Change how tether works in highsec for suspects and outlaws


The one who decides to apply the mechanims is a NPC (the structure). structures are NPC deployed by players. They are still NPCs.

There is no player station. There are only player structures. Just because CCP does not want/can grant the tethering mechanism to X or Y does not mean it’s not a NPC mechanism.

Are you stupid ?

Can you wardec an NPC station ? No.
Can you wardec a player station ? Yes.

See the difference ?

No you can’t.

You are just ignorant. You can’t wardec a structure, no more than you can wardec a station.

They are in space and on tether. Which makes them invulnerable, just as much as any other pilot is as invulnerable on tether as they are when docked.

What makes suspects and outlaws special?

Why should other people be invulnerable on tether?

because they don’t have a suspect timer.

Let me rephrase for you …

Can you wardec the owner of an NPC station ? No.
Can you wardec the owner (human) of a citadel ? Yes

Now you see the difference ?

Oh , so now you finally got it.

I can see you have nothing related.

You are only insulting without any interesting argument.

Change the glasses .

I’ve seen structures blow up supercapital ships. It might have been a player piloting the ‘NPC’.


The term in “manning”.
I also watched concord blow up a titan. Was it a proof that concord is not NPC ?

If the CONCORD ship in question was manned by a capsuleer, yes. If not, no.

I’ve been on blops drops with Marshals, those ships are beautiful.

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Dude just because stations were provided as tech by Upwell , doesn’t mean that they are NPCs , if players are the ones to anchor them and manage them .
What you are saying is just horseshit.

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Therefore you acknowledge that interacting with a capsuleer in reaction to player actions does not prevent from being NPC mechanism.

We are all bots here , it’s unrelated.

No they were not.
Stations are installed by CCP, period.
what is deployed by players are structures, not stations. You are just showing your ignorance.

Yes structures are NPC. They have their own mechanism that don’t rely on players to man them. They can be parametrized and react to player, does not mean they are not NPC - just like concord reacting to other players does not make it less NPC.

Upwell structures , I spelled it as station , my bad. But you should have tell that seeing the Upwell word next to it.

Ignorance ?
“Stations are installed by CCP, period.”

Because in nullsec players never installed stations before we had Upwell structures …

Think again of who is ignorant.

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No I do not.

that’s called “outpost”, not stations.

You proved again you are.