waves for a reason, so i’m not actually seeing where there is any kind of fraud being committed here

RMT bans are done in waves for a reason that is different than the one they state. Ban waves are obviously ineffective because logic will tell you if a bot lasts 3 months it will have already paid for itself and then some. Meaning it can afford to simply resub another bot.

CCP is claiming to be fighting bots, and playing up the difficulty, when in reality they could kill botting very easily by hiring a team to do so but choose not to because they make too much money from it. The main problem though, and the reason I say it could be fraud, is the part where they ceaselessly lie about it to their paying customers.

Citation needed, got any evidence to back this claim up?

Ban waves exist because it lets them catch the most people at once, if you immediately ban someone you’re tipping your hand and letting them work out exactly what is or isn’t detected and being tracked, they want to go after as many as possible before the RMT’ers adapt and change what they are doing, i appreciate that to those looking from the outside it might “appear” like they are doing it for other reasons

They have a team that does it, and its a much harder issue that you seem to think it is

Or this is the same excuse every company that has bots uses when they are making too much money off of them to ban them immediately.
I know Blizzard uses the same excuse. I played WoW classic for a bit and it is BOT RIDDEN.

So if banning them in waves is clearly ineffective, and it’s clearly because if you wait 3 months to ban the bot it can already afford to resub, then why are we still doing it? You can’t tell me a multi-million dollar corporation cannot afford a better support team, ■■■■ you could just buff PvP and effectively employ the playerbase.

They make too much money off of them. Just look at their changes, skill injectors, alpha clones, all favor bots and faster bot turnover.

To clarify the money bit. Bots sub with isk. So they drive the price of plex sky high (it’s been inflated AF since about incursion). This PAYS CCP because it encourages whales to buy a bunch of plex with cash and sell it. There’s near infinite demand because of the bots.

In the grand scheme of things though all of this hurts the core gameplay. CCP has demolished most of the frameworks traditionally used by players to create content.
All to keep this guy’s business

Oh i think you dropped something

Let me present you with something else Occam's razor - Wikipedia

As they say, assumption is the mother of all fuckups, the more likely scenario for them using the same reason is, that it is infact, the actual answer

They can already afford to resub if you ban them immediately, they already have to have made a sale before they have actually broken any rules so they are already covered by the time you ban them

Doesn’t matter how many people you throw at the problem or who you hire, its impossible to win the war on RMT, its always going to exist, its the reason PLEX exists, CCP knows people are going to want to buy currency and rather than have people fund RMT sweatshops they offer it to you themselves, that reduced the amount of RMT by a fair bit as i’ve not seen anyone spam a link to an ISK selling site in a very very long time

They also favour preventing people from even looking at external sources for ISK

Like i said its literally impossible to win the war, all you can do is limit the damage and minimize the risks of people ending up sticking their account details in a dodgy website

I mean you’re free to sit there with a mountain of tinfoil on your head, but nobody who has common sense is going to take you seriously and we both know it

Why do you keep feeding folks like him? Just mute, saves you time and might keep the aneurysms at bay. You’re talking to the equivalent of a flat earther, someone who believes in chem trails. There’s just no point and all it really does is make a mess of the forums.

Yeah but i’m bored given the current pandemic, i’ve been off work since early january i need a hobby :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea me too, why do you think I’m even here.

That means you’re adding to the reason why CCP, and other… normal players, ignore the forums.