CDIA Data Brief Neopian Hulls and Technological Capabilities

CDIA Data Brief 6.4.125
Data Compiled From Observations of Eugales VI Orbital Ring Project, During Eugales system Siege by DERAIL and SARO Red Troop Units, and Other New Eden Cluster UNF Projects Readily Surveilable, Other Hull Types May Be Active In Anoikis, or In Less Visible Locations in New Eden

Transport Type Vessel B31-UG4 ‘Beluga’ - Presumed Blockade Runner Equivalent
The Beluga class seems to be a mid-life retrofit of an older Hauler type vessel that, as far as observations have ascertained has been in service for multiple decades, the previous classification ‘Coelacanth’ was observed for some years during early stages of the Eugales project ferrying personnel and materials before being upgraded significantly to a high capacity Blockade Runner equivalent standard.

The Beluga’s defensive systems seem to favor strong, lightweight superstructure and heavy shielding over armor(a trait shared with other observed Neopian hulls).

Advanced Relay modules in conjunction with External Clamps seem to indicate that the Beluga was refit and upgraded for long range support of Warclone Pilots in remote and hostile territory in mind, and implies perhaps a similar function for Warclone Infantry.

Destroyer Type Vessel N1GT-J4R ‘Nightjar’ - Presumed Command Destroyer Equivalent
The Nightjar as currently observed seems to be a brand new Command Destroyer equivalent hull type being rapidly adopted by Neopian affiliated defensive squadrons to great effect, with a primary weapons system built around secondary craft supported by long ranged rockets, it seems to generally be a drone platform with exceptional speed and durability, coupled with the use of MicroJump Field Generators and Command Burst Support.

Like the Beluga, it seems to be built with Warclone support in mind, a disturbing trend in current Neopian designs

The increased cost as compared to more traditional destroyer designs does not currently seem to be a significant strain on Neopian resources, however it is expected that a stripped down Tech 1 equivalent variant may eventually be deployed as supplement. Concerning parallels to Magus and Pontifex command and control systems have been noted in operation.

Cruiser Type Vessel Z1P-R4 ‘Zipray’ - Presumed Tech 1 Line Combat Cruiser Equivalent
The Zipray, like the Beluga, seems to be a midlife refit of an older Neopian design, and is currently the only Tech 1 Equivalent in observed steady operation, though perhaps better described in the ‘factional’ range due to certain quirks of design philosophy regarding support capabilities. The Zipray seems to be intended for heavy secondary craft support in close range operations with missile based secondary weaponry as supplement, to that end it is a relatively fast cruiser type vessel with a reinforced superstructure and heavy shielding as currently seems typical of Neopian design philosophy, with a robust launch hangar and recovery facilities for its size.

It seems intended for use with a bias toward personal shield boosting, with secondary subsystems for limited remote shield transfer likely intended to extend longevity of support craft.

As with previously noted Neopian designs it seems intended to work in support of Warclone entities such as Clone Pilots and Clone Infantry.

Intermediate Support Type Vessel R3M-0R ‘Remora’ - Presumed Industrial Command Equivalent
Despite the tentative equivalent classification of Industrial Command Ship, the Remora is an Intermediate Support Vessel with a heavy bias toward operational support, and only limited as yet observed industrial support capabilities.

Somewhere between the mass of ORE’s Orca class(the only other entity currently operating and supporting Intermediate Support Hull designs on a widescale aside from the edencom Fortification subvariant) and the Bowhead class, the Remora currently operates as the Neopian answer to logistics and command vessels, with a heavy reliance on support craft, and acting as a mobile repair and re-armament platform with significant fleet hangar and ship maintenance bay capacities for its size, and a robust launch and recovery system for assorted sizes of small support craft. The Remora represents a strange mix of ideas and capabilities for relatively low cost at the pseudocapital scale, and likely is the upper end of Neopian hull design capability at this time though this may change quickly as they continue to aggressively co-opt technologies from the cluster.

The Remora has been observed to have significant in situ macrofacturing capabilities for support equipment and clone blanks for warclone and baseline combat entities, implying a general inclination for this refit to support protracted ground combat operations.

Additional Notes: Neopian elements seem largely content to fill gaps left in their primary line of vessels with various hulls from the Four Empires, Pirate Factions, and Independents of the contemporary cluster, however as they continue to refit their older designs it may be reasonable to presume the number of widescale in-use hulls will climb.

Post Script: The continuing Neopian non-signatory status and lack of adherence to AG12 may represent a potential threat to stability as their cultural moors related to technological advancement are somewhat divorced from those of the contemporary cluster, but the remoteness of their home systems, and continuing entrenchment in their contemporary cluster localized enclaves represents a difficulty in actually remedying this… situation. Further, their relative openness to diplomacy and negotiation, in conjunction with aggressive use of media coverage to expose and press against aggressive suppression presents a difficulty for CONCORD forces to openly remove them(see Eugales Incident documentations for further details).


CDIA Data Brief 7.20.125
Data Compiled From Ongoing Observations and Most Recent Eugales Raid Activities by SARO, DERAIL, Algintal Core, and Kirkinen Risk Control, Continuing Capabilities and Actions Notated for the Record Prior To Forced Exfiltration Under Guard Of Gallente Federal Navy and Intelligence Assets

PREFACE: Efforts to Leverage Contacts in Federal Intelligence Office Special Department of Internal Investigations For Additional Data Has Proven Difficult. Current Set of Contacts Recalcitrant. Vunerability Exploit Exposed By Neopian Warmind Glitter Edifice in Gallente Orbital Interdiction Satellite Softwares Noted For Future Usage Where Necessary, Though Expect Closure of Exploit Very Quickly

Technological Overview: Hyperspatial Translocation Unit Referred To By Belligerent Entities as ‘Tidebreak Device’
The so called Tidebreak Device, as far as we can tell, is an extensive network of nodes, transponders, and assorted multivalent systems based on ancient precursor technological insights using Yan Jung Hyperspatial Field and Gravitronic Theory, Triglavian Materials and Insights(likely adjacent derivative of Filament and Caster technologies), and disturbing parallels to extant CONCORD ‘Harpoon’ class systems used for extraction of high value targets. Additional technological basis seems to center firmly on older Warclone Drop Uplink transponder networks, taking the insights that the hostile Warmind class restricted AI Glitter Edifice, and Rose Eagle have gathered, and aggressively re-engineered into a cohesive network of advanced translocation capabilities that seem to be a standard addition to Neopian vessels and facilities, tuned as an Emergency Recall and Redeployment system.

At the time of this writing the exact mechanisms of translocation are not completely understood, as the mass energy displacement signatures from a ‘Tidebreak event’ are quite different from Filament, Jump Drive, Gate, Uplink Wormhole, or Warp Drive. Additionally, spatiotemporal affects during, and immediately following Tidebreak usage are noted as significant. The closest approximate being the ill-studied and largely poorly defined ‘Dead Storm’ phenomena of the Detorid outer region. The implications of this are not lost on the department, and resources are requested to be diverted to the region to study, and search for technology examples that may be of similar capability.

It is currently believed that Tidebreak, as it exists, has a functionally unlimited range, like the Stellar Shipcasters that all four Empires have since constructed despite protests from CONCORD and the SoCT. Current at distance observations of tidebreak events suggest even orbital and planetary infrastructure may be possible to translocate enmass, though at the potential cost of local space time conditions at send and receive locations for extended time frames See Record MHC-R3 7.2 ongoing observations for additional details.


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