Changes coming in August from Team Psycho Sisters

can you make the “ignore result” list persist through session change as well?

Nice work.

Heaven, I’m in heaven, / And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

Sometimes seemingly small changes like this have the potential to improve one’s game experience more than the most work-intensive features. Thank you very much!

Having the option to share these scan results with your corporation would indeed extend the awesomeness of this change by a bit, fix issues with losing all your results when your client crashes or you lose connection and potentially help to moderate the corp bookmark problem.

:thumbsup:t3: :thumbsup:t3: :thumbsup:t3:

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Scanned signatures will now be persisted for the duration of a client session. They will no longer be cleared on a session change for example docking/undocking, jumping wormholes etc

That’s long overdue, thank you!

One thing I’d like to ask, though, on the signatures list, will it save the ignored state of signatures as well as the scanned state?

This is good. How about adding alliance bookmarks?

Yes thank you. Now can you remove local chat from null sec so there isn’t a perfect intel tool for free? Thanks

They’d have to change the type of entity that an alliance is altogether at the moment. I’d almost guarantee that implementing it would break current alliances in their sov and everything - imagine a complete reset in null. wew lads.

They have yet to address corp role systems. I’m not saying it is one or the other but corporation UI and code is in dire need of attention. - less so than alliances atm in my opinion.

Personally I feel that both need to be revamped entirely and together.

Please tell me it will save at least Group if I don’t scan it to 100%…

They said this day would never come… Good job team psycho sister! :grinning:



maybee a new filter option in the probe scanner would be nice for filter out known signatures?

Deleting bookmarks after a period of time could cause problems. It looks like a good idea at first, but if you think about safe spots or bookmarked towers, it is not a good idea. What i would like is the possibility to check folders where the delete mechanism should be used. So the WH, Relic, Data and Gas Sites would be cleared automatically, but the folder with the safe spots remains unchanged.


Great changes at all also nice to see that some work is going on on the beta map which has been in beta for 4 years now.

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Fantastic changes, thank you Team Psycho Sisters. <3

I’m certain this means more movement through holes, as the whole micromanaging process of saving/deleting temporary Sigs was one of the biggest hurdles. Maybe the best change of the year!

Minor request: is there any plan to ease the lag for sessions changes for people who have a large amount of personal bookmarks (while the bookmark tab is open)?

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Regarding the expiring bookmark idea, why not just have a tick box in the bookmark naming window to enable/disable the expire option? Possibly even an option to choose No expiry, 24 hour expiry, 48 hour etc…


More clicks. Much better just to auto-expire bookmarks for wormholes, specifically.

thank you thank you thank you thank you :slight_smile:

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It would be just for a Bookmark of the WH itself. If you wanted to have that location as a safe, make a second BM a little ways away from the WH.


Please change the default probe launch to “pinpoint” instead of “spread” while you are working on the code!! (or give us a shortcut key to switch modes)

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