Champions of Lowsec! Congratulations SNUFFED OUT!

No because none of the AOE effects can be used in low. Caps in low suppresses all other activity, eventually there is no point because just like in this contest some null block will win.

If anything the result will be evidence that caps should be removed from low.



  1. I think the cost to performance curve is already pretty good. The biggest spot it breaks down is with capital ships, and they’re already working on that.
  2. How does making it easier for nullblocs to mine vast quantities of minerals gel with your dislike for the ability of nullblocs to build insurmountable advantages?
  3. Well, counterplay to blops drops also includes killing cyno capable ships, but I get your point. The threat of hotdrops can deter fights.
  4. I agree with you in the broad strokes, but not the details. Like, I think that ships should be able to deal with ships more than one ship size outside of their weightclass, but dreads being able to kill frigs is too far in the other direction.
  5. Don’t know enough about the subject to feel comfortable weighing in.
  6. There is too much safety in Eve, but I’m not so sure this is the way to fix it. Also, good luck trying to convince players that an increase to their risk and/or decrease to their income is a good thing.
  7. I’m hopeful too. I guess we’ll see.

Anyway, CCP has been working on PvP game mechanics. For example, they have greatly restricted what ships can use cyno’s and removed HAW’s from titans. So, it’s not like they’re just tossing out skilling spree and hoping that will be enough. They look to be taking a multi-pronged approach, and seem to be finding varying levels of success with different things.

And, you kind of bring up a good point with PL. The reward structure likely means that this event will appeal more to large groups, since they have a decent chance of winning. Meanwhile, smaller groups and solo players will likely feel that they have no chance of competing, and are just going to get blobbed by the larger groups any way. So, I guess we’ll see.

Also, needlejack filaments seem to be wildly popular, so I’m not sure that you’re giving CCP enough credit.


Just make it so you have to join Faction Warfare before the kills start counting to be eligible for the prize that way null sec blobs will have to sacrifice in order to dominate low sec and as a bonus their members might enjoy the FW life style and stay after the rest of the alliance leaves which makes FW numbers increase null blocks will have to be fine with loosing members to FW in order to do this.

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HAHA … yeah right.

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I agree with you on 1. But let’s talk about what I mean with fighter controls.

Have you tried to multibox carriers? It’s quite difficult to multibox carriers, since there’s a lot of micro-management involved. A lot of Rorq pilots, especially in the larger blocs, are multiboxing six, eight, twelve rorqs to mine. You force them to use fighter controls, and I’d wager that the number of Rorqs they can actively manage drops considerably. That’s what I mean. Increase the cognitive load to run a single Rorq, buff its mining output to compensate, but not enough that one player can make 12 Rorqs’ worth of minerals.

As for 6., I am absolutely certain the big nullsec blocs would howl in protest over this. But it fits with EVE’s “risk=reward” ethos, and it would force krabbers to spread out, away from their supercap umbrellas (which, in my mind, is what’s making nullsec so stagnant right now).

And I do agree with you about the latter stuff: I think (?) CCP is making some good moves with making caps less oppressive, so I’m hopeful they fix it. But I think the needlejacks are a band-aid, and I’m also deeply skeptical of randomized, contextless pvp skirmishes as a basis for interesting gameplay. I want pvp to be meaningful, which means I want to have a reason why I’m getting in this fight besides just #content, and I want the outcome of that fight to have consequences.

That’s another part of EVE’s ethos that CCP seems to be neglecting here: your choices are supposed to matter, and that applies just as much to how you approach pvp as a whole as it does to how you approach each fight.

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Then go back to blobsec where you belong.

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I am an agent of The new Order. I operate in the most dangerous area of the game: high sec.

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Well everyone has a different understanding of the word dangerous :], for some sweeping the driveway and busting a hip is a real concern, that’s why eve accommodate for all types even those that want to live in highsec and feel safe.

Danger levels 1-10 10 being highest
high sec: 1
Traveling through caldari high sec while in gallente fw with -9 caldari faction standing: 2
null sec: 3
low sec: 5
worm holes: 7
Jita 4-4 undock without good bookmarks: 8
Jita 4-4 undock with good bookmarks: 1
Thera: 8
Pvping through drifter holes: 9
Traveling through Rancer/Tama/ PF- or any popular camping spot during prime time: 10
Doing dumb things: 20

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Your rankings are funny.


These numbers are arbitrary without a basis of scoring present.

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Oh, okay. I misunderstood. That makes sense.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about multiboxing. I personally multibox a handful of accounts -which I find reasonable (most people can do what I do if they wanted to). But I think we start getting into a grey area as the number of multiboxed toons increase (far fewer players are able to multibox lots of toons due to hardware and network limitations).

And mining in general is probably too passive (whether people multi-box or not).

Anyway, I could go on, but there’s someone on another thread that needs a wall of text thrown at them.

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The base is 15 years of experience in all areas of eve :] unlike those who say high sec is dangerous and shoot only those who cant shoot back.

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That doesnt even make sense.

What does 1 point actually represent?

And how many do you reduce your 10 point gate camp to when using a properly fit Blockade Runner?

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Now if we can just get a scoreboard to keep track!


Literally what I came here to ask. Where’s the scoreboard ? Why do some people claim they’re winning ? is it all estimation by them, based on zkill ?


The final winner won’t be known until some days after the event - there’ll be a lot of numbers to crunch and we have to write blogs, prepare assets and so forth for the prizes!


high sec: depends on where in HS and what ship/fit you’re in, but okay…

WH: depends on the hole!

etc. etc.

but good advert for instadocks and instaundocks. Very very important in all the trade hubs but esp. Jita, yes.


That kind of contents cause this


the thing sucks always favored low sec players

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Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap! Champions of Lowsec officially concluded at downtime today. We’ll let you know the results as soon as we can!