CCP's Changes

Ok you show me my quote where i stated my opinion. all i said was “I think the latest spike is due to players logging on to show there opinions on the whole matter.” Your seriously calling me out on this statement. your grasping at straws, and its a sad affair when your only rebuke it picking words from a sentence. I hope CCP is paying you enough.

here :

You claim this is logic. It’s not.

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Anderson Geten
So imperial data is not Logic, Please explain.

Logic : a set of rules that allow you to go from a set a statement to another statement.

A statement contains / is logic when it follows the rules of logic.

Your post does not follow logic rules. Therefore it’s illogical, and only the expression of your opinion, which you try to “make logic” by using a fallacious argument. Fallacious being, that pretend to be logic but is not. AKA BS .

example of fallacious argument include, but are not limited to :

  • argument ad populum : “1000 players agree with me, so CCP is wrong”. In reality you can be 1000 players wrong.
  • correlation and causality : “less players playing after this change, this means the change is bad !”. In reality there can be a lot of explanations, including those you can’t imagine until given.
  • equivocation/polysemy : “the player base moved from X to Y”, while what moved is the active accounts. You are switching from a meaning to another, thereby voiding any logic



Lol are you a Troll, you must be a troll a really bad troll. Sorry nobody has the time to argue with people like you. go back to sleep

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I’ll just leave this here-- for posterity, of course.


I actually agree with you, Troll is a word that is an escape, from stating a factual concern of the situation that is present. But try and say that to the average internet person. and see where you get lol.

I appreciate the boost of signal but honestly folks? I would rather that you stayed. That is what the Bus is about, helping the newbros to stay long enough to find their way in the game. You don’t haf to be mad. Is just a geem.

But donating to the Bus is acceptable even if you don’t leave.



Lots of debate wasted here over a browser game.

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why do we need changes all the time, when you just got used to the last ones and then CCP strikes again, no wonder people leave… and I’m certain that as soon as they see their gross income drop there will be more …, etc etc…

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um, no. Changes keep people in game, and entice others to come back. That’s why devs across the industry actively develop their games.

That being said, there are plenty of players that dislike change. In fact, the developer of darkest dundgeon discussed in a GDC how they had to manage the conflicting desires of their play base (i.e. some players wanted change, some hated it).

Now, I’m not going to tell you that wanting a consistent and predictable game play experience is an invalid desire -I mean, I might as well try arguing that people are wrong for liking vanilla ice cream. But please don’t think that because CCP is catering to the desires of all the players that get excited for change, that they are somehow doing players dirty. Just as wanting stability is a valid desire, so is wanting new and exciting changes (in fact, these changes have me so excited about mining, that I’m training miners and bought an orca).

Anyway, CCP might be able to do a better job of managing the competing interests of players that like stability and predictability, but I’m not entirely sure how exactly they could go about doing that. What I do know, however, is that if you are going to play an MMO that is in active development, you need to take steps to ensure that you are capable adapting to change -because change is coming; it’s only a question of when.

The only constant in Eve is change. And the day that stops being the case, is the day that you’ll know that Eve has finally died.


Preach brother. You doing Space Amarr Jebus work out here showing them the way.


The same bobbleheads day after day in fact.

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Yeah, just because a particular change doesn’t appeal to you that doesn’t mean that they don’t care. They do have to balance the competing interests of a wide range of players, with a wide range of play styles and preferences.

Of course, that doesn’t mean much to the bitter vets. Their relentless negativity means that they put a negative spin on everything, and their victim mindset leads to believe ridiculous notions like “CCP hates nullsecers,” “CCP hates miners,” “CCP hates carebears,” and CCP wants to drive existing players away from the game.

Anyway, good luck with your complaining. I think I’m going to go do something fun.


Why don’t you all get together and fund raise and buy the company and/or product and do better?

Like this

I bet you can’t do better, who’s up for a bet?

What typically happens when vets and purists get a game, and I have seen this with games opensourced, they turn it into a walled garden of elites only club and it ends up forgotten into oblivion. Basically if you don’t agree with them, you get banned on even joining the games. They turn it into a private drinkers only club.

Pretty much. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Big changes mean big upsets. But perpetuating an unhealthy game because some players are upset that their gravy train is ending is worse.


Their are far more factors in play here and it’s far too a simplistic a view to lump CCP with the blame for a perceived fall in player numbers.

For instance you don’t know what the numbers would be like now if CCP didn’t take such an active interest in it’s player base and in developing this game. The numbers could be far less than they are now.

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The game’s old, unless they can appeal to the new gamers, it will naturally go down in numbers. Revenues are what matter, the dabloons and crate sales.

Perhaps people should remember that.

I can tell you for a fact that I would be ‘willing’ to come back if they gave miners/industrialists/level 4 missions more variety, options. These changes just reinforce what’s already been the status quo.

Is that supposed to be impressive? More than half are alts…